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The Welcome Thread is for YOU :D Not your Oc <3




Hello and welcome to a very special edition of QuickLimes Guide to Rping!

Today we're going to talk about a growing issue in the introductions thread!

Now when you first join the site it is good manners to have your first 3 posts being in the introductions area

Here is a link to the Introductions Forum <3

Now once you are there it is crucial that you read This Thread FIRST as it gives you a very good idea as to what we expect from an introduction! But I'll summarize here for you so you can get the gist of it.

1: Introduce yourself ! Tell us what you like to be called but DON'T use your real name

2: Keep personal info out of it, we don't need to know what city you live in, how old you are, ect keep this sort of information private! Some stuff to mention about yourself however are

1: Your favorite pony

2:How you became part of the fandom

3:How you found Canterlot.com

4: Hobbies you might have

5: Other shows or interests you might have

6: Any skills you might have (art, music ect) Though don't brag obnoxiously and seem like you are tooting your own horn :P

3: Do NOT use your first post to advertise another site or a game, this is very very rude and the Staff won't appreciate it.

And the very last thing? Post as YOURSELF.

You have a whole bunch of Forums dedicated to roleplaying

FFA (Free for All)

WOE(Word of Equestria)


We want to hear about YOU :D Not your Oc, we don't need to hear about how you are a Pegasus that lives in Cloudsdale, