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Can haz art?


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Sorry about the Cheezburger thing in the title. Anyways, I recently turned up the heat on my brony-ism after I started a Drawing class at school. Turns out, you have to be able to draw beforehand. Uh oh :-| So to try and remedy the situation, I have started drawing ponies ALL. THE. TIME. Mostly, it's just doodles on pages. I'll post some (or all) of them. I just finished season one and then Luna Eclipsed so I kinda fell off the AJ bandwagon :sleep: and now I believe <3 Little Strongheart is best pony <3 So expect me to try and draw much Strongheart. Once I get some ponies posted, please give me your honest opinion. Sugar coating it doesn't help anyone. Also! If you could leave me your Pony Creator OC or suggestions for drawings, I'd appreciate it. Thanks, I know this might be tl;dr so here is a synopsis.

Me:Draw ponies.

You:Give feedback

Me:Draw moar ponies.

You:Give ideas

Me:Draw all the ponies.

TPhoto_00001.jpgThis one isn't a very good one, but it's the only one I have on-hand. Tomorrow, I can probably scan most of the ones I did before and after this, which are, for the most part, better. However, I couldn't and still cannot draw faces. Especially eyes! I just can't handle the expressive-ness. Also, Strongheart is best pony.

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Also, Strongheart is best pony.

What? no-no-no, that's not how you Spell "Rainbow Dash"! (lol love that joke sorry)

you call that a "bad drawing"?!? I should post some of my work as an example of bad so you'll know your good! lol (oddly enough I can draw stationary objects marginally better than living ones) Seriously, though, that's good art, all you have left is to ink it and throw it into photoshop and it can rival atleast 1/3 of what's on DA (quite possibly more...)

Keep up the good work!

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Sorry for compliment fishing, but ponies really are all I can draw. I tried Octavia's Bass and.... it was special, bless it. It took me longer than anything I've drawn with a couple exceptions and it still stunk.

Hey dont be sorry, I've done it before and will do it again ;) lol

And again, I'm sure your not as bad as me, name anything and I can show you how badly it can be drawn (without trying to draw badly) Be proud your a visual artist, some of us have to sufice with words and modifying vectors...

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