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Hello Canterlot!


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About Myself: Well, I love all that geeky stuff like video games and anime. I spend most of my time wasting my life on anything mlp related.

How I found Canterlot.com: I found it through a google search on mlp stuff.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Almost all of my friends were joining the herd one by one. I made fun of all of them for it. I never gave it a chance no matter how many times they attempted to show it to me. As a huge fan of Portal, I realized the majority of the fanbase for Portal absolutely loved mlp. After two years, I finally gave it a chance. I am now a bigger brony then any of my friends and I can easily say it's my favorite show of all time.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash
This place looks really awesome and I am really looking forward to this! Seriously, I pretty excited right now.

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