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Nike Cogs [final]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Nike Cogs

Sex: Colt

Age: Young Colt

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Orange

Coat Color: Grey

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Blue Mane that's short and spiky but has a small pony tail near the middle of the back of his head. His tail is generally cut short and smooth.

Physique: Tall, and slightly muscular

Cutie Mark: Cogs

Origin/Residence: Originally born in Canterlot but has since been roaming from town to town on 'Gauteau' trying to find more parts and ideas.

Occupation: Inventor

Motivation: To be able to create sentient artificial life as well as the world's greatest machine.

Likes: Machines, Gauteau, drawing schematics, perfection, upgrading Gauteau and apple cider.

Dislikes: Getting things wrong, whenever Gauteau breaks down, being ridiculed, and whenever people put down the idea his dreams of creating artificial life.

Character Summary:

Nike was born the youngest of six fillies to a family of clock makers and even from a young age he was fascinated by machines and clockworks. However as time moved on he began to help with the family business... with sorta mixed results. While his brothers, sisters, and other family members made basic clocks, Nike always made bizzarre clocks with complicated functions and other uses other than 'telling time'. His family being hardcore traditionalists were not too happy with the idea of their filly tampering with the careful process of clock building and had a tendency to shun him whenever he presented an idea to them. His siblings were the harshest critics of his works and his eldest brother often found joy in breaking Nike's creations. However, the young colt took the pain quietly. He acted like he threw out his penchant for crazy creations and helped make traditional clocks... but in the back of his mind... he had a 'special' idea brewing. How did this idea come to be? A long time ago Jake had read a story about a giant made of stone who tried to become friends with a group of ponies in a village but was shunned away until he was able to perform several tasks the ponies couldn't do before, thus winning their friendship. Nike wanted to try and create something that could perform a multitude of tasks. However due to the technology limitations he went for the Heavy lifting aspect of the story to start off with.

After months and months and months of hard labor in an old building in Canterlot Nike not only built his finest creation but got his cutie mark as well. He took several logs and hollowed them out replacing it with clock work mechanics he 'borrowed' from the family shop and used metal spheres as joints. After making arms from said logs, and used large thick cogs to make four wheels, he began to work on a large hollowed out log and carved out a face and added in lightbulbs for eyes. He soon had a crazy idea and added in a seat, levers and switches. After using some magic, his creation Gauteau was powered up and ready for Nike to control with with the multitude of levers and buttons within the hollow head. The next day Canterlot was greeted with the bizzare wooden face, about the size of two full grown colts standing ontop of each other, with arms and a young colt sitting inside it with his head sticking out the top. At that moment, Nike saw his flank start to glow and a group of cogs appeared as his cutie mark. He was thrilled and immediately went to his family's store with the intention to finally make them proud. However... his parents were enraged that Nike had been sneaking out and stealing parts from the family's shop. And they weren't too thrilled by the... 'thing' their son had made. Nike got frantic but showed off the heavy lifting functions of Gauteau and brought them over to the woods where he had the thing lift up a large builder... something his parents still didn't like. In a fit of frustration and anger Nike used Gauteau to destroy a good chunk of the store before fleeing the city. However this put a strain on Gauteau's meticulously built arms and they shattered leaving it only able to be used as a mode of transportation.

For about a day he spent curled inside Gauteau crying at his own failure. Finally he fell asleep and in his head, he began to dream... an entire race of artificial creatures. Helpers to help everypony with everyday chores and generally make their lives easier. He imagined every single house in Equestria having one or two of these. Farms would have massive artificial beings to help in crops! Entire cities would have these things as cleaners! Repairing! Helping! Cooking! Cleaning! Transportation! CONVERSATION EVEN! ANYTHING! His eyes soon opened up and he peeked out and looked down at the wooden face. "Oh no... we're not done yet Gauteau... we've got A LOT of work to do!" He built a wagon for the Gauteau to pull as well as a crane like mechanism for heavy lifting (mainly due to a large flaw he found in trying to make basic arms) and began to wonder the country seeking parts and uses for his clock work race. But of course there are a few set backs to his plans. Like for one, something of this magnitude would be IMPOSSIBLE in this day and age, something other ponies tend to try and shove in his face. Also even if such a thing WERE possible how would he be able to power it? Not all ponies were unicorns and couldn't use magic to power these machines. So for now he basically works as a traveling repair-pony going from town to town doing repairs and such. However Nike Cogs, in a state of delusion of grandeur of course, still remains diligent in this dream despite the ridicule.

