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Help?With art stuffs.


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So guys I want to start doing pony art.Like animation and stuff.I also want to do this stuff on like windows paint.All I'm asking for is some advice to help draw with a mouse or whatever you guys use.And I'd also like to know what programs to use.I'm clueless and completly new to this stuff.So you are my teachers and I am your student.If you want I will tell you what I plan on drawing first(If it helps).

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Ill start with tools :]

You mentioned a mouse. Most digital art is not done this way. Instead they use a tablet which can be expensive. A good company for tablets http://www.wacom.com/

If you really want to use a mouse then I would suggest that you get a vector based drawing program because the vector handle bars are much easier to manipulate.

some programs in order of what I use/have to what I have heard, also some notes... maybe

Painting programs

1. Photoshop - expensive but industry standard for a lot of painting.

2. Coral - less expensive and is an industry standard

3. Paint Tool SAI - free, but If i remember correctly its asia based only so you would have to torrent a copy (correct me if I am wrong)

4. Flash - expensive but it is an industry standard for animating. Its also what the artists use to actually create MLP

5. Gimp - a free photoshop clone, can be buggy.

Pixel Programs:

1. Paint.net - free and what I use for all pixel art

2. Graphics Gale - i think there is a free version, but when I used it, it seemed more cumbersome.

3. MS Paint - a terrible terrible program :]

Vector programs:

1. Adobe Illustrator - expensive, but is probably the best Vector drawing program out

2. InkScape - free

Some Suggestions for getting started:

Drawing is a transferable skill (same concepts and techniques for different mediums) If you cant draw or are not as good as you would like, you should learn. Just draw on paper. No hardware or software will make you a "good" artist. It takes practice and a lot of it. It isn't something you can master in a month. Draw your hands, draw your parents, draw your teacher, draw your shoes, draw plants, draw everything.

Pixel art - Go to websites like pixel joint as well as look up some tutorials to learn about different techniques for shading

Vector - learn the pen tool! anything can be done with the pen tool!

Well that's all the advice I can think of right now

Good luck! :]

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