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Ahem, apologies for necroposting, but I just thought I'd say that I'm Super-SonicGT on DA and yes, I'm the guy behind that white Super pegasus of Chaotic power known as Super Rainbow Dash, who you might have seen on DA through the various pony groups on there.

Since the idea of Rainbow Dash going Super seemed to be getting favorites in the hundreds range with nearly every pic of her on DA, and were also featured in some of EqD's Drawfriends, honestly, I thought she would be at least known throughout these pony forums as well. But I guess I was wrong in the end, and basically overestimated her popularity. *shrug*

Ah well, it's no biggie anyway. Just a pinch of curiosity on my tongue, that's all. ^_^

First I have to say, yes, that Super-Dash (or whatever name they came up with) is AWESOME!

I dont consider it to be the same when one item drops between domensions as when there's a full-blown crossover. Honestly, How hard would it have been to make the chaos emeralds into some equestrian artifact? Not too hard.

Now that I look back at it, indeed, it wouldn't have been hard to make them the Chaotic equivalent of the Elements of Harmony. But the fic I wrote with Super Dash defeating the Ursa Major was originally part of an ongoing storyline of mine, and since the Chaos Emeralds had teleported away after the events of the previous fic I wrote, I simply took advantage of that and made them land in Equestria, instead.

Glad you found her design awesome, btw. ^_^

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Ah, I see now Klonoa why I love both Sonic and FiM. I am currently working on a Shining Force and MLP crossover that happens after Zeon's resealing, but then I realized the sheer mumber of characters would make the fic too complicated so I transformed it into an RP which I will probably condense into a fic later on.

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Now that I look back at it, indeed, it wouldn't have been hard to make them the Chaotic equivalent of the Elements of Harmony. But the fic I wrote with Super Dash defeating the Ursa Major was originally part of an ongoing storyline of mine, and since the Chaos Emeralds had teleported away after the events of the previous fic I wrote, I simply took advantage of that and made them land in Equestria, instead.

humm... interesting... I did something very similar (back when there were a HUGE number of green emeralds instead of the 7 rainbow ones) where I "crossed over" 5 different worlds when an emerald landing in one and causing trouble (then just as it was almost recovered it hopped to another)... never got very far with it, unfortunately...

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humm... interesting... I did something very similar (back when there were a HUGE number of green emeralds instead of the 7 rainbow ones) where I "crossed over" 5 different worlds when an emerald landing in one and causing trouble (then just as it was almost recovered it hopped to another)... never got very far with it, unfortunately...

I see. I'm guessing you follow the Archie continuity? 'Cause in the games, there were always seven rainbow Emeralds. I don't read Archie, btw; I just follow the games.

...heh, rainbow emeralds... How VERY fitting. XD

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I see. I'm guessing you follow the Archie continuity? 'Cause in the games, there were always seven rainbow Emeralds. I don't read Archie, btw; I just follow the games.

...heh, rainbow emeralds... How VERY fitting. XD

I used to follow Archie untill issue ~75 (when they veered to follow the game continuity again) to me the games were very dry and mindless (I started back with the original Sonic 1 on Genesis, where the whole plot was 3 paragraphs) then DIC animation put out the Sonic SatAM series, which was adventure-driven and Archie decided to follow it. It continued some time quite well, but then around issue 46 (the "ENDGAME" miniseries) it started getting too soap-opera-y for me (though I'm told that it actually was basically 'normal' for comics by a friend who followed the various X-men series) by issue 60-something my subscription ran out and it was slowly heading back into the game, around issue 75 it reintroduced "eggman" the "Chao" and a few other things I forgot, and at that point I dropped it. Later I looked on a sonic Wiki and found that they had gone further to turn the "thousands of Emeralds" into the 7 from the game, not to mention re-introduce humans as a large race, and slowly, but radically alter the plot so it fell in line with Sonic Adventure. By now I have no interest in the Sonic Canon outside of what little effect it has on the game I'm playing at the moment (which is usually covered in a half-page of back-story)

If you cant tell, back in the 90s I used to be deep into the sonic fandom, but as it shifted to game canon I fell out of it. as you might have guessed, FiM is kinda-sorta filling a hole left by the sonic fandom (the *fandom* is filling it nicely, the series... well... it's filling it well enough as long as I occasionally read some more serious fics (if you like the Sonic canon you might look at "a Future Worth Saving" I read it untill it stopped updating in Nov(I think) and it reminds me a LOT of Sonic)

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The MLP:FiM universe crosses over fairly well, provided you play up the cognitive dissonance. For example, a Warhammer 40k crossover could work very well (Forces of Friendship vs Forces of GRIMDARK anyone?). It's a pity I've only found two such crossovers: one was very silly, but well written; the other had all the hallmarks of a writer still learning the ropes and not getting it quite right on the first go.

Edited because I can't spell.

Edited by ShaleCrow
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I've always thought of writing a MLP:FiM and Madoka magica fan fic. Since Madoka magica is a deconstruction of the magical girl genre (where love and friendship usually wins in the end) and since love and friendship always wins in MLP:FiM I think crossing them over would make for an interesting grimmdark fanfic :D

On a side note: Twist would easily fit the role of Homura.

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I have seen crossover art with Mother 3 and MLP on DA that was absolutely excellent. Well the principle heroes were ponified. Duster and Flint look absolutely gorgeous and Duster's CM is a stapler! <3:D

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