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Hi Ho From the Funny Farm


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Well hello all, it's very nice to talk to this. As far as i can tell i am the only Brony within a ten mile radius so the internet is such a wonderful tool isn't it. I've RPed before on other sites and i've written some stories short and long.

Umm.... okay so introductions, I got into the fandom after a few days of summer vacation last year, (yes i was one of the 'Summer Bronies' that those on EqD mention and i'm not ashamed off it), where I was waiting for the second half of the last Doctor Who season to start, i stumbled across everyone's second or third favorite Background Stallion 'Doctor Whoof/ves' and from there i found Ditzy Doo/Derpy Whooves, and from there i found my love of the show and from there i found my love of the fandom.

Right now in my life i am a college student who is working on a bachelor's degree in Nuclear Medicine, despite what that may tell you I am not that smart. Really. ._.

Haha, so if any pony wants to comment on this, be my guest :D

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Nuclear Medicine

I love how it sounds when you're actually not an English native speaker.

Anyway, welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.

I'm not very creative with greetings today, unlike few last days.

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I love how it sounds when you're actually not an English native speaker.

Anyway, welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.

I'm not very creative with greetings today, unlike few last days.

It sounds cool when you are an English native Speaker too and you tell people about it, at least thats the impression i get from their faces. ;p

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-Oh, doctor, I have a terrible headache.

-Don't worry, I think I've got a solution to this problem! *Unveils the curtain, presents the "Tsar Bomb" and hands over keys to "The Button"* -Just remember to prepare new earth maps before applying. Best, wait few days until I leave the country.

-Oh thank you. How many per day shall I dose?

Nuclear Medicine for the win.

Had to repair this lack of creativity somehow, it's against my will.

Once again, welcome :D

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