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Your review of the show


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A very basic, very un-original question, what do you think of the show?

I know a lot of you are going to give big speeches about why it's the best thing ever =D But I'm curious to see what differences to that there is.

Personally, I think the show is pretty good. It's not brilliant per say, it doesn't push any boundaries, it doesn't define a genre, or go where no show has gone before. In my opinion, it's a kids show that choses to cleverly write its episodes, opposed to choosing to just patronise their younger audience.

I think this is what has made it appeal to 'bronies'. If the show was given a new name and title, and named to be something a tad more.. 'manly', I don't think there would be as much of the 'hysteria' around the show as there is.

I think most of the buzz around the show comes from the fact that there is one boundary it breaks, and that it that it breaks the preset stereotypes of the predecending series. (That they made a girls show cool).

We're a young-ish group of fans, and as is the younger culture, we like to look cool, 20% cooler to be exact. That's the reason most of us buy gadgets, clothes, labelled things. We want to show the world why we're different from everybody else, we want to be trend setters, to be ..'hipsters' *shudders* I guess, kinda..

To enjoy the show is to say to the world "I'm breaking the rules, I'm being unique", but a much more .. loving and tolerant rule breaking. :)

Those are my 2 cents anyway ^^ thoughts?

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That logic really doesn't apply to me personally. In fact, that way of thinking is really kind of silly to me. Enjoying something just so you can be perceived as unique is really a kind of baffling idea to me, especially when that "unique" thing has in itself become a trend. I kind of hope that isn't the core thinking for most bronies, though I suppose I am a little distanced from a lot of the fandom stuff. For me, liking FIM wasn't even all that unusual. When I watched the show I wasn't even thinking about the previous generation stuff; I had never seen it or even really cared about it. Sure there was some skepticism going in, but that was abandoned pretty quickly. I also haven't bought or ever worn any pony stuff. I'm not hiding it; I just don't understand the need to broadcast it really.

No, I disagree entirely. For me, FIM's appeal comes strictly from the overwhelming quality of the core product, the show itself. Maybe it doesn't innovate as much as some cartoons I watched growing up, but everything is just top notch, be it the writing, the voice acting, the music and especially the animation. Everything is so vivid and attention grabbing. I can't help but smile as I watch it. Furthermore, the characters are some of the most endearing and wonderful I can remember in a cartoon. Perhaps I'm biased, as I've always had a real love of interesting female characters, but FIM really, really delivers on that front for me in particular. When it all comes together, it's just one of the most delightful and enjoyable animated programs I've ever seen.

I think the greatest boon to FIM's success is probably the show's world. It has fun rules, it's colorful, magical, open, whimsical, exciting, sometimes even dangerous. It's the kind of world that you just kind of want to be a part of, which makes it ideal for fan creations and OCs. That's a big part of it that doesn't get stated much I think: Equestria is the perfect world to support fan characters and concepts. Combine that with the amazing characters already there and the eye pleasing visual aesthetics, and the series is just perfect for fanfiction and other fan media, the spread of which is, I think fundamental to the fandom's continued growth and support.

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I have always liked clever cartoons like Friendship is Magic. It is a very well produced creation, and for that I love it. It may not be the most original and unique thing out there, but it is overall very enjoyable for a wide range of people. The characters have depth to them, which is especially great for something targeted at younger audiences. The stories are often fairly predictable, but enjoyable anyway. All around, the show itself is enjoyable and I have a feeling I'd have sat and watched through it at least once even if there were no other factors involved.

What intrigues me most is the style. The basic pony design is so very simple, yet it has so much potential. They manage to display a whole lot of different and unique looking characters, even though the very basic shape of a pony always looks the same. That's true even if you don't count the different, rarer body shapes (such as Big Macintosh and Flim and Flam, etc.). There is so much color in this show, but it's so well executed that it doesn't seem like too much. The colors are always very soft and well put together, never appearing too bright or clashing. Even just the backgrounds have dozens of colors in them, and they mostly go unnoticed. I love the thick colored outlines. It's such a breath of fresh air compared to the thin black lines that usually define cartoons. Visually, I think Friendship is Magic is absolutely beautiful. I suppose this is why I (and so many others) spend so much time drawing ponies.

I also really love the setting. Equestria is a really interesting and amazing place, full of magic and monsters. The idea that these ponies literally create their world is so awesome to me. Pegasi create the weather, the princesses raise the sun and moon, ponies work together to bring springtime... and so much more! It's all very enchanting. Not to mention the awesome creatures that dot the world.

This is, of course, just how the show personally appeals to me. I love that the fans have many different reasons to love the show, and that we can all be brought together by our fondness for it.

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