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Gold Dust [Final]


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Roleplay Type: FIM/Show Roleplay

Name: Gold Dust

Sex: Male

Age: Young Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Coat Color: Old Gold Hex:#CFB53B

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Both mane and tail are cool black (Hex:#002E63). A single stripe of cream (Hex:#FFFDD0) runs through the tail from tip to top. Mane is short cut, but comes in many styles. Tail is rather long in comparison and is equally adaptable.

Eye Color: Bright Green Irises Hex:#66FF00. Average white sclera and black pupils.

Cutie Mark: A rock crumbling into a neat pile of gold dust (Looks like sand.)

Physique: Slightly taller than the average pony. Lean but tough. Has endured hard winters in the middle of nowhere.

Origin: Currently based in Fillydelphia where he owns a shop, but always willing to hitch up a cart and follow the money.

Occupation: Merchant/Import/Export

Motivation: Has a penchant for money, and is always able to sniff out a good deal. Well known in certain circles for his ability to acquire rare items in a pinch.

Likes: Money, gift giving and receiving and the smile on a happy customer's face. A big fan of the open road and the thrill of adventure.

Dislikes: Hates being swindled, and knows a lot of ponies. Although he talks a big talk, he hates violence and tries to stay out of fights. Paralysing fear of the sea and large bodies of water.

Character Summary: Born into a large Roaman family that struggled to get by, Gold Dust soon realised that if he wanted anything he'd have to get it himself. So he did. One day he brought some chewing gum into school, which he traded for an old wooden toy, which he then traded for the latest book in his favourite series. Gold Dust had found his passion. For the next few weeks he found out what certain ponies wanted, and what certain ponies could provide. He got a pack of nails from the son of a blacksmith for a set of pencils he got from an artist's daughter, which got him a wooden sword. A few days later he traded the sword for an original issue of a popular comic which he then sold for a large amount of bits to a private collector. His parents then began to suspect that he was stealing things. They punished Gold Dust and took away all of his new stuff which he had traded for. This led to some animosity between himself and his parents. To prove himself he took a large rock from the garden and set off to school. A week of backwards and forwards and he eventually returned with a golden ring and a note from its previous owner. His parents gave him back his stuff, but Gold Dust still felt mistreated. He soon became the go to pony at school for almost anything. But then he got into some trouble with the education system after being discovered possessing some rather unsavoury material with the intent to trade, and was kicked out of high school. His parents once again turned on him, and Gold Dust left the house. Fortunately, a father of a school friend of his recognised his talents and employed him as a supplier. Gold Dust spent the next five years of his life running all across Equestria and beyond to get the best goods at the best prices. This helped him build-up a vast network of contacts throughout Equestria.

Recently acquired his own business in Fillydelphia, "All That Glitters is Gold Dust", and employs three permanent ponies: Cha-ching runs the day-to-day business in Fillydelphia itself, Trekker and Gold Dust run the actual roads, and Prince helps maintain a strong relationship with other businesses.

To Gold Dust, his cutie mark represents a ticket to anywhere. Merchants like him travel the world in search of new and interesting products at low prices. Gold Dust was always independent, and as he is typically heading from one city to the next with carts full of goodies, he enjoys it. That's not to say he doesn't like company, of course. His talent is specifically geared towards getting hold of exactly what somepony else (or he) wants and walking off with a tidy profit, and every person down the chain happy. He likes to see a happy customer, and is always willing to go the extra mile for customer satisfaction, but knows when a deal stops being worth it. After some initially shady business practices, he renounced his ties to the underworld when he started up his own business, and hasn't looked back. He still retains a few connected friends, but they're just friends and no longer business partners.

Gold Dust loves to make friends, but has serious commitment issues, so it can never go further than that. He also suffers from wanderlust and hates staying in one place for too long, although he has forced himself before . Well travelled, but not the most intelligent pony. Well learned in Mathematics and Equestrian as a necessity, but poor in all other subject areas. Can speak Zebrican and has a basic knowledge of most Equestrian languages. Not a particularly skilled unicorn although he can use basic telekinesis, and is able to cast a simple orientation spell that acts like a compass to point him in the right direction.

Both of his parents run a bed and breakfast in Roam. If Gold Dust is ever in Roam then he stops by as a courtesy. This can be any time from once a week to once a year depending on where the deal is. Maintains a cordial relationship with his parents and three younger sisters, but is BBBFF with his big brother who is Captain of the Roam Town Guard. His three sisters are all still students in high school.

Gold Dust has been known to fall for extremely flashy objects, and is a fan of ridiculously ostentatious clothing, although he keeps that to himself. He also has a paralysing fear of deep water after he was sent to Unyasi to acquire some potions and the chartered ship was attacked on the Quagga Strait by a fierce sea serpent. Gold Dust was thrown overboard and dragged under the ship, and If it wasn't for a plucky pegasus then he would have drowned.


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So he got his cutie mark for trading? Makes sense, since he's a merchant pony. However, I'd like to see just a little bit on how he got interested in doing such a thing in the first place. Was it a family thing that he was sucked into, or did it just seem like something that appealed to him out of necessity? Also, what exactly does the mark represent about him, in regards to his special talent? What makes it so special to him?

If you could take a short moment to clarify on this stuff for me, that'd be great :D

Edited by Imagination
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Sure. Thanks for showing interest. To him his mark represents a ticket to anywhere. Merchants like him travel the world in search of new and interesting products at low prices. Gold Dust was always independent, and as he is typically heading from one city to the next with carts full of goodies, he enjoys it. That's not to say he doesn't like company, of course. In a big family it's sometimes hard to get what you want. Especially if the family's in a little financial trouble. Gold Dust saw something he wanted, and took the initiative. He brought in some chewing gum, which he traded for an old wooden toy, which he then traded for the latest book in his favourite series. His talent is specifically geared towards getting hold of exactly what somepony else (or he) wants and walking off with a tidy profit, and every person down the chain happy. He likes to see a happy customer, and is always willing to go the extra mile for customer satisfaction, but knows when a deal stops being worth it.

Is that what you wanted? Do you think this character is a bit too unbalanced?

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