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Equestrian in-world fiction references

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This is a thread for adding a bit of detail for some series or novel that might be thought up. There are plenty of books that we've seen, so undoubtedly, there would be some works of popular fiction, right?

I'll use Mystery Chaser's idol as an example:

Falcon Noir series - This is a series of hardboiled detective novels starring the titular character, Falcon Noir! Usually, they're over the top affairs, full of intrigue, betrayal, and quite a bit of purple prose. Dark and stormy nights seem to happen unnaturally often in Falcon Noir's novels. All the better for a troubled mare with flanks that could balance a fruit platter on them to come set up the plot. Detective Falcon Noir himself is described in them as a jet black pegasus with "blue eyes that could stare a hole through a fence at thirty paces". Usually, his mane and tail is called a stormy blue-gray, but the books don't seem to be that consistent at times on that, especially with as many metaphors that they get stuffed full of. He's your typical "hardboiled detective with a deep down kernel of good, wrapped in so many layers of jaded and disillusioned sorrow" type of personality, and all the woman problems that detective novel protagonists usually seem to have.

Simple enough, right? Feel free to use Falcon Noir's series for stuff if you like. Only things really set in stone are the above, and that Mystery Chaser's pretty much got 'em all. (If she found one she didn't have, she'd probably quickly buy it.)

Your turn! Any works of fiction known by your little ponies?

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