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Larry The Cable Pony


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Here he is, Larry the Cable Pony!

This app will all be 'in character'

Name: "Got one of those! Oh, you mean MY name! I'm Larry the Cable Pony, GIT'R DONE!"

Sex: "Well I think that thar's a personal question and ... oh ... I mean.... MALE"

Age: "Got one of those too! Oh yeah... I'm a stallion... a really GOOD LOOKIN' Stallion!"

Role Play: "I've tried it once in a while, but I might git censored if'n I discuss it... oh, THAT kinda Role Play! I'd have to answer Crossover cause I ain't good enough to git into the Mane one. I'm low class all the way! GIT'R DONE!"

Species: "Spee whatsit? Wait, I got this'n! I'm an Earth Pony, definitely not a Mars Pony. I don't care who ya are, that's funny!"

Eye Color: "Blue! Jist like my collar!"

Coat Color: "Looks gray to me!"

Mane Tail Markings Style and.. : "Ok, we git the idea on that one! Brown..."

Physique: "Some would call me chunky, but I jist think thar's more of me to love!"

Cutie Mark: "GIT'R DONE! What else would ya expect me to have?"

Origin/Residence: "Let's jist call it the Nimbusgait Lakes and leave it at that. I do a lotta travelin'"

Occupation: "Ock you pay what? Oh, ya mean what I do to earn some bits! I'm a comedian, at least I think I am! GIT'R DONE!"

Motivation: "I wanna make ponies laugh! If ya can't laugh at yerself, who are ya gonna laugh at?"

Likes: "Food, more food, and makin' jokes!"

Dislikes: "Snobby ponies! Them that don't git my jokes! Them that thinks rednecks ain't real ponies!"

Character Summary: "Well, I have very humble beginnin's! Can't remember my birthday, I was kinda young back then and didn't carry my notepad to write it down. Anywoo, I've always been a class clown. The other foals in school didn't notice how fat I was cause I was makin'm laugh too much. I loved to punctate my jokes with my catch phrase GIT'R DONE. I said it so many times, weren't no surprise when that became my cutie mark! When I grew up (and grew OUT some more too), that's when I decided to pursue my life's dream: COMEDY! Used to have three other ponies I'd gallop around with: Jeff Horseworthy, Bill Engcolt and Ron 'Tater Salad' Whitehorse, but they went their separate ways. I'm still here in Equestria, GITTIN'R DONE!"

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