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[Cloudsdale] Fliers of Excellence [CLOSED] (Tryouts/Competition) [ENDED]

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Crescent caught her meaning and took another look at the talented stallion with the flaming mane.

"We'll talk about that later once we've seen them both perform, I dont want to make any sudden judgements. For now I'm just going to say I think he has great talent and the potential to be even better with training.

Crescent returned his attention to the next flier as he prepared for his routine. Crescent was sorely hoping more contestants would show up. He couldn't run a core team of only three ponies, at least for were needed to do most of the stunts he had choreographed, six Ideally. He hoped he could at least find one mare so it didnt look like he was being exclusive to only stallions, if worst came to worst he could always pull Lightning Dancer up to the core team if he had to, but he didnt think she was ready for that yet.

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Colton took a deep breath when his name was called, he looked at Sparks with a look of desperation. However the bird eased his worries with a slight pat of his back and an encouraging smile. Colton got up, composed himself and readied for his routine.

The pegasus started with a slight jog, over time he began to build up speed. And more speed. And more speed! The pegasus turned his running into flying and arched upwards. He started with a simple loop, but gave his own twist by grabbing some clouds along the way and putting them in the shape of a giant ring; mimicking his fight path almost perfectly.

He then turned his attention to a few slaloms he saw that were set up. He stopped on a dime in mid air and began heading towards them. As he zigzagged through them he was feeling rather confident. This confidence however caused the pegasus to slip up and nicked one of the slaloms with one of this wings. He hit off a couple more before he was clear. He froze for about a second before he went to do his final trick...His signature trick....The cloud kick.

Colton saw a few various vaulting horses and hoops and saw these as the perfect target. The pegasus shot at a slight angle into the air. He surveyed the clouds, looking for a good target. He picked a cloud that looked just right to him, he shot towards it and with a quick motion; Colton turned himself around in mid-air and with a powerful buck of his hind legs, he kicked the cloud. The cloud didn't dissipate however. The shock of Colton's kick sent ripples of motion through the cloud, then came back directly at Colton, giving him the boost he was looking for. The process took mere seconds.

With that, Colton shot toward the ground at a alarming rate, the pegasus struggled but managed to straighten his body out as he flew through the various obstacles in his way, stopping by grinding his hind hooves against the ground and using his wings to slow himself down, leaving a large hoof skid mark and a panting pegasus.

"....How'd I do...?"

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Crescent was surprised by the length of the stallion's take off but the deliberate acceleration seemed to work well for what Kicks was doing. Right at the first loop he could see this pony had an eye for showmanship, accenting his loop with a cloud trail. From his second trick weaving between the slaloms it was clear to see this pony had very high agility in being able to change direction so quickly, however his mistake of clipping his wings on a few of the obstacles did not go unnoticed. Crescent figured it was just another minor issue of precision that could be ironed out. Colton's third trick put a hug smile on Crescent's face. What ingenuity! Crescent had invented his fair share of new moves, many involving cloud physics, but he had never thought of using the rebound of a rear cloud kick to launch himself. He was impressed. As the pony came to a stop Crescent was tempted to start clapping his hooves but thought better of it, he didnt want to give away his judgement yet. Instead he stayed seated and gave a bright smile.

"Well done both of you! Kicks if you'd like to take a rest before we move on, go right ahead."

He had decided not to wait up for others. If they showed up he could have Lightning work with them separately until he was done with these two.

"Next will be the individual skills tests, we will measure your wing power, endurance, and precision on an equal playing field."

Crescent reached into the duffle bag he had brought with him and pulled out an anemometer. He flew over and affixed the device to the top of a pillar in the center of the stadium, then using some cloud fluff that happened to be lying around made a platform at one end of the arena.

"When you've regained your stamina go ahead and start at the cloud and fly as fast as you can passed the anemometer. Lightning if you wouldnt mind taking the readings for us?"

OOC: go ahead and determine your own wing power and include it in your post.

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(OOC: Note for me and anypony else: Rainbow Dash's wing power was 16.5. in Hurricane Fluttershy).

Sky Flare saw the anemometer. He remembered how that was used when the pegesai of Ponyville had to transport the water to Cloudsdale. This was going to be tricky, as Sky knew he was not a very fast flyer, but instead he was agile.

Feeling rested enough, he took off to the designated starting cloud. Concentrating, he took off and blew past the anemometer before coming to a stop. He then flew around and looked at the gauge which read 11.1.

"Heh, not bad I guess," Sky said as he flew back to the edge of the arena.

