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Parent trouble


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If they ask if you are gay, ask them how watching a cartoon can decide your sex preference.

I've seen these threads posted to Canterlot ad nauseum, and it's always the same thing -- young men (and sometimes ladies) that get grief from their families for liking the show. Those of us that have families that understand how important and special FiM is to us are truly blessed.

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I think that if you're worried about it so much because you're that far into it and you can say something like, "No, you don't realize what this show means to me," then maybe the reason you're afraid of your parents or anybody finding out about your brony-ness is because you actually ARE in too far. We joke that you can never get enough of pony, but if you are afraid because you are 100% pony all the time, then maybe it is you, and not them. It may not be that they are worried about you being gay. They might be more concerned with the general balance of you interests first.

I've been a brony for over a year now. I remember the first month of me in the fandom was amazing. I call it the honeymoon period, because that's pretty much what it was in terms of how it affected my life. But after that month, everything settled down, and I found a pace in life that balances me out. If you don't have this balance, it may be because you allow yourself to become obsessed with something you can like on a regular basis anyway.

From the famous Chef Sandy from Bronyville: "It's just a cartoon, you should probably just relax."

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Well, i would say one of two things...

1: Ignore them and just try not to bring it up in front of them...

2: Comment on their interests and how you have no interest in them. "Oh, watching Nascar again? Lemme guess, they're turning left? Awesome......" or whatever they have fandom for that you yourself can't understand. just explain that you like certain things and they like certain things, it's not something to be weirded out about...

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It's just best to be upfront with your parents, and not pull this passive-aggressive nonsense that others are suggesting.

If you see them making weird faces at you, ask them why they're doing it. Say you feel uncomfortable when they do it. Don't get angry at them, there's no need for anger.

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