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Shooting Star


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Shooting Star

Sex: Male

Age: Colt

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Sky Blue

Coat Color: Night Blue

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Frizzled mane and unkempt poofy tail, lighter blue than coat.

Physique: Slightly chubby, but manages to hide it. Short due to age.

Cutie Mark: Red cross

Origin/Residence: Fillydelphia

Occupation: Intern surgeon

Motivation: Shooting Star's father has a deadly heart condition, which is currently untreatable; magic is useless in this situation, and the timer is ticking. Ever since the diagnosis, he has been silently panicking; even his little sister can tell that he's been getting less sleep than he normally does.

Likes: Shooting Star is rather varied in what he enjoys. To begin with, he is extremely interested in the medical field; give him a book on medicine and he'll find it hard to put down. Because of his fillyfriend, he's also rather fond of pastries and other sweets, and he is prone to attending parties. He is not prone to setting up one himself, however, though he will if there's an occasion that deserves one.

Dislikes: The fact that time is against him.

Character Summary: Shooting Star grew up in the residential district of Fillydelphia, as an ordinary colt with an ordinary family. The only thing not normal about him was his obsession with the medical field. Early on in kindergarten, he would commonly be seen playing doctor with other colts and fillies. He had to visibly restrain himself from jumping out of his seat when health or pony biology classes were scheduled in elementary school, and his high school schedule was covered in classes involving medical sciences. High school turned out to be a major turning point in his life. It's where he met Cream Puff, his current (and only) fillyfriend. The two shared many of their core classes, and sophomore year they both agreed to share an Aquatic Sports elective. That same sophomore year, his father, Falling Star, collapsed at his workplace, and was diagnosed at the hospital with a swollen heart. None of the doctors could give him an accurate estimate of how much time he had; the best they could give was five years, tops. Shooting Star panicked, and quite honestly (and subconsciously) took advantage of the situation. He pleaded with the diagnostician to help him secure an early job at the Fillydelphia Public Hospital, medical experience or not, since experimental treatments were outside of the Star family's reach financially. The hospital agreed to take him in part-time, but he wouldn't be doing anything major until he gained enough experience; instead, he would be a simple assistant, stocking and delivering supplies and test results and listening in on patient examinations. In other words, he would be staring over shoulders until he demonstrated that he had enough theory to actually try it himself, and it was made clear he would start in diagnostics as opposed to pathology or surgery. His first day begins tomorrow...

His family includes Falling Star, his father; Shining Star, his mother; and Twinkling Star, his sister. Falling Star works as an astrologist, frequently visiting observatores both foreign and in Canterlot. Or at least, he would, were it not for his heart condition. In desperation, he bought the strongest telescope he could find in Fillydelphia, and sets it up at night on the Fillydelphia-Ponyville route. Shining Star, birth name Shining Light, is a stay-at-home mom who met Falling Star when she fell from a second-story window during her previous job cleaning windows... right on top of Falling Star, which saved her from having four broken legs. Falling Star had to be sent to the hospital, though, since his back was nearly broken. Shining Star came to visit him in the hospital, and most ponies could have sworn somepony slipped them both a love potion. After getting married, they had a son, Shooting Star, and a daughter, Twinkling Star, in that order. Twinkling Star is currently still a blank-flanked elementary school filly, with no indication of her talent.

Shooting Star got his cutie mark during a harsh summer day, when an elderly stallion fainted in the street from heatstroke. Remembering his health classes and the textbooks he read, Shooting Star sprung into action, dragging the stallion into the shade and getting wet towels to cool him down. When the ambulance arrived, Shooting Star had managed to drop the stallion's temperature low enough to get him safely transported away; all the EMTs had to do was load him into the carriage. As it left, Shooting Star's cutie mark appeared on his flank, much to his joy.

Unfortunately, saving another pony's flank and getting his cutie mark at the same time has led to a rather large growth in his pride. It's exactly what led him to offer his labor as payment for his father's transplant, subconsciously. That pride, ironically, is the only thing keeping his panic in check, which is beginning to affect him severely; his grades are beginning to fall, much to his own horror. If either his pride or panic take him over, he is very likely to snap and do something he will seriously regret.

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A very good story here! I like it a lot! An idealistic young intern indeed. :)

*looks thoughtfully off into the distance for a long time*

Monkeys are funny.

ANYway! There's only one little quirk I'd bring up - Pony names aren't like human names, they don't have family names. The application rules here even directly state that. So this part: "Shining Star, birth name Shining Light" doesn't make so much sense - why would her name have changed?

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I doubt it's a *problem*, so much, as just a little detail. But as most of the ponies in the show don't have a family name (For instance: What's the apple family name?) such things as Mr. and Mrs. cake are considered to be anomolies.

However, as to whether it's a problem, exactly - you'd have to ask an actual mod for that.

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I believe family names are acceptable as long as it is pony sounding as the Cake's name was done on purpose according to Lauren (have to dig out the relevant link, but I know she stated as much).

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I feel him having a part time job at the hospital as a colt still in secondary school is fine. Although I feel it should be made clear he would be doing only semi-skilled entry level work (maintenance, stocking and so forth) as anything more would require some level of medical schooling background. This would also add to his commitment; willing to start at the very bottom and do "whatever it takes" to earn the bits needed to possibly save his father's life.

Shooting Star's father has a deadly heart condition, which is only treatable by replacing it with a younger, healthier one; magic is useless in this situation, and the timer is ticking. Ever since the diagnosis, he has been silently panicking; even his little sister can tell that he's been getting less sleep than he normally does.

Organic heart transplant is most likely well beyond pony medical technology which is likely similar to their other general technology (around late 19th and early 20th century). It would be better to say that his father's condition is currently seen as untreatable and he is determined to prove conventional wisdom wrong by finding some cure or treatment somehow that would save or at least prolong his father's life. This way it isn't specific to a modern medical procedure that ponies very well may have no knowledge of.

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I feel him having a part time job at the hospital as a colt still in secondary school is fine. Although I feel it should be made clear he would be doing only semi-skilled entry level work (maintenance, stocking and so forth) as anything more would require some level of medical schooling background. This would also add to his commitment; willing to start at the very bottom and do "whatever it takes" to earn the bits needed to possibly save his father's life.
I thought I mentioned this? Or is there an error of interpretation on either side?
The hospital agreed to take him in part-time, but he wouldn't be doing anything major until he gained enough experience. In other words, he would be staring over shoulders until he demonstrated that he had enough theory to actually try it himself.

EDIT: Whoops, scratch that, I misread your post.


Organic heart transplant is most likely well beyond pony medical technology which is likely similar to their other general technology (around late 19th and early 20th century). It would be better to say that his father's condition is currently seen as untreatable and he is determined to prove conventional wisdom wrong by finding some cure or treatment somehow that would save or at least prolong his father's life. This way it isn't specific to a modern medical procedure that ponies very well may have no knowledge of.
... Whoops.

I'll take your advice on that. Wonder who'll come up with a treatment for Falling Star...?

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I thought I mentioned this? Or is there an error of interpretation on either side?

I'll take your advice on that. Wonder who'll come up with a treatment for Falling Star...?

I figure that be the main overarching plot of his RP adventures, to answer in the course of the RP. :)

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Oh, I can see the medical drama already.

"Where the hay is the anesthesiologist*?!"

"Come on, pull yourself together!"

"She's crashing!"

... and so forth.

*The guy who puts you to sleep. Back then they probably would have used ether instead of the benzodiazepines we use. And yes, I do my research.

EDIT: Profile updated.

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