Proooooblem is... he's kind of... too proud, often to the point of annoying with his bragging about the wonders of clockwork mechanics as well as Gauteau. Also he is very sensitive to criticism, whenever he works on something even the smallest bit of bad criticism will get him frustrated and try to rebuild the thing he was working on. He also gets easily stress and can act rather venomous towards anypony who gets in his way. Also lately he's been feeling lonely from all the traveling he's done by himself. However most of the time he's seen as an eccentric colt with a possibly a really dumb or genius idea.

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Oh yes, this comes first! Please place your character's name in the title, along with its species, and its status! It should look like this:


[Pegasus] Tales [FINAL]

The first set of brackets is for the Species, which is explained below. It'll be a Topic Prefix rather than in brackets though. No need to add it twice! In the middle goes the Name of your character (everypony needs a name!). In the last brackets goes the status. Still working on a character? [WIP]! All finished, edited, and ready for RP Helpstaff assessment? [FINAL]!

Thank you. :)

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Unfortunately, as interesting as Gauteau is, he unfortunately isn't suitable for Mane RP. It's beyond the apparent level of possible technology in Equestria and appears to even be the first of what I think you're suggesting are self-aware and autonomous androids in Equestria. That's way too out there for what we're going for in this RP. Autonomous self-aware machines are not going to be in the forseeable future in the Mane RP. For crossover, this would be okay, but as it stands only simple machines that you'd might have found in the mid to late 1800's are possible in Equestria. There's nothing wrong with him being an inventor and dabbler in mechanical magical hybrids, but they should be of machines that would be of typical practical use to ponies, such as the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 which was at its heart a Cider Machine that was also self-propelled and controlled by unicorns who happened to ride along with it. That's about as complex and outlandish as it gets. Anything else that didn't have a special purpose would have to have an extremely good justification for its existence other than just at the whim of an inventor, and this is unfortunately also part of why Gauteau can't be allowed in the mane RP as it stands.

However, if 'Gauteau' is a name for a type of engine (steam, magic, or hybrid) he builds that fills more of a niche than the standard steam engines currently in use, that could work as well. Perhaps it's a sort of machine controlled by unicorns that helps work fields, or maybe used as a crane, or even can be a sort of multipurpose machine based on a singular design (Such as a machine with a crank that can have different attachments to it to serve those purposes), as long as it has a somewhat whimsical origin and use this could be allowed.

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Unfortunately, as interesting as Gauteau is, he unfortunately isn't suitable for Mane RP. It's beyond the apparent level of possible technology in Equestria and appears to even be the first of what I think you're suggesting are self-aware and autonomous androids in Equestria. That's way too out there for what we're going for in this RP. Autonomous self-aware machines are not going to be in the forseeable future in the Mane RP. For crossover, this would be okay, but as it stands only simple machines that you'd might have found in the mid to late 1800's are possible in Equestria. There's nothing wrong with him being an inventor and dabbler in mechanical magical hybrids, but they should be of machines that would be of typical practical use to ponies, such as the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 which was at its heart a Cider Machine that was also self-propelled and controlled by unicorns who happened to ride along with it. That's about as complex and outlandish as it gets. Anything else that didn't have a special purpose would have to have an extremely good justification for its existence other than just at the whim of an inventor, and this is unfortunately also part of why Gauteau can't be allowed in the mane RP as it stands.

However, if 'Gauteau' is a name for a type of engine (steam, magic, or hybrid) he builds that fills more of a niche than the standard steam engines currently in use, that could work as well. Perhaps it's a sort of machine controlled by unicorns that helps work fields, or maybe used as a crane, or even can be a sort of multipurpose machine based on a singular design (Such as a machine with a crank that can have different attachments to it to serve those purposes), as long as it has a somewhat whimsical origin and use this could be allowed.

Ah man I totally messed up. It's not a sentient life, it's just a machine Nike controls from inside. But I see what you're saying. Alrighty, I fixed up the profile so Gauteau is mainly just mode of transportation and heavy lifting.

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