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Hello~ Nice to meet you!


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About Myself: I like flower pressing and reading, and I also like to travel. I live in a little cottage in Whitetail Wood.

How I found Canterlot.com: I searched up mlp:fim roleplaying~

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Everyone on the internet was talking about it, and I thought I would give it a try.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy

My name is Lucille, and I'm happy to meet you!

I've come to Canterlot.com for a little bit of socializing. Because Celestia knows, I need more friends!

I kinda sound like that unicorn, Twilight Sparkle don't I?

Anyway, a little bit about myself....uh....Oh! I know! I'll tell you about my special talent!

I have a talent for flower pressing. I know that sounds boring, but I actually make a good living out of it!

I know every single type of plant known to Equestria! I think that if I were stranded in the woods, I would be able to survive....or at least barely.

My best friend is a kinky musician named Flying Vee. She's a unicorn, and we've been friends since we were fillies!

I may seem overly sweet and optimistic, but honestly, inside me i'm not really like that.

People say that I'm really mature. And a little pessimistic, actually.

Anyway, I'll see y'all later! <3


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welcome welcome welcome! a fine welcome to you! welcome welcome welcome! I say how do you do!? welcome welcome welcome! I say hippi-hip hooray! welcome welcome welcome to CAN-TER-LOT TOODAAAY!!

Hi!! welcome again, and may I start by saying I dont know what you mean when you say flower pressing may sound boring. Its a form of art right? I can never keep my fancy off of something artistic especially when the medium is so natural :) feel free to ask ANY quezstion syou might and when I say any I mean it. Really you got a problem or something confusing you just give a holler :) hope to see you on the boards :D

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