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Crescent watched Sky as he wizzed by the anemometer. He could already see from experience he wasnt the fastest. Crescent knew he might be taking hit in picking him up because of that but Sky had already proven he was a capable flier, and Crescent was certain he could at least get him up to 13.0 with some speed training. Crescent wondered if maybe his expectations were too high. His father had always encouraged him that no matter how good he got he could always get better, which probably accounted for his 14.7 wing power, a hard earned skill. Crescent felt some inward pride at the thought, he was known to keep up with and even exceed the speed with the few Wonderbolts he had met. He promptly realized his thoughts were drifting and pulled himself back to the task at hand, now wondering how well Kicks would do.

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Colton positioned himself at the starting cloud. He was rather anxious as to how this trial would turn out. Colton was fairly confident in his speed but whenever he ever had his wing power tested, he would only ever just reach the 10 mark. Then again, his last reading of his wing power was about a year ago so he figured he must have improved by then...or at least he hoped.

Colton wondered if it was okay for him to use the starting cloud as a jumping board, the same way he had done in his previous routine...The pegasus didn't want to chance this however, so he would leave the flying up to his wings. He took a deep breath, composed himself, revved up his wings and shot forward.

Before Colton knew it was over, he had passed anemometer. He stopped on a dime once again, "Okay...time to see what I got." Colton led into as he floated to see his reading, "Okay...what I get? 10?...10.5?.....12!" Colton exclaimed as he looked at his reading, sufficed to say, Sparks' jaw was dropped just as far as Colton's.


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Crescent nodded in approval at the score. He flew ou and collected the anemometer putting it back in the duffle back. then he pulled out a thin extending bar and lengthen it to the max distance. he place the lightweight rod between two pillars at the end of the stadium and created a flat cloudbank beneath them.

"LIsten up! next is precision. you will start in the middle of the course and fly as fast as you can towards the bar. you will get three tries to pass over the bar trying to get as close to it as possible without touching it. Fleetfoot you've got a good eye. would ou mind evaluating this one? Whenever you're ready gentlecolts!"

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Sky watched as the bar was added. Percision was something he was better at than speed. He took off and at his first try sailed a foot over the bar. It was close, but not close enough to the bar to satisfy him. Sky made his second pass, getting six inches above. Better, but he had one more try, and he had to do this one well. He took a good take off and then glided over the bar with a three inch space.

"Alright," Sky said as he returned to the outer ring, " I think that's as close as I can get it without knocking the bar off."

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Crescent nodded again. not bad, not bad at all. Crescent could only get around 3-4 inches to the bar himself and it had taken him A LOT of practice to get there, this pony made it look easy. He nodded to Fleetfoot to make sure she was ready for Colton.

"Ok Kicks at your leisure!"

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Fleetfoot was barely paying attention while the competitors rested, and was daydreaming about icecream when she heard her name being called. "Hu- whaa?"

"Oh! Yeah I can do that!"

She bolted over to the bar, and sat on a nearby cloud out of the way, where she could judge the trial without getting hit. She made sure her goggles were firmly on her head and waited for Sky to go. She jumped slightly as the pony whizzed by, but regained herself in time to see his first attempt. She winced a little. Could be closer.. She waited for his second attempt, and nodded slightly. Better..

His third attempt was good, but.. "Hey, Crescent.. Does it count if his tail touched it? Well he didn't knock it down.. So I guess not! Congrats Sky!" She smiled widely.

"Good luck Kicks!" She had already adopted Crescents nickname for the stallion, and giggled happily - this was fun!

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"Thanks!" Colton shouted over to Fleetfoot as he readied himself. He tried to estimate the exact force he would need to get as little distance over the bar without touching it.

He revved up his wings once again, took a deep breath and shot towards the bar with an ever increasing speed. The pegasus managed to clear the bar on his first past at just about 6 inches. The stallion knew he could do better so went back for another attempt.

On his second run he managed to clear the bar once again, this time being 5 inches above it. He still wasn't satisfied and prepared for his final run.

"...Okay...1...2...3!" Colton said to himself as he shot towards the bar again. This time the pegasus cleared it with a healthy 3 inches, nearly knocking the bar over with his tail but lifting it out of the way as he passed over it.

"Okay...even that was chancing it...I'm good with that." He stated, smiling widely.

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OOC: sorry this took so long. twice i was in the middle of posting here got interrupted and forgot.

"Ok Great job boys! Go take a seat and rest up for the endurance test!"

Crescent flew out and retracted the pole and replaced it in the bag. He Flew back to his seat and spoke to his compatriots judges.

"So what do you two think so far? I really think they both have what it takes and I think Kicks may be good enough for my right wing."

