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No, I'm not leaving Canterlot.com.

What I'm referring to is the end of the MLP FiM Series.

Just watched Magical Mystery Cure again, and I can't help but come to the same conclusion I came to the moment I viewed it from the first time: THIS episode is the REAL finale of the SERIES, not just the SEASON.

MMC ties up all the 'loose ends' left from Twilight's journey to find her 'true self.' It is the climax of her tale of personal discovery. Honestly, where can the series go from here?

Don't get me wrong, I'll NEVER stop being a fan of the show. I'll continue to be loyal to the fandom as well as continue my 'stay' here at Canterlot.com. However, I just can't get excited about Season 4. To me, the show's already ended. I can barely get myself up for watching the reruns on TV anymore.

I'm sorry, but for me, MLP FiM is over. I feel happy for Twilight Sparkle for achieving the rank of Princess, but I think this story would be better served by having one 'last page' that reads, "and they all lived happily ever after." No sequels, no continuation, no 'reunion' movie, no Season 4. Just let it end here.

That's the way I will remember it.


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Hyperbole! Season 4 is already announced for winter release, and the writers are actively talking about how awesome it's going to be. Have faith, Mojopants! FiM is more than just Twilight. It's another chapter that will offer lots of exciting things to come.

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Hyperbole! Season 4 is already announced for winter release, and the writers are actively talking about how awesome it's going to be. Have faith, Mojopants! FiM is more than just Twilight. It's another chapter that will offer lots of exciting things to come.

Presumably Twilight will find out what missing from her life when she acquires the rank of Princess?

I don't know, I'm just making up predictions.

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I'm screen capping this blog, so that we can all have a good laugh about this next year, when we start eagerly waiting for season 5.

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It ain't over 'til the fat pony sings!

So yeah, unless Mrs. Cake or Snips get their own song, this series will live on.

More seriously though, Twilight has a long way to go; she's most certainly not the exemplar of perfection that Celestia believes her to be. Part of the reason I initially disliked Princess Twilight was that her ascension felt like it came too soon. It's not that I don't want her to be a Princess or an alicorn- I'm fine with that- it's more that Twilight still feels young and inexperienced to me.

I think a big part of season 4 is going to be Twilight learning and dealing with her new form/responsibilites. And that is something I look forward to.

Chin up, Mojo. There's more good stuff to come.

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Hyperbole! Season 4 is already announced for winter release, and the writers are actively talking about how awesome it's going to be. Have faith, Mojopants! FiM is more than just Twilight. It's another chapter that will offer lots of exciting things to come.

Reading this makes me really excited and really sad! I'm leaving the country for two years to serve in Chile, I leave this summer and won't have access to the Hub or netflix. But I can really look forward to getting back and watching all the seasons I have missed!!! I think the team will do a fantastic job!

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