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Bang your head [open]


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(I finally drew a decent picture of Metal Song now that I got my pen tablet. eue http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/198/d/1/metal_song_by_kattria4-d57jmda.png)

"No, I'm a bit of a loner nowadays. And good morning, miss." Metal smiled politely, and nodded slightly, grinning brightly at the deep blue mare but trying to avert his eyes from her blank flank. That pony was yet to receive a cutie mark. She looked kind of friendly, if a little anxious.

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"Oooh," was all Bright Eyes commented and smiled. "Never heard of that before but love is love!" she said happily. She then turned to the other pony with a smile. "Thank you! Good morning to you, too," she said, suddenly remembering her manners. She seemed to calm down and she bowed a bit in greeting. "I'm sorry. Did I introduce myself? Well even if I did, my name is Bright Eyes," she introduced. She wasn't too sure if she had already. She smiled and then noticed the stallion was looking at her blank flank. She blinked and looked at it, too and chuckled. She looked back at the unicorn. "If you're wondering why I still have a blank flank, it's because my parents sheltered me sooo much. I mean, I wasn't allowed to do -anything- without somepony with me," she said with a roll of her eyes. "I wasn't allowed to do anything rough at all. They treated me like some fragile package," she added with a smile. "But they're not around right now so I can do what I want! And what I want to do is find my cutie mark!" she said happily.

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Allanon walked past, trying not to get in anyone's way. He hated butting into others' business, so he simply stood off to the side, looking into the distance.

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