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It's OVER-thinking



Once I walked a fine beach and thought to myself, "is a man the sum of his experience, or are his experiences the sum of a man?"

Is life your accumulated reaction to stimuli or are you responsible for the stimuli's very existence by the nature of the emotional, some might say spiritual, power you invest in events?


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Um...what? I'm pretty sure that's the same talk that caused rapture to be built in bioshock. :3

In all seriousness though I think it my answer would be the latter but there's more to life than that. Life is those little things you get OCD about. Life is the love you get from loved ones. Life is the first cup of coffee you ever have. Life is getting your heart broken. Life is a big bucket of Strawberry Ice Cream. Life is a chocolate chip cookie that you only get in the winter that tastes so good. Life is watching a show that society frowns upon. Life is the feeling you get when you get something that you've been working on done. Life a resident evil campaign but not the new ones the old ones. Life is an item you get from Zelda and of course Life is what you make of it.

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Nah, I just needed some content since I wanted to continue the Mojo-Lime line of blog post titles. XD So I typed something with no real meat to it, like most psuedointellectual rubbish out there.

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