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Jumpstyle (Final)

Cat Napper

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Roleplay Type: Mane

Name: Jumpstyle (DJ name; Deadhor5)

Sex: Female

Age: Young Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye Color: A deep reddish orange hue, comparable to a blood orange

Coat Color: White with a faint sky blue tinge, she's often covering her front and back legs with orange and blue leg warmers.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Fluffy and full with a thick forelock that comes across her face at an angle, usually leaving only part of her right eye visible. It's a deep robin's egg blue color, and has metallic streaks of silver that split off into more streaks as they near the tips of her mane. She keeps it otherwise under control with the help of her blue and orange baseball hat that's she's almost never seen without. Her tail is the same color as her mane, and a medium length with soft spikes sticking out in nearly every direction.

Physique: Tall, lean, and nicely toned legs, though she's a bit on the thin side around her torso area from sometimes forgetting to eat enough. Her lack of sleep doesn't help with that either.

Cutie Mark: A gold vinyl record set behind three hoofprints, one orange, one blue, and one purple, with a few multicolored music notes around them.

Origin/Residence: Cloudsdale, is often seen in Ponyville though since a few of her close friends have taken up residence there.

Occupation: Basically an all around musician, mainly a DJ, Singer, and a choreographer. She runs her own dance class at the performing arts center in Cloudsdale known as "Start to Stardom", teaching quite a few different modern styles, usually involving rhythmic stepping and jumping.

Motivation: Her job, the reason why she became so enthralled with rhythm, DJing, and dancing, is because she just wants to make the world have a great time whenever she's around, so everypony out there will know her name and want to break down shuffling as soon as they hear it.

Likes: Aside from her occupation as the party girl, Jumpstyle is surprisingly very relaxed and easy going, preferring to kill her time by getting out, seeing the city with friends and loved ones. She loves falcons and birds of prey, it is possible that she'll one day take one home as a pet. She often speaks very fondly of her home in the clouds, and doesn't seem to care all too much for living on the land.

Dislikes: Aside from the basic things a pony should dislike, she does not like thunderstorms. They scare her horribly on account of a time as a young foal where she was trapped outside during one without her parents being aware of it (odd because otherwise she likes rain). There isn't too much that gets this happy go lucky mare angry, though. But she doesn't like it when she's told to turn off her music, or turn down her boombox while crusing the streets and blasting it on max volume.

Character Summary:

Jumpstyle is a combination of energetic, optimistic, funny, and confident. She just loves to be the center of attention wherever she goes, and often this is achieved without her even intending it, usually thank to her old school 50 pound boombox she carries around with her almost everywhere she goes. Often you'll find her occupying the local dance club, if not DJing for it or teaching her weekly dance class. Though, the girl is prone to getting jealous. She could care less if someone she didn't know was giving another pony attention, but her friends are SO not allowed to do that. She's not even sure why she gets like that, otherwise she's as modest a pony as there ever was. She's rather surprised at her own rise in popularity, and it's hard to go anywhere without meeting a pony that knows her under her famous DJ name, Deadhor5. Thanks to her habit of drinking rather large amounts of caffeine, usually in cappucinos and the like, she sometimes finds herself sleep deprived. It's not uncommon for Jump to skip a couple days of sleep, but once she does manage to get to sleep, it can be for a ridiculously long time. The girl was raised in one of the least classy parts of Cloudsdale, and often speaks with improper and shortened grammar, though it's easy to understand what she's saying anyways. Grammar freaks though don't often appreciate her slang.

Jump's mother, a mare by the name of Rhythm 'n Blues, was very young when Jumpstyle was concieved, and was denied help from her parents who were outraged over this. She took up residence in an easily affordable apartment in one of the harshest parts of town, where it wasn't uncommon for the poor mare to be robbed in the dead of night. They had little luxuries, and Jumpstyle never did meet her father. She was born and enrolled in public school as soon as she could, where almost instantly the little filly made plenty of friends. Those that stuck closest to her though where two that would be classed as 'misfits' of the school socially. A filly named Cat Napper, ridiculed for her petite stature, and a colt named Cue, who's red eyes and slight overbite earned him the nickname 'Vampire'. All through grade school the three were inseparable, and her two friends also happened to be the only ones she ever opened up to about her love for music and dancing. It was because of the encouragement they gave her, that she year after year longed to show it to the world in their school's talent show.

But they day came when Cue and Cat were enrolled in Flight Academy thanks to the district deciding that they were gifted flyers. Jump, who used her legs rather than her wings nearly all the time, couldn't go with them. They were able to stay though long enough to attend the talent show, and because this was more than likely the last time she'd see them, Jumpstyle agreed to take part in that year.

It was when she was up there on that stage, everyone's eyes on her, looking so excited to see what she could do, that she realized how.. incredible, it felt. With more confidence than before, Jump showed them everything she had, all the dances she put together herself, the sick beats she created all on her own, and the crowd loved her! That day, she was regarded as one of the most talented fillies that little school had ever seen, and she was thrown into stardom! Her albums sold so well that she left school and started making a full living off of her earnings from live performances in her late teen years. Under the show name suggested by her friend Cat, Deadhor5, Jump successfully made enough money to pull her and her mother out of poverty, and as she hit adulthood, she bid her mother farewell and went out to start her own life.

Jump never did indulge in the best her fame had to offer, choosing simply to perform in clubs around Cloudsdale rather than tour Equestria. She'll sell her own albums, and volunteer as a dance instructor for the performing arts center "Start to Stardom" which had their profits skyrocketing. Recently she'd found her old friend Cat living in Ponyville as a freelance artist, and has been visiting her every other week, one of the only reasons why this sky-dwelling star comes to the earth ever.

>>>Ref sheet (cutie mark to be added soon) <<<

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This is a pretty sweet application, but there's just a couple of points I feel I need to address:

Cutie Mark: A silvery, shiny CD set behind three hoofprints, one orange, one blue, and one purple, with a few multicolored music notes around them.

Considering that we've decided that we're keeping tech at a minimalistic level, CD's wouldn't even be a concept for ponies to have in existance, and thus it seems unlikely that one would conceivably be their cutie mark. However, I can suggest perhaps thinking something along the lines of using a vinyl record, instead of the CD, using your other decorative elements described to it in order to keep it 'original' for the character herself.

But she doesn't like it when she's told to turn off her music, or turn down her boombox while crusing the streets and blasting it on max volume.

For the most part, AM Radio is fine - however, just be aware that we're probably disallowing Cassette tape based media on the grounds that such tech came later than the discovery of AM radio, and thus can be considered slightly more advanced. This is more of a note just to let you know where we stand on the idea of the boombox in general - so as long as the medium involved is a broadcast show, you're fine...however, the only current 'transferrable' medium we 'know' they use are records.

For now, I figure that's pretty much all I feel I should mention right now, as that's mostly the only troubling niggles...everything else looks fine so far!

Edited by Robikku Pegasus
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