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Shiny Bauble [Final]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Shiny Bauble

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Light purple

Coat Color: White (often covered in smudges and dirt)

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Frosty blue. Mane is long and unkempt

Physique: Small for her age, but not tiny.

Cutie Mark: Magnifying glass

Origin/Residence: Stalliongrad

Occupation: Researcher (self-employed)

Motivation: To learn as much as she can, about as many different things as she can

Likes: Knickknacks, new things, fruit

Dislikes: Repetitive tasks, being bored, getting embarrassed

Character Summary: When Shiny Bauble was a filly, she spent most of her time wandering the streets of Stalliongrad. She loved exploring, and seeing what she could find hidden in the nooks and crannies of the city. Anything that grabbed her interest, bits of metal, old magazines and newspapers, was taken back to her room to be thoroughly investigated. She believed that everything was unique, and worthy of exploration and attention.

Her parents, coming from affluent families, were horrified by her behaviour. She was often forbidden to leave the house, for fear that she might be seen snooping around an alley somewhere. Her mother often fussed over her, trying to convince her to abandon her hoarding habits in favor of something more refined. But Shiny Bauble was never interested in attending parties or going to fancy schools. All she wanted was to be left alone with her collections. Often, she would come home to find her room pristine: the bed made, books stacked neatly on their shelves, and not a trace of any of the things she had so painstakingly searched the city for. The first few times it happened resulted in shouting matches, but eventually she learned to hide her rarer finds, and resign the rest to her mother’s purges.

Her father was a teacher at a very prestigious school for young unicorns, and as such Shiny Bauble received the best education any young unicorn could hope for. She excelled in the sciences, and magic theory, but her attention span was short, and she often got into arguments with her teachers. She never understood why her teachers would get frustrated with her for asking questions. Nevertheless, she often found herself on the receiving end of one of her father's infamous lectures on the proper way to address a teacher, and what was and was not acceptable to ask.

In addition to not getting along well with her teachers, many of the other students were put off by her odd collecting habits, and being almost embarrassingly shy, she didn’t make too many attempts to make friends outside of a select few that she had known since she was a foal. She was teased and taunted by may of her classmates which only enforced her antisocial behavior. She wasn’t lonely, however. She was perfectly happy to keep to herself and search out anything new and interesting.

One day, her school took a trip to the Stalliongrad natural sciences museum. She was enthralled by the displays, zipping around the massive building for hours on end. She had never been anywhere with such an amazing collection of interesting objects, it wasn’t until she had to be forcibly removed from one of the exhibits that she realized she had received her cutie mark, a magnifying glass. Her parents had been overjoyed, despite their misgivings about her hobbies, and Shiny Bauble finally understood her purpose in life.

Upon graduation, she decided to move to Canterlot. There, she found employment at the Royal Equestrian Research Institute as a junior researcher. Her superiors were impressed by her ability, and her enthusiasm, but her inability to focus on one task for long left her without work before long. She returned to Stalliongrad and opened an independent research practice with the assistance of one of her former superiors. She would do projects for ponies that wanted to know the history of an object or the like, or for companies that wanted an independent researcher. However, most of the her time now is spent on her own projects while she waits for work.

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It's coming along, I just need to work on the back story a bit more; flesh it out and all that. I've been out of town for the holiday weekend so haven't been able to work on it. It should be more or less complete within the next couple of days.

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