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Celebrity Personifications of Ponies?


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I have a question for all of you bronies.

When you see a pony, does a human celebrity counterpart immediately come to mind?

For example, whenever I hear Rarity and see her mannerisms, I IMMEDIATELY think of Joan Collins.

Do you guys do this? If so, who do you picture as which pony? (And I'm not limiting this to the Mane Six. Any pony is open for interpretation!)

I thought this topic was original, but if it's been done before, I apologize for the spam. I'm new. Don't hurt me!

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I tend to not follow celebrities, so you could smack me in the face with a pony celebrity knockoff and I'd be clueless. :P

Unless it was Lauren Faust. I'd probably cry if I ever met her.

Venture to BroNYCon and you can do just that! That's why I'm going. Lauren faust and John de Lancie. I couldn't say no!

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I prefer subtle 'hints' for someone who or was famous. Nothing dates an episode quicker than 'popular celebrities' on a tv show. Always bothered me as a little kid when on the Flintstones they'd have a parody of someone famous on the show. Usually a bad pun "Hey Kids! It's Charlie Chaprock!", and he or she would be drawn far more realistically than the other characters when it came to their faces, but they'd still have the show's typical fat bodies and big feet. Always looked pretty creepy.

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