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Alexandrite Bloosom [Final]

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Role play Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Alexandrite Blossom ((Alex for short))

Sex: Male

Age: Colt

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Forest green

Coat Color: Dark tan

Mane/Tail/MarkingsColor&Style: Black main and tail with black hoof lines

Physique: Normal build

Cutie Mark: A paint brush that has the tip of the brush is a dark blue, the top is black. A streak of pain flows out from the tip as if his cutie mark was painting his flank showing his artistic nature and love of the art.

Origin/Residence: Stalliongrad

Occupation: Artist

Motivation: The Equastrian landscape

Likes: All forms of weather, landscapes, the Equestrian Species

Dislikes: Vandalism, bullies, critics

Character Summary: Alexandrite loved the world of art, even when he was just a foal, he made towers from his toys and what ever he could get his hands on. Though he loved spending most of his time with the bottles of paint his parents gave him, though that didn't last long. Using up all of the canvas that he was given, Alex went on to paint his entire room of what he had seen, looking out the window though the Stalliongrad town, to the sky above.

When his parents came in to check up on him, they where left speechless, seeing paint allover the room and there son. Alex was lost in his creative imaginative world, everything else didn't really matter to him, even his parents, that where amazed at seeing his walls painted with airships, balloons, and the buildings and other surroundings of Stalliongrad, pointing out that he had gotten his cutie mark still didn't break him from making his dream world come to life on his walls.

Soon, Alex was already repainting the entire inside of his home. His parents decided to enrolled him into the Stalliongrad school of fine arts. The time at the school allowed Alex to expand his creativity, seeing more of Stalliongrad, amazing his instructors with the paintings he came up with. This made some of the other and older students jealous of the young colt, getting much praise and how some would put it "special treatment". He had soon become a victim of bulling from some of his classmates and even some of his teachers that had started to look down on him, saying that his works where not that great. This started to cause his creative world to start becoming a dark and cold world of hate and loneliness.

Tired of the abuse he had endured, Alex decided to move on. He left the school and decided to head out, traveling across Equestria to see and paint the world outside of his home town.

Character picture: With out cutie mark


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CutieMark: A Paint brush

Could you add a little more detail about this? Something to set it apart and make it unique?

Though he loved spending most of his time with the bottles of paint his parents gave him for his 4th birthday, though that didn't last long.

We don't like to put dates or ages on things. We don't know how long ponies live, how fast they age, or how long a year even is. Please change this.

At the age of eight

Again, no dates or ages. :) You can put a relative age here instead, such as colt.

As a three years passed

Just pointing out another date that needs to be fixed. :)

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I like this, though what comes across my mind is what is he doing now that he's left the school? That and what exactly got him his cutie mark? What does it mean or represent about him?

If you could take a moment to clarify on those things for me, I'd be glad to move this along :)

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I like this, though what comes across my mind is what is he doing now that he's left the school? That and what exactly got him his cutie mark? What does it mean or represent about him?

If you could take a moment to clarify on those things for me, I'd be glad to move this along :)

Well as far as what he is doing now that he is out of school, is he traveling across Equestria to see and paint the world outside of his home town. He got his cutie mark while painting his room and house into what he had seen from his vantage. It represents his artistic nature and love of the art.
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Well as far as what he is doing now that he is out of school, is he traveling across Equestria to see and paint the world outside of his home town. He got his cutie mark while painting his room and house into what he had seen from his vantage. It represents his artistic nature and love of the art.

That sounds good to me! Though if you could insert those things into the application itself and let me know when that's done, I'll go ahead and stamp this :)

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