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Shazbot! Hat Fortress! Ponies!


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About Myself: As my title states, I am a Tribes: Ascend fan, TF2, and obviously ponies!

How I found Canterlot.com: A buddt of mine recommended me, so why not?

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Believe it or not, I saw a tripfag (Tripfriend?) thread on /b/ about a years and a half ago and decided to watch an episode or two. By the end of the night, Trixie had already taken the spot as Best Pony.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie
What else is there to tell? I'm always open on steam/Tribes if you want to shoot some Sword Bringers or Kill some spys! I also play Battlefield 3 on PC, but it's been buggy lately, so I haven't been on it much.

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Ah, look at this, somebody who appreciates excellent games. Aaaand also you may wanna avoid using the three-letter f-word there, just a heads up, the community is after all G-rated!

Anyhow, welcome to Canterlot! We have artists here of quite some variety, writers ranging from the mundane to the deranged, and a great much else! Just ask if you need pointers on anything!

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Hey there flywing, welcome to canterlot! People like to call me the "Bugmaster" because of my love of insects, spiders, and all things arthropod. If you like to learn and find yourself bored, come on down to my bug thread. I'm always doing little highlights on all sorts of interesting insects and spiders.

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