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Confetti Sparkler [FINAL]

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Roleplay Type: Mane

Name: Confetti Sparkler

Sex: Female

Age: Young Mare

Species: Earth Pony

Eye Color: Cyan [#19eade]

Coat Color: Neon green [#35ef5d]

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: A magenta [#e819dc] mane and tail with random bright orange [#ffbd0b] stripes. Her mane is scruffy and teased over her head, ending with a curl in front of her face, and her tail is much the same, messy and ending with a curl.

Physique: Sparkler is a short, slender pony. She’s at least half a head shorter than most mares, and is fairly thin and toned due to her energetic attitude and inability to keep still.

Cutie Mark: A pink sparkler shooting off white-yellow sparks

Origin/Residence: Manehattan

Occupation: Fireworks designer and supplier

Motivation: When Sparkler was young, she grew up with sisters who excelled in general. She had no time to shine, until she found her true calling in creating beautiful fireworks. It represents her hope that everypony can have their own time to show their talents and how great they truly are.




Rainbow/colourful things






Mean, rude ponies


Being ignored

Cloudy nights


Character Summary:

Sparkler is a Manehattan native. She was born and grew up in the bustling city with five other sisters, with a father that worked as a flight instructor in a high school and a soda maker mother. She was well-taken care of, but it was inevitable that attention would be hard to get in such a large family. Her cutie mark came later than the others; they found theirs at eight and nine and ten, being naturally talented ponies, but she was well into her eleventh year. She tried over and over to get her cutie mark and be noticed, but failed for quite a while. However, after speaking in hushed tones one day to her close friend, Blue Drizzle, she was informed of a place where she could get some firecrackers. After getting them at an incredibly cheap price that probably would’ve alarmed an older pony, Sparkler hadn’t bothered to set them off. She’d torn them open, ripping the cardboard and paper apart until she found the fuse and the pyrotechnic stars and the magic powder. As cliché as it sounded, something sparked in her.

She roamed the streets with her saved allowance, looking for everything she’d seen in those firecrackers. Her hooves itched to create. Sparkler set up in an old empty warehouse two blocks from her house, building with no idea what she was doing, and then she lit the fuse and – BOOM.

Sparkler was thrown back three feet, flames and sparks exploding from the firecracker. For a moment she wondered how all of that could come from one little cardboard cylinder, and then she noticed the light coming from below her. The filly twisted around and stared at her flank. Was that...it was! Her cutie mark! A pink sparkler, shooting off white-yellow sparks. Sparkler rushed home to tell her family. They all celebrated with her, and everything was perfect, and she felt special.

…Until the next morning, when she found that her mother had disappeared without a trace. The family became quiet and somber for at least three months afterward, and her father was never the same. She even found, even after years of trying to hide what he did, that he had taken up dealing in the black market for the money the family desperately needed and he was too proud to ask for. Confetti Sparkler tried her best to ease his load with selling fireworks, just as her older sisters had done by caring for the younger ones. Finally, at the age of 18, she moved out of his home and rented a cosy apartment, promising to visit frequently.

Sparkler is a happy pony, always excited and wanting to try something fun and new. She is bright and cheerful, bursting with optimism; she always smiles and hardly has a mean word to say to anypony. However, if teased or attacked, she will hold a grudge, and anypony making fun releases the angry side of her. She’s easily distracted and her feelings are easily hurt. Talking about her mother exposes a vulnerable, gloomy demeanor that she usually shows no sign of. Her work and her family are the most important things to her, and she refuses to ever lessen their importance.

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this is a wonderful app! I love how being in a big family drove her to be noticed and how fitting it was for her to have an affinity for fireworks! no better way to get noticed if you ask me! still one important issue stands out. You cant use human years to determine her age at specific point in her life, you have to use foal, filly/colt, mare/stallion. and then you can other adjective onto them ie younger older etc. the reasoning being that there is never any indication of a character from mlp in years only those descriptors so we dont know how old they can get or how long it takes them to grom up. also the black market may not fly with the mods but dont quote me on, that let them tell you if its ok or not before going and chaging it, but generally anything that you wouldnt expect to see on a kids show wont fly here. Overall Im very intrigued by this character, very original :D

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A pyrotechnic pony. Interesting.

The only issue some may have with it is the mention of black powder and such, as it can point to other things existing in the MLP universe (mostly in the realm of weaponry that we'd rather avoid for the sake of peaceful and enjoyable RP). We do, however, support 'magic' fireworks, since we can't really deny that fireworks of some sort DO exist in that universe. Heck, if you just replaced black powder with 'magic' powder, or something of the sort, I'd think most would be fine with that.

As for the black market thing, I don't see why not. Obviously we can't have drugs, alcohol, harvested organs, etc, but SOME criminal element in the MLP universe could fit. Things like 'underpriced pastries' or 'stolen straw hats' would probably be something one would find in an MLP-style black market.

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Just a minor nitpick: we avoid using hard numbers for ages since no one knows exactly how long ponies live in universe. Defining a maturity level such as filly or young mare is sufficient.


Please be patient while we move you to the Roleplayers group so you can start RPing!

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