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Sky Flare sat in one of the bleacher seats in anticipation. Although he knew he tried his best, there was always the possibility that his best wasn't enough to get a spot on the team. But at least he was glad that he did it.

He then saw the other pony tring out, the one that Crescent called Kicks.

"Good luck," he said to the pony as he stood by while the judges conferred.

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Colton floated over to a nice comfortable looking seat upon Crescent's directs. As he sat down, Sparks came over. The bird had a look of pride on his face, pride for his master. Sparks took an incredibly small cloth and began fanning his master's face...But to no avail.

"That's okay, Sparks...I don't think a cloth that small would have an effect...and I'm not that tired." The pegasus stated before giving his pet a playful rustle of his hair.

When Colton heard another pony wishing him good luck, he smiled towards him, recognizing him as the other pony trying out. "Thanks, you too...Sky Flare? Right?....Either way, nice to get a get a chance to talk." He stated, smiling. He couldn't help but wonder what the judges were talking about though...

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Fleetfoot frowned. "Kicks is indeed talented, but I don't think Sky should be overlooked. With a little training he could full well be good enough for the team."

Her mind suddenly went blank. "Wait, so how many pegasi are you having for the core team again?"

She turned to the two resting pegasi and wondered if Kicks and Sky would work well together. She turned back to Crescent. "Would you consider setting up a test routine to try and see how well you guys work together?"

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"Well Sky isnt in doubt. He's definitely AeroBlades material. I just think Kicks has a little more of whatever it is that makes a flier, so I'd like to draft him as my Right wing, you know second up. As for the size of the team, we already have one core member in addition to myself, and four was the minimum so if I take them both I'll have just enough."

Crescent considered it and remembered the routine he had used to test Lightning and Winter. The reserve members hadnt faired well with the advanced maneuver, which was expected, but these two were of a higher caliber and Crescent was confident they could handle it.

"Well I already know they both need to work on their endurance a little so I guess we can slip that test. I want them to know what they're getting into before they try though. Mind helping me with a demonstration?"

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Fleetfoot grinned. "And when is Fleetfoot ever one to turn down a challenge?" She winked.

She began to stretch her wings and legs, trotting on the spot for a little bit. "Whatcha got in mind?"

She hoped it would be something more to do with speed, and not fancy tricks. She shook her head, pushing the thought away. She really, really was not good when it came to routines, and that was her flaw. Of course, her teammates in the 'Bolts had always helped her master the routines, but it was tedious and difficult.

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"Remember the mega manic moonbeam? I was thinking we come at each other form opposite directions and perform the same stunt, you know spiral around each other, it would be a good trick to use for demonstrating precise timing. I know you arent the best with tricks so ive got something a little more simple if you want but we need a third pony for that and last time lightning tried it she ended up smooshed into a cloud."

Crescent hoped she would do the moonbeam with him. He spared a glace at Kicks and Sky, then returned his gaze to Fleetfoot biting his lip in anticipation of her answer.

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Colton just sat there, Sparks at one side and Sky on the other, wondering what Crescent and Fleetfoot were talking about.

"...Are they talking about us?...If so...which one?" He asked himself.

"No, they look more like their asking each other questions...Crescent in particular...just what are they up to?" He contemplated.

"...Might as well wait it out..."

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Sky caught pieces of what Crescent and Fleethoof were saying, something about a maniac moonbeam. He guessed it was a name of a stunt. But what intrigued him the most was the mention of a third pony and hos Crescent looked at him and Conor.

"I don't know what they're up to, but it sounds like of of the two of us are going to be asked to do something."

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Fleetfoot considered this for a moment, and she was so torn. She couldn't risk letting Crescent down, but she was afraid of failing, or even worse: an injury. She sighed a little and pulled her head up high, pulling her goggles onto her forehead.

"Let's do it."

Despite her answer, she was nervous, but she stood up tall, the strong sun gleaming off the yellow lightning bolts on her uniform. She hoped it was in impressive sight, and not just one where she looked a nervous wreck. She grinned meekly at Crescent, hoping her decision had pleased him.

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Crescent smiled excitedly at the Wonderbolt, though something was off. He could tell when his friends were nervous and despite her attempt to hide it Fleetfoot had it written all over her face. Crescent knew she may have difficulty with tricks but he was confident in her abilities as a flier and was pretty sure she could handle some spirals. He took a cue from Fleetfoots own book and offered some friendly encouragement. He bumped her flank smiling and said,

"C'mon Fleet you got this! you start on the north side and I'll go from the south. Oh and just a tip! its easier to hold the spiral if you angle your wings just a little higher than usual instead of straight out!"

