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Pinkie Pie's Hilarious Haunted House of Horrors


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Pinkie Pie's Hilarious Haunted House of Horrors

You know that Pinkie Pie always has the best—and also scariest haunted house in Equestria on Nightmare Night. Pinkie loves to pull pranks, ALMOST as much as she likes throwing parties. What better way to combine the two than on Nightmare Night?

Against your better judgment, you step inside. Every year, Pinkie's haunted house gets worse, more scary than the year before. It's something Pinkie enjoys immensely, and she goes all out, preparing for weeks on end. Pinkie Pie has even roped some of her friends into dressing up as horrible creatures, ready to jump out and scare anypony who might chance by!

This haunted house is well decorated this year - the painted skulls, glowing ghosts and the suspended bats swinging on the ceiling all look as though they could start chattering and making noises at you at any moment...the howling wind through open windows almost seem to be calling out to warn you of the potential troublesome spooks in the dark...waiting to leap out and scare anypony silly enough to cross them.

But you're all already far too deep in to turn back now - there's a prize in here someplace, a reward for those brave souls who have ventured into this dark, creepy place with the intent to conquer it this year...but of course, there's still much more in the unknown than you've probably seen, and who knows what other creepy surprises lay in wait for the unwary and the easily scared?

Dare you go on in?

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The previous location didn't go too well for Insight. He was yet to find some clues for his research. Still, he kept in mind that he needed to relax a bit before his real adventure began. However, at Celestia's House of Mirrors, he seemed to have lost a piece of Candy when everypony suddenly paniced and left the house. He was pushed out along with the crowd and only knew that "Pinkie Pie", the pony famous for her pranks was the culprit behind it.

"This looks like the place." He says as he walks towards the entrance of the Haunted House. "I suppose she's is in here. I better have a word with her about her pranks before somepony gets hurt."

Unconcerned of the creepy atmosphere and sort of disturbing sounds coming from within, Insight walks right in, hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive pink prankster.

(Edit: Thank you for bringing up the nights issue Pennwick. Edited my post to confirm.)

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((DJPP it would help if you could state if Turns is wearing a costume or not. Based on previous threads I'm assuming Inisght is not based on their posts in other threads. Seems like they're too focused on their research to bother having fun. So correct me if I'm wrong. You can click on Aloe's name down below and see the description of her I put in my post on the first night. Also I don't think they're nights in the typical sense. More like hour long blocks. Nights is what we call them because we have 24 hours to post.))

After her encounter with the princess Haywire and Rose had left. Aloe, the pink spa sister, had had tenatively tried a door only to have it slam behind her. She immediately gripped the handle only to have the whole thing come loose from the wall like it was some kind of prop. Behind was just a plain wood wall. It boggled her mind. How does such a thing even work. She couldn't help but feel that something more than just magic and clever building at work. She wondered if it would even be possible to map a place like this. She and her sister would have to come back later tonight.

For the moment though Aloe appeared to be in a cobweb covered hallway. She spotted another pony at the far end and started pushing her way through the webs to get to the other side. A small amount got in her mouth and she immeiately spat it out but was confused as she did so. Was it... sweet? She looked to her hoof covered in the stuff, looking closer maybe it wasn't real spiderwebs but very fine white cotton candy. Aloe grimiced and licked it off her hoof. She had to give Pinkie points for ingenuity this time it was a stunning effect. She shouted out to the pony she couldn't quite make out still a distance away obscured by the cotton candy webs. "Somepony over there?"

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One little mare, a hat, a poncho and a silver star, and all the false bravado she could muster. One spooky haunted house, boarded windows, ominous noises, and strangely enticing smells.

Do I dare go in the haunted house? Douglas said something about good tricks... So, I guess I dare!

The door creaked and groaned as she opened it, an impressive feat considering the volume of the music that hit her in the face when she did. Sure it kind of reminded her of a heartbeat and the decor was certainly creepy, but it didn't really seem so bad, and besides she already made up her mind about going in.

It wasn't until she reached the punch bowl that she realized something was amiss, and it wasn't the fact that punch was glowing in the dark. No, she was actually rather interested in giving that a taste. The truly unsettling thing was how nopony else seemed to be doing anything at all, and when she thought about it, she realized that they hadn't even reacted to her when she pushed past them on her way to the punch. She was just about to ask one of them what was going on when the music got a whole lot quieter and, seemingly from everywhere at once, a deep grating moan drowned out the other noises.

One of the other ponies turned its head towards Ginger Mint, and it took a positively unnatural step in her direction.

"Eh~hehe! T-thats quite a trick, r-really top notch." Her chuckle sounded hollow and her words didn't seem to get through, "Weeeelll, look at the time. Ah reckon I best be moseyin' along now."

The front door slammed shut.

The pony took another step.

Its just a trick, its just a trick, no need to panic... Right?

Ginger Mint didn't have a good response to her own question, so panic is exactly what she did. Her mane flew every which way as she frantically looked for a way out, but the front door was closed, and the windows were all boarded up. The only open doorway went deeper into the haunted house, but at that moment, she couldn't imagine anything more scary than her current predicament. She didn't think about it as she leapt over the table, unable to find a clear path to the door along the floor, her mind was screaming in terror right alongside her voice.

