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About Myself: I'm James and I like to make YouTube videos where I talk about random things.

I've been wanting to start drawing again because I haven't done anything decent in years.

I've been looking at tutorials for drawing ponies, so hopefully I'll be able to draw them properly soon.

How I found Canterlot.com: I discovered Canterlot by my friend mentioning it in one of his DeviantART submissions. Just out of curiosity, I decided to check it out and here I am.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I first started watching MLP a few weeks ago because I wanted to see why people liked it so much, and after the first 2 episodes I was hooked.

I've now seen every episode and I'm eagerly waiting for season 3.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
I was a little bit surprised at the fact that there's only around 3000 members, but I guess that'll make it easier to get to know you guys :D

My OC/Ponysona is a pegasus called Shade and despite being a pegasus, he likes to keep his feet on the ground with the earth ponies.

He can be quite lazy and shy at times but once ponies get to know him, he can become very talkative.

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Drawing ponies is fun too, I'm sure you'll do great! Be sure to share your artstuffs, I don't want to miss any!

Thanks for the encouragement, and I'll be sure to share my creations :)

Do you have a link to the DA piece that brought you here?

Yuppers, right here http://fav.me/d4uazav

It was a drawing by Astalakio of a Canterlot user's ponysona.

I kind of have him to thank for making me want to get back into drawing.

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Thanks for all the greetings guys, I really feel like I can settle in here because it seems like a really nice community :)

Ohi, and welcome. You wouldn't happen to link your youtube channel, would you? I'm always sorta interested in that stuff.

Nice to see someone that's interested :)

Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/user/jbeetles

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