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Spirit Trinity [Final]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Spirit Trinity

Sex: Female

Age: Young mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye Color: Icy blue

Coat Color: Onyx

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: White

Physique: Athletic and slender

Cutie Mark: White symbol of interlocking, pointed ovals, representing trinity.

Origin/Residence: Born and raised in Cloudsdale, though she has taken to traveling after her graduation, searching for fun and adventure. Due to the high influx of ponies moving to Ponyville, Spirit has settled there as well, hoping that the myriad of different crowds and ponies will offer more chances to hear old legends, keep up with current news, and get the latest leads on new places to explore.

Occupation: Even though she has graduated from school, Spirit's love of exploration and adventure have prevented her from settling down and finding a 'real' job. Thanks to some connections from her father, however, she is able to find the odd job creating uncommon weather effects, such as downbursts, auroras, and - her personal favorite and her best skill - pileus clouds. Because such weather and light displays rarely serve a day-to-day function, Spirit doesn't get much chance to use her skills outside of playing around and festivals. But because such effects take unique and uncommon techniques to produce, Spirit gets paid enough to live off of, even if she doesn't get those types of jobs often.

Motivation: Ever since a treasure hunt her parents organized for her when she was a young filly, Spirit has retained a love of exploration and adventure, discovering the unknown and having a good time along the way. She dreams of making a legendary discovery of her own some day and going down in Equestrian history.


  • Physical activities
  • Creating pileus clouds
  • Exploring
  • Colorful accessories
  • Parties and festivals
  • Stormy weather


  • Studying, scholarly activities
  • Having to sit still
  • Her coat, mane, and tail colors
  • Being cooped up
  • Sour green apples
  • Working boring jobs

Fears: Large bodies of water, where she might fall in and get her wings too wet to fly out.

History: Like many of her pony kind, Spirit Trinity was born and raised predominantly in Cloudsdale. Her parents were the average Cloudsdale Pegasi couple, and they raised Spirit with loving and nurturing hooves. Her father hoped that Spirit would follow in his hoof steps to become a researcher of cloud phenomena, but It became apparent very early on that she was not destined for a scholarly or academic future, as she placed minimum effort in her studies and the maximum effort on having fun outside.

Her school work was performed dutifully and without joy, but Spirit found one outlet that appealed to her love of color and the unknown - creating pileus clouds. Soon, she began devoting any study time to learning how to create uncommon weather effects, rather than more practical ones like rain and fog that would get her a job more easily. Her parents tried nudging Spirit in the opposite direction, but she was stubborn, and eventually they gave up and simply encouraged her. Learning how to create colorful clouds and light displays caught Spirit's attention enough to get her through school, but she never received a cutie mark until she went on an adventure set up by her parents. She soon found herself in love with exploration and adventure, and began dreaming of making legendary discoveries that would get her name written down in Equestrian history.

After graduation, Spirit traveled from place to place, following up on interesting rumors and exploring a few places, but nothing panned out. Frustrated, she made her way to Ponyville, following a large migration of ponies to the rural town, in hopes of having more leads to follow up on. She set herself up in a small cottage in the town, and Ponyville is currently her new home - at least for the time being.

Cutie Mark Story: Spirit was a young filly when she began experiencing a funk in school, finding no talent or inspiration in her school work. Nothing she was learning really inspired a spark inside, and Spirit began to grow discouraged with her blank flank and life in general. In an attempt to cheer her up, her parents decided to organize a treasure hunt solely for Spirit, giving her an aged map and no instructions except to follow the map to a special treasure. Spirit was overjoyed, and soon became caught up in the adventure that led her to explore a cave on the shores of Great Nimbusgait Lakes, near Cloudsdale.

She ended up finding a small silver charm that was shaped in the symbol of trinity, hiding in a small chest buried beneath the sands. When she returned home, her parents praised Spirit, and told her that they knew, someday, she would discover what made her a special treasure among all other ponies. Spirit realized then that she wanted to explore and adventure all over Equestria and discover new things, fantastic things, and she received her cutie mark. It took on the trinity emblem of her charm, a physical and mental symbol of the very first adventure she ever underwent.


  • Father - Plasma Unity
  • Mother - Cerebral Duality

Nicknames: Spirit, Tri

Fashion Sense: Because of her lack of natural coloring, Spirit has always harbored some jealously over exceptionally bright or colored ponies. She used to dress herself in all sorts of accessories of every color, but age has tempered some of her rebellious streak to ornament herself with the rainbow. Even still, she insists on wearing some brightly colored accessories, no matter how questionable her fashion sense is to some ponies. Spirit can still sometimes get jealous of beautifully colored ponies, but she has learned that envying and moaning over their coloring won't ever change her own.

She is also never without the charm she received from her parents on the treasure hunt. More than likely, it can be spotted around her tail, attached to some other accessories.

Personality: Adventurous, bold, outgoing, and not afraid to speak her mind, Spirit Trinity is a young mare who finds no reason to hold herself back. Shyness and insecurity are not a part of her vocabulary - Spirit is incredibly comfortable with herself and has no fear over other ponies' responses towards her. Self-assured and confident, Spirit can sometimes come across as bossy and demanding in her quest to get something done. Though not intentionally mean-spirited or cruel, she is strong-willed and expects others to be the same - this can cause her to be insensitive to the feelings of other ponies at times.

Unfortunately, Spirit's persona isn't always backed up. Though not dumb, she is not the sharpest pony in the barn - reasoning and logistical thinking don't come naturally to her, which can leave her floundering for the correct path at times. Spirit is an athletic pony and relies more on brawn than brain, if a situation calls for one or the other. Overall, Spirit is somepony that can either be taken as abrasive and rude, or bold and confident.


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I hope that is a good :D and not a, 'you are a crazy person' :D .

And I know we're not suppose to bump our application threads because they are assessed from the bottom up, but since my application is up near the top again, I thought I might as well share some new art of Spirit being derpy!


. . .

I think I like this picture better than the other one. *Much aggrieved sigh* I just can't seem to get the snout and head looking alright.

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*Does cartwheels!*

Yay, thank you so much! I can't wait until she (hopefully) gets accepted!

And thank you for the compliment! I only started drawing like, a week ago, so I'm still shaky on anatomy (especially the face). But I'm slowly getting there!

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The only thing about this that seems a little off kilter is her parents' names. I understand the idea of 'One, Two, Three'. Plasma Unity isn't all that bad, but might be a little more feminine and more suitable for her mom's name instead of her dad, just as a thought. Cerebral Duality I get but seems kind of awkward for a name. What would she go by in casual conversation? Not a major deal, but maybe if you could clarify that up a bit. All the rest is fine, I'd just like to see something about those two things smoothed out first.

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The concept is suppose to be Body One, Mind Two, and Spirit Three, but I struggled to find names that were "pony-like" to express Body and Mind. Plasma is part of your blood, so that was suppose to represent the physical life force of the body (and even though it ends in an 'a', it doesn't sound feminine to me?) Cerebral is obvious - having to do with the mind - and she would go by Cere to most. (Sair-ee).

If you (or anyone!) has any suggestions as to better names, I'm all ears, but I couldn't think of better sounding words to express that concept.

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Well, when I think 'Plasma' I think 'Ozma' which was the name of one of the female characters in Frank L Baum's Wizard of Oz series. The 'A' does make it more feminine while 'Cerebral' makes it sound more masculine. While Cere is more female in nature, I agree, maybe there's a better variant. Like Cerebrum (I think Mare Imbrium, who goes by 'Imbri' from Piers Anthony's Xanth Series), so Cerebrum Duality could still work as well, perhaps?

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