With that he motioned for her to go and went to address the the recruits. He began to prepare himself mentally already as he spoke.

"Alright boys listen up! I have good news, you both have the right stuff for the team, but before I offer you membership there is one more thing you need to prove. The AeroBlades are a team and naturally we must act as a single unit, always in sync. To test your ability to work as part of a group the three of us will perform a stunt that involves the three of us. Although before you attemp this I want you both to know what you will be getting into, so Fleetfoot and I will be performing an adaptation of one of my own signature moves, The Mega Manic Moonbeam. Keep a sharp eye on how we interact because next it will be us three up there.

Crescent then took off for the south side of the stadium, rising far above the edge in preparation for the dive, and waited for Fleetfoot to take position. Once she was in place Crescent finished his mental preparation, he narrow his focus to a needle sharp point blocking out everything around him but Fleetfoot's position and the task at hand. He raised a hoof ready to signal his companion to get ready, and after a few seconds dropped it signaling her to go. He took off just as she did at a moderate dive towards the center of the Cloudeseum maintaining as much control over his velocity as ponily possible. Too fast and he risked serious injury. Despite holding back his full speed he was still rocketing at high speed towards the hole at the base of the stadium. He concentrated intensely on where Fleefoot was and just as she passed to his left he threw himself in to a tight upward spiral in which he hoped she was able to reciprocate.

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Colton was rather dumbfounded at what Crescent came over to tell them. This quickly settled though since Colton understood what was going to happen. The pegasus didn't usually have to work with others, except Sparks. However, he wasn't against the whole idea of teamwork either.

"Sure, no problem...I got you guy's backs if you've got mine." He said with a smile as he prepared to carefully watch what Crescent was doing.

"....Whoa..." is all Colton had to say at the start of the routine.

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Fleetfoot flew off and began to rise, gathering the altitude required for Crescents signature move. She waited for him to finish addressing the other two stallions, and she watched, shaking off her nerves a little as she waited for him to rise. She saw him ready himself, and she noticed him raise his hoof. She breathed in deeply, and the crisp air of the cloudy city seemed to liven her up, and even though her goggles hid it, there was a new gleam of determination in her eye.

She watched (as though in slow-mo) as he dropped his hoof, and she took off into a dive, keeping an eye on his position, and the distance between them. She didn't want to feel too successful as they both reached the point in which they pulled back up at the same time, and although she had never done this move, or practiced for it, she figured it shouldn't be too difficult. When she began to spiral upwards, her wings cried out in protest against the sheer force, and she winced, but regained her intense determination. She angeled her wings a little higher than usual, as Crescent had said, and found it much easier on her wings. She smiled, biting her lip in order to stop her squealing in glee.

She wanted to look over to Crescent, but she kept her focus, and before she knew it, she had reached the top with him. Something just then sprung to mind, and she remembered it wasn't over yet. She ascended, and dove through the signature Wonderbolt smoke-and-lightning trail, through the spiral she had left behind. From the corner of her eye, she saw Crescent do the same. She had never felt more proud of herself, and she once again, bit back the urge to woop in delight.

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Crescent dove through the swirling contrails with Fleetfoot and released a shout of success, relinquishing some of his concentration to have some fun. He looked around him at the swirling vortex of thunderclouds and admired how his own trail of purple added a nice dark sheen.


He reached out his leg and gave Fleetfoot a high hoof as they reduced their speed and approached the bench where the newbies sat. Crescent took a deep breath and tried to come off his adrenaline high.

"Woo. Okay you guys ready? You wont be doing the moonbeam that would be too dangerous with three of us wrapped up in there. You two and I will be doing a simpler move that I havent named yet. Here come look."

Crescent turned around and started dragging a hoof on the cloud drawing out a flight pattern. It was a team maneuver that required precise timing from all of them. it began with Colton on his right and Sky Flare on his left. The three of them would take off crescent strait up and the other two on opposite 45 degree angles to Crescent's sides. Crescent would swoop forward into a loop and act as marker to help guide them and be there in case something went wrong. As Crescent would angle downwards the two would converge back to his side touching their wings tips to his. Crescent would perform a forward loop and the prospects would attempt to circle around him in a close but gradual spiral staying on opposite sides. upon Crescent leveling out they would cross each other beneath him and make their way back to the cloud where Crescent would meet them. I took Crescent few good minutes to sketch the trick out on the cloud. On completion he turned back to them.

"Alright take a good look and memorize the routine. Let me know when you're ready to go."

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