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Timbre Swing [Final]


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Roleplay Type: Mane RP

Name: Timbre Swing (Timbre pronounced tain-bruh, a French word for tone)

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Blue

Coat Color: Muted green

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: shaggy, unkempt mane and tail, both muted blue.

Physique: a bit taller than the average pony, and a bit on the thin side for a stallion as well.

Cutie Mark: Power of Music

Origin/Residence: Canterlot, but now he has no steady residence.

Occupation: Double bass player, swing musician, and scat singer.

Motivation: To enjoy life to the fullest, and bring back swing music where he can.

Character Summary: Timbre Swing was born in Canterlot to a Fancy family (but not THE Fancy family, as his father would jokingly remind people). Growing up was a mixed experience for him: half of the time people would either be fascinated by his accent, others would make fun of him for barely being able to speak Equestrian (which improved over time, though the thick accent remained). Still, Timbre made the best of it, and he has no regrets at all. Around the time he was about to pass into his colt stage, he learned he had quite an incredible talent, the one that earned him his cutie mark.

It had come out in a talent show, but originally he'd learned to do it on his own without knowing how remarkable it was. His mother would often play music as she worked in her workshop, fixing up instruments people brought on. As Timbre Swing often watched, he got to know the music. Eventually, the music would get him to hum, but the humming soon became more than humming. One day, he began attempting to imitate the trumpet with his voice, which at first was a bit rough and just caused him mother to chuckle and tell him to stop. But Timbre didn't...he kept practicing, and he had become so adept at scat-singing (though he had no idea that was its name) that he impressed his parents quite a bit when he was cleaning up the living room and scatting, improvising a tune of his own. Timbre decided to enter a talent show, putting his voice up against real musicians and singers. Though Timbre Swing didn't come out on top (but darn close), his energetic performance, which consisted of him dancing and improvising a song to a very basic tune played over record, resulted in his cutie mark. He didn't notice, so caught up in thinking ahead in his mind and reproducing the noises he needed with his lips, but everyone else did: at the climax of his performance, his cutie mark appeared mid performance, causing the crowd to cheer quite wildly for him. From that day on, he'd been refining his scatting ability, trying to become the best at it if he could.

Timbre didn't stop right there with music though. While working one day, his almost second-calling happened. He worked for an old antique store in his little section of Canterlot. While cleaning out the back room, he found a very old phonograph, with a dusty, but still intact record on the turntable. He retrieved the phonograph, cleaned it up, and set the record turning. He had never heard the kind of music that had come out of the record before...his mother usually played slow jazz and classical music, but the

that came from the record was something he'd never heard anywhere before. It was jazzy, but faster paced, loud...it was swing jazz. Of course, he'd known part of his name, Swing, came from a kind of music but his parents had never told him what it was specifically. And nopony he'd talked to had ever heard of it. He brought the record home from the antique shop and immediately set to work trying to learn more about it.

Timbre Swing eventually did. He learned that it was an old style of music not often listened to anymore, as most people listened to the pop, rock, and other kind of music. Timbre made it his unofficial mission to bring it back. But he knew he couldn't just use his scat-singing to do what he needed to do...he needed something else. So, Timbre saved up a while lot of money at work and eventually bought himself a beautiful used double bass...and subsequently taught himself how to play it. Now, Timbre could play a bass line and fill in the rest with his voice. He had his instruments, and he was ready for fame...and he wasn't even a stallion yet.

The moment he DID become a stallion, he said goodbye to his parents, stuck a black fedora on top of his head, stuck his double bass in its wheeled case, and made his way out into the world to make a name for himself, and swing music. His energy filled performances and excitable personality have earned him a small number of loyal fans, and how he's getting out of Canterlot to try and expand his fanbase.

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Timbre Swing was born in Canterlot to a Fancy [French] family (but not THE Fancy family, as his father would jokingly remind people). Growing up was a mixed experience for him: half of the time people would either be fascinated by his accent, others would make fun of him for barely being able to speak English (which improved over time, though the thick accent remained). Still, Timbre made the best of it, and he has no regrets at all. Around the time he was about to pass into his colt stage, he learned he had quite an incredible talent, the one that earned him his cutie mark.

For now I would nix the [French] part from the app. Although we all know what "Fancy" represents in the show, there is no mention of a ponified France in the show or the RP world, we just need to nix that part for now (it could be something we elect to add at a later date). As for "English", what should be said is "Standard Equestrian" as there is no actual "English" (or England) in the show. yes it is English to us, so we can follow the show, but in their world, its Equestrian.

Other than this, I feel the application is just fine.

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I meant it more as an aside, just in case the reference went overhead, but I can drop it.

It's just dropping the word [French] from it, right, though the language can stay?

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I meant it more as an aside, just in case the reference went overhead, but I can drop it.

It's just dropping the word [French] from it, right, though the language can stay?

Just call it "Fancy" for now, and like I said, exchange "English" for "Standard Equestrian".

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