Down the spooky old hallway she ran, headlong through layers of cobwebs, kicking aside clattering debris as she went. Were those bones scattered about the floor? She didn't want to stop to find out. It wasn't until she reached the end of the hallway that she even realized she had been screaming the whole time and she forced herself to stop. There was no exit, no doorway, just some boarded up windows that still managed to let the chilly night wind cut through and a long gnarled rope hanging from the ceiling.


It had a sign hanging from its end, gently swaying back and fourth in the wind. A foreboding invitation that Ginger Mint didn't want to accept.

Well, if monsters are always bursting through windows to scare everypony, why can't I do the same?

With as much of a running start as she could manage in such tight confines, she threw all of her weight against the boards covering the window in a desperate attempt to break free. Unfortunately, all she succeeded in doing was creating a red board shaped mark on her face. She considered trying again, but was distracted by a malevolent laugh that echoed down the hallway. Ginger Mint could see the silhouette of one of those ponies blocking the way back, while slowly but surely advancing on her.

It couldn't possibly be worse than this, right? I guess I dare!

With one quick motion, she pulled the rope as hard as she could. This didn't open a convenient exit, however. Instead it caused the floor beneath her hooves to give way and she found herself sliding down a passageway lit only by the dim flicker of glow-bugs. If she hadn't been so terrified, she might have admitted that it was actually kind of fun.

The slide dropped her of in a dank little room. Moss and slime covered the stony floor and a pool of water filled the center of the room. A doorway leading back up was on the opposite side of the room, blocked off by the murky old pool. Cautiously, Ginger Mint crept up to the side of the pool and tried to gauge how deep the water really was. Of course it turned out to be impossible to tell, and for all she knew, the pool extended down forever.

She did, however, notice the pair of gleaming purple eyes poking out through the surface of the water.


Whatever amount of calm and courage she'd managed to collect back up after her initial scare went slipping away once again. She cantered back and fourth, wall to wall, as if she had might have missed a way out that she didn't see the last several times she looked. Eventually she accepted the fact that there was no other way out and she leapt for the other side of the pool. The stone on the opposite end wasn't actually made of stone though. It was a spongy material that she just bounced harmlessly off of back into the pool with the alligator. If she'd been paying attention, she might have realized that she was shrieking in horror again, or that the alligator was only the size of a small cat.

Soaking wet and shivering from fright, she scrambled up the side of the pool and launched herself up the twisted old staircase. Surely the exit had to lay somewhere up ahead, right? Could there possibly be anypony else down here that wasn't a horrible monster? She heard voices somewhere nearby, but no doubt that was just another trick.

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Aloe heard a shrieking from one of the closed doors. Not a ghoulish shrieking that occasionally emanated from the hidden speakers but a genuine scream. She pulled open the heavy door and tried to peer down into the darkness. It sounded like somepony was coming up the stairs in a hurry.

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Fear, it was something that everypony felt, even those that never had any reason to feel it. It was something primal and ancient. As Ginger Mint scrambled up the steps, all her thoughts were bent on escaping the hungry and undoubtedly tooth filled jaws of the monster behind her. Eventually her scream died out as she began to run out of breath, and when she reached the top of the twisty old stairs, she aimed to burst through the small opening in the big heavy door.

Something else was right in the way though, and she barreled right into it, tumbling to a halt. The impact did manage to interrupt her panicked state of mind with a healthy dose of confusion.

Ohmygosh! I just ran into somepony! How did I not see her standing there?

Even though there were two things on her mind now, fear still held the upper hand. She pulled herself off the ground as quickly as she could and gave the door a solid buck, slamming it closed with a dull thud that regrettably echoed far and wide. Leaning all of her weight up against the door to keep it shut, she finally stopped to see who it was she'd run into. The young mare's brightly colored outfit looked like the kind of costume any party goer might wear and she certainly didn't look like a zombie pony.

"Are you ok Miss? I'm terribly sorry about running into you like that. I'd lend you a hoof but you see there's an alligator on the other side of this door and I'm sure you can agree that being gobbled up would ruin this evening."

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Insight heard the commotion. It sounded like someone bucking a wall or probably a door and then a scream here and there. It was dark in the hallway so he tried to make his way to where the sounds and screams came from. The occasional hanging zombie cupcakes bothered him a bit, but he ignored them as he made his way.

"How I wish that I could cast a simple light spell," The young unicorn murmured. "Anyway, that doesn't matter. Whoever let out that scream could be in a heap of trouble."

He made his way through the hallway but couldn't see very well since it was a bit dark plus all the "frightening" ornaments obscured his vision on what was ahead. As his concern grew he let out a shout.

"Is anypony okay? I heard some screaming and came as fast as I could!"

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Aloe tumbled backwards with less grace than she would have liked, cotton candy cobwebs completely covering her costume. It seemed to be a reoccurring happening for her tonight. Falling, tumbling, crashing, very unpleasant. Though looking at the other pony in a soaked sheriffs costume, she admitted it could be worse. She pulled herself to her feet and pushed herself against the door before fully registering what the cream colored pony said. She blinked a moment. "Did you say Alligator?"

She vividly remembered that Pinkie Pie owned such a creature for a pet. That day at the spa was one of Pinkies more chaotic visits. Ever since then the pet had been banned from entering on Wednesdays. "It wouldn't happen to be about a foot and a half long, with beady eyes and no teeth would it?" she asked the mare.

She heard another male voice shouting in the distance. "We're over here!" she called back, though if her guess was right there was significantly less danger. Gummy could be a terror in the water but Aloe doubted his ability to climb a staircase like that. Or his ability to be all that scary out of the water. He didn't exactly move across the land with the greatest speed.

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"H-hello," Turns called out into the dark. Pinkiepie was good at haunted houses, "W-why did I d-decide to step hoof in this place." He wondered what could have possibly told him to enter the house but here he was, its too late to turn back now.

All of a suden Turns heard something behind the door he was standing at. He could tell it wasnt one of Pinkiepie's spooky tricks. "I-is s-s-someo-one there?" he called out to whoever was behind the door.

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Nightmare Moon

Trotting through Pinkie's terrifying, yet hilarious house of horrors, you look left an right wondering what might come next in this kooky place. Slowing your pace, you stare at the decorations in awe. Pinkie Pie had really outdone herself this year, everything looked so realistic! Then you come upon a statue of Nightmare Moon that looked unbelievably real! Everything looked so authentic; her mane, tail, armor, and even teeth as she grins at you. Even the eyes follow you as you check out the 'statue'.

One you finish gawking, you begin to move on, only to feel a chill down your spine and hot breath on your neck that freezes you in mid-step. Turning slowly, you realize that the statue wasn't an actual statue. It was Nightmare Moon herself! Drool dropped from her muzzle as she stares at you, ready to gobble you up! Swiftly, you grab a piece of candy and throw it into her gaping mouth! You bound away, in hopes that your distraction will satisfy her! You reach the exit, happy to have escaped even if it did cost you a piece of candy.

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There wasn't even sound from the terrified pink pony only blurs of movement. She moved surprisingly quickly for a costume that appeared to be difficult to move in. She immediately bolted towards a door marked with a glowing 'EXIT' sign with a taped piece of cardboard reading 'Express Emergency'. This room was surprisingly well lit and completely white. There were a number of comfortable looking chairs, also white, all facing one direction. The only thing not white was a large red button sitting next to one of them. The door behind her slid closed slowly with a clang and hiss sealing her any anypony else who managed to get inside before the door closed.

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The jester pony didn't seem mad at Ginger Mint for sending her sprawling to the ground, or at least she didn't seem as mad as she had every right to be. Even more amazingly, the jester seemed to know something about the alligator she'd seen in the basement, in a non creepy, not about to pounce on you because I'm a horrible monster kind of way too.

"Uh... yeah. Now that you mention it, it wasn't a very big looking alligator..."

Realization dawned on her, and she felt her fear drain away. The shadows didn't look quite as deep, the cobwebs revealed themselves as cotton candy, the blood stains smelled of ketchup and the bones scattered about the floor looked like they were made of paper mache. Even the memory of what she'd just witnessed made more sense now. The pool had only been a couple feet deep at most, and the spongy edges would have made sure nopony got hurt.

"Oh...Ooooh! My stars, that was quite a trick. This Pinkie Pie fellow must be quite the character. Er, um... I mean, I reckon this here house is full a tricks. They sure had me fooled. Why, I betcha this here statue is supposed ta scare us into thinkin Nightmare Moon is just... just..."

It wasn't a statue, it was moving. Moving in a way that could only be described as predatory. Her fear had calmed since her last scare, and even this new terror didn't send her into a panic but she bolted for the exit all the same.

"How can she be everywhere at once?! You would think she can split herself into copies or something!

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Aloe herself was half a step below panicking. She desperately tried to catch her breath. "I have no idea..." she tried to think up some explanation but couldn't come up with anything. Her wits were rather useless half scared and majorly befuddled by the way this place seemed to bend reality Whats more she didn't see any 'EXIT' that this room had claimed. In fact they seemed more trapped than before. The only option appeared to the ominous button. Pushing buttons that when you had no idea of their function was usually a bad idea but they didn't seem to have many options.

She was immediately thrown back into one of the white chairs as a invisible force pushed her back. A loud sound that could only be described as a roaring shook the whole room. Having never witnessed a rocket launch Aloe had no idea what was going on. A small capsule shaped room was ejected from the haunted house and skidded across an empty field before grinding to a halt. A small ping was heard and the door slid open again.

((Edit: I really over did it there. Sure its Pinkie Pie but come on, a secret rocket. Thats stretching it a bit far.))

Aloe wobbled to her feet shaking from head to hoof. Sh scooped up her hat and placed it on her head backwards too rattled to notice. "I have a thing... to do at a place... Bye..." She tripped again as she exited the capsule room and stumbled off in the general direction of the Spa.

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