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Entry Request Set #1



Hello and welcome to the Canon Machine. I was fooling around in Skype when people started throwing out all sorts of silliness- ships, how Pinchy conquers the world, etc- when Riverhippo suggested I make this thread. So here it is.

What is the Canon Machine?

I can pump canons out pretty fast. I did them as they came up in chat, but it would be somewhat lame if I just responded to every request individually with a blog. So I'll do the same, but post them only twice a week. These Results Blogs will hopefully respond to multiple canon requests. If there us is not enough to satisfy a blog, I will hold off for another few days. The Canon produced by the machine is not going to be a foolproof show canon style arrangement. Details will be missing, nuggets of information looked over. This is because the Canon Machine likes to leave you with a working chassis with which to build on. It may give out a basic who, what, when why, and where or even leave out one of them, but it will be functional canon with which to work with.

What won't it do?

Anything illegal.


All ships can work because love isn't a puzzle with a logical solution so arguing about who fits with whom the best is inherently a red herring. Any canon can happen. It's just about getting the framework down and letting details sort themselves out.

The first set of requests are open. This blog will be closed a few hours before the Results Blog is posted. The Results Blog will also open up requests. The Request Blog may be posted any time between tomorrow night and friday, depending on number of requests.


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