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I was bored... and i found an ax.


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.....You monster! :cry:

That young calculater still had her entire life ahead of her! Did you not hear her screams!

Her last moments shall haunt my dreams for many a year to come... :eek:

(Surprisingly high-quality vid, great job! ;-) )

She needed to be put down... she tortured me through high school with her inability to do what was needed (which is true, apparently our math teacher knew how to do certain functions with a Texas instruments calculators and not a casio, so rather than being able to help me learn what to do i had to learn the casio equivalent to what TI did :sad: )

Buuuut yeah... Lotta fun. we actually did it two more times with other objects, gonna upload more soon =3

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Were there any innocent gaming devices in the incident? Or were they objects with memories of hatred? Like a Phillips CD-i? OR a copy of ET?

... old GBA, broken anyway... Actually it was touch to crack, the first wing only made a dent in the screen, no actual penetration.

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Ahhhh.... good ol' Nintendo. So sturdy, so tough. That's really impressive. I knew they could take a beating but not that much of one.

Well, it WAS a pretty bad dent... and who knows how the innards looked after a hit like that... buuuuut it didn't take long to make it turn to rubble, hehe... I may do that vid next.

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