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Well, Hello there, Everypony!


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About Myself: Well, to keep it simple:

I am an ingoing college student with a fancy for cosplay, anime, and ponies.

I like making things, being immature when I can be, and noodles.

Also, I am Asian.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google on a bored, rainy evening.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well, my friend who lives in Australia was telling me about this hilarious new favourite cartoon character of hers who she introduced to me as "Derpy Hooves".

I was curious, started the first episode last year, and I have been faithful ever since. :D

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Miss Rarity
You can call me Maca, Macadamia, or Bri.

Well, I have been searching for a place to allow my pegasister wings to spread. I have one--maybe two--brony friends to share my MLP love outside the internet. Unfortunately, not a lot of people in my school took very kindly to bronies, otakus, and basically anything that was a little "out of convention".

I generally enjoy writing, performing, and playing around like an idiot.

In the MLP:FiM world, I have to say that my favourite pony is a tie between Rarity and Fluttershy. I like Rarity's feisty yet proper and absolutely hilariously dramatic personality, but I also have a taste for Fluttershy's adorable cuteness and ANIMALSOMGOMGOMG. *ahem*

In any case, I've been looking to jump into the world of RPing for MLP and, well, it seems that I have fallen down the right rabbit hole.

I look forward to RPing with all of you, and I really hope that we can all have great fun together! :D

Best of awesomeness,


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tie between Rarity and Fluttershy. I like Rarity's feisty yet proper and absolutely hilariously dramatic personality, but I also have a taste for Fluttershy's adorable cuteness

Ville's seal of approval is being followed by a violet ribbon of excellence, more accurately speaking, excellent choice.

Although his personality pulls him towards Rarity in the end.

Hearty welcome to Canterlot! Enjoy your stay!

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WELL Bri....The time has come for you to make the most important decision of your life.


nah, just kidding. Welcome to the Forum!

I hope you enjoy your time here at Canterlot!

Also you better post pictures of your cosplays =/

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