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Frain Breeze

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About Frain Breeze

  • Birthday 09/12/1989

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    medieval armor and weapons, video games, MS Paint Adventures. And of course, ponies.
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    New Jersey, USA
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  1. Cute and lots of energy. I likes :3
  2. I get the feeling that my last thread is partly the cause for this post. I'm only speaking for myself, but I strongly suspect others feel this way. The whole purpose of joining Canterlot was for the well-established canon and limitations on what characters can and can't do. I didn't want to RP in a forum where every other character too high-tech, wacky, overpowered, grimdark, or otherwise wouldn't fit. My previous experiences with such places typically involved two overpowered characters playing Calvinball with each other until somebody came up with a new way to godmode. I didn't want to go anywhere near a place that looks anything like that. To me, saying "You can take it to Free For All / Crossovers" is equivalent to saying "Go do that thing you were specifically trying to avoid." I preferred leaving the forum entirely over going to FFA. No matter how many people say good RP still happens there, it is incredibly difficult to accept. That said, I do like the expanded canon tag you propose. Really like it. Really really really like it. As long as there's some definition behind it so we know what is or isn't acceptable, it should definitely encourage mixing between Mane RPers and FFA/CO RPers.
  3. Imagination: 1. I was thinking more along the lines of "try to run, but fight back if cornered" encounters. As for the kinds of creatures, I was under the impression that manticores, hydras, and cockatrices were off-limits except to Mods. Parasprites... I think an encounter with those would be a RP in its own. Timberwolves are good though! I totally forgot about those guys. 2. For the traps, are you talking about what characters can be "hit" by, or what can exist period? Having the dangerous ones there, even if they won't actually end up catching anypony, would help add excitement to the RPs (and/or provide lulz if they turn out to be defective). 3. "We're phasing them out" - That is an acceptable answer. As for the violence thing, the character in question was going to moonlight as a thief. She would tackle somepony, grab whatever they dropped, and then run off. It's not the brightest and sunniest character, but I thought it was reasonable. 4. I'm not so sure that comparison works for this situation, since the Mane Six (and secondary characters) are the only ones who run their shops. I imagine the library would be closed without either Twilight or Spike hanging around, for example. However, I do agree that there are other places one could go. Like I said, it just seems awkward avoiding the places we know. (Not really a huge concern, just an oddity) Keep the answers coming
  4. It's only been a week, but already I'm having second thoughts on having left the RP here. The responses I got made it apparent that my posts were far more appreciated than I had originally believed. However, I definitely want some clarification on the limits of the Mane RP before I decide to rejoin. The main reason I left is that, while the rules are left sort of general and up to the user, the enforcement feels strict. Since I always err too far on the side of caution, I essentially wound up in "Fluttershy mode", afraid to do anything that even approaches questionable. It felt it was too hard to have fun. I only feel comfortable posting on a forum when I know for sure what my limits are. Without further delay, here's a list of things I want to know more about: 1. Monsters The go-to idea for anything in the Everfree. But what kinds of things can we have drop in on our characters? I know the super-powerful things like dragons are out. Can we make up monsters? If so, are there any kinds of things we should avoid? (e.g. zombies, skeletons, changelings, certain powers) 2. "Wild" locations It's fun to have an RP where you find someplace new. How much leeway do we have with ancient ruins, caverns, and other areas nopony has explored? My main concern here is when we have to come up with some backstory for the locale, since it could easily involve making up history the show hasn't established. And on the subject of ruins, what about traps? How far into Daring Doo mode can we go? 3. Violence I know the major grimdark stuff is out. But where exactly is the line? I had a character rejected because tackling someone to steal from them was considered too violent, yet I've seen military characters with the "family or squad wiped out by badguys" backstory get through without a problem. The ruling felt very arbitrary, and was actually the last straw that convinced me to leave Canterlot. I'm not asking for an argument, I just need to know the reasoning that one passes and another fails. I was 100% certain that character would've passed, so it took me completely by surprise. I don't like vague rules that sneak up on me like that. 4. Ponyville without cast characters involved Ponyville is a big "target" for RPs, since it's where most of the show takes place. All of the major landmarks are heavily tied to the Mane Six or at least some other cast character, so what do we do if none of their players are in a Ponyville RP with you? It just seems kinda awkward to have to avoid the major locations we're all familiar with.
  5. So remake it in flash, javascript, php, or something? I already rebuilt this thing from scratch (originally an Excel file), so I'm not looking forward to doing that again for a while at least. Updated the link in the first post btw.
  6. Artax: Perhaps. Could you clarify that a little?
  7. (obsolete post) *checks site in IE for the heck of it* ...oh god, I did not realize how crappy that site was with its ads. x_X If anyone knows a better free upload site, PLEASE TELL ME. The "right" download link is the only one in plain text. I'm really sorry about that site's tricky ads. (One of the many many reasons I always have adblock on)
  8. I always have trouble coming up with names for my OCs, so I decided to do something about it. And, being a nerd with too much spare time, that "something" was "create a random name generator". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP3acBx3Eic DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/?q4aq1g3l4a6medj Features: -There are around 111,606 names possible. -Words are sorted into themed groups, which can be enabled or disabled at will -The user can specify if the words must be from different groups -The user can force the name to include a certain type of word -A few Easter eggs (" " word group, and comments appear for certain names)Tell me if you have any suggestions or find any bugs! (I may be done RPing here (for a little while at least), but I still peek in. Also, this is definitely one of those "Where the heck do I put this?!" posts.)
  9. I've given up on RPing on this site and have taken my characters elsewhere. I may still lurk from time to time, but don't expect much posting from me.
  10. This is probably the biggest issue for me. I don't want to RP with a bunch of morons using chatspeak, yet it seems my only other option is the kind of place where every post is a book. I finish typing a post with as many useful details as possible, and then I still get stuck feeling like a jerk because I managed it in 2 paragraphs while everyone who replies makes an essay of it. That kind of thing makes RPing feel like a chore rather than something I do for fun. I feel there's a similar issue with the Crossovers and Mane RP too. I.e., "everything is allowed" versus a highly detailed (and restrictive...) set of rules and lore. I'm thinking of giving Crossovers a try, but I'm honestly on the verge of quitting altogether.
  11. Simple question, simple answer. Thanks
  12. Just a little something that popped into my head earlier. Can RPs coincide with the events of an earlier MLP FIM episode, or are the events of the show considered to be strictly in the past? For example, could a new RP involve something like the dragon migration, or what some OCs were doing when the changelings attacked Canterlot? Assuming nothing happens that "breaks" show canon, of course.
  13. Discord's eyebrows... Rarity-haired. Bwahaha
  14. "You don't want war against us. We don't fight like heroes, heroes fight like us."
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