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Speckled Ink [Final]


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Roleplay Type: Mane Rp

Name: Speckled Ink

Sex: Female

Age: Young Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye Color: purple

Coat Color: dark blue

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:


Speckled Ink's mane is spikey and choppy in style and blue and black in color. She does this so she can spend less time fussig with her hair and more time thinking of ideas and writing


Speckled Ink has a tail stops just above her back legs. It is striped black and blue.


Speclked Ink has a large ink stain on her right hip. (more on that below)

The rest of her body is a darkish blue.

Physique: Tallish pony with little weight.

Cutie Mark: A pen with ink coming out of it. It is black in color.

Origin/Residence: Speckled Ink was born and raised in Cloudsdale and she is still living there.

She lives in a small little house that isn't very furnished, as a writer she doesn't have very much money.

Occupation: Currently Speckled Ink is writing her first book which is a Romance novel about how forbidden love between two young ponies. When she is finished with it she will get it published and start writing a whole series.

Motivation: Speckled Ink hopes to be a famous writer one day. She hopes to be as famous as the pony who wrote the Dabby Doo books, which were her favorite books to read as a young filly.

Likes: Anything that has to do with writing, ideas that come out of the blue, rain storms, helping others.

Dislikes: Thunderstorms (although she loves rain storms. She is terrified of Thunderstorms due to almost getting hit by lightning when she was learning to fly as a young foal), ponies who don't read

Character Summary:

When Speckled Ink was young she spent most of her days dreaming up epic stories and adventures. At first she didn't have access to any ink or quills or paper (Her father feared that she would drink the ink as a young foal)

As a young foal Speckled Ink didn't have a mother. After she was born her mother fled to another city in Equestria, no one knows where she is and no one has been able to make contact with her since so Speckled Ink's father was left with the job of raising her. She loves her father very much because he excepts who she is and what she wants to be without hesitation. Her father writes stories too and is well known for writing a story called "The Revenge of The Changlings"

Her mother's name was Shadow Star and she looked almost exactly like Speckled Ink except where everything is blue on Speckled Ink, it is purple on Shadow Stars body. She spent most of her life studying the stars, she was a unicorn.

Speckled Ink's father was called Blue Quill, he was a dark blue horse with wings and as mentioned before he was he was a writer.

One day when she was only a young foal, Speckled Ink found her father's stash of extra ink bottles. Inspired by all the ideas in her head, Speckled Ink grabbed some paper and some quills to start writing. She then went back to her father's stash (which was a very tall cabinet) and tried to reach one of the ink bottles on the top but all the ink came crashing down onto her, including the permanent ink which fell on her hip. She washed off all the ink only to find that some stayed on her hip. Out of sheer pity her father gave her a bottle of ink and Speckled Ink immediatly went to work on writing her own story which was a silly little tale about a young foal (much like herself) gaining free access to all the candy in Equestria. Later that day she discovered her cutie mark on the sdie of her hip that hadn't been stained with the ink and she immediatly knew that her talent was writing, just like her dad. Since then Speckled Ink has dedicated most of her time to writing stories.

When Speckled Ink went to school she had a hard time making friends because she was so shy (almost as shy as Fluttershy!). Six ponies started to bully her when she was only a young filly. For a couple of years she was too scared to stand up to them but then one day she gathered up the courage and told them off (She didn't swear at them or anything. Just told them to go away). Since then she is a very friendly and outgoing pony and doesn't have a hard time making friends anymore. It has made her stronger. When Speckled Ink looks back on those events she smiles to herself, knowing that she did the right thing.

Speckled Ink is very nice and outgoing. She tries to help everypony in need if she can and sometimes doesn't know when to say no. When she finds herself overburdened she tends to freak out and shuts herself in her house for a while until she feels okay again (which could be up to atleast one or two days). She always trys to find the bright side of things. Speckled Ink is a very strong believer in the fact that if you do not like her for who she is then she won't be your friend. She hates it when ponies judge each other based on looks (although she does this herself she won't admit it). She can be serious when she feels like it but can also be very random. Her mood tends to change a lot.


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Hold on let me add that

ugh my tablet isnt agreeing with me right now so Ill say it right here amd add it later when i get back on the computer.

her mother's name was Shadow Star and she looked almost exactly like Speckled Ink except where everything is blue on Speckled Ink, it is purple on Shadow Stars body. she speent most of her life studying the stars, she was a unicorn.

Speckled Inks father was calledBlue Quill, , he was a dark blue horse with wings and as mentioned before he washe was a writer.

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Only thing of note I feel I need to bring up is how she got her cutie mark. There isn't really any mention of it, however I assume the paragraph describing when she spilled ink on her was around the same moment she got the mark?

If you can clarify that the story she wrote then was what she got her cutie mark for (if I'm interpreting this correctly) I'd appreciate it :)

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Afraid not :-( . You have to wait for a Moderator to come along and give it a final once-over. The Helpstaff assess it first to check for glaring errors or something that really won't fit the RP, then the Moderators have a look and, if they agree with the helpstaff assessment, approve you and move you into the Roleplayers group, giving you access to the Mane RP. (See the Pinned topic in the subforum for this information.)

Patience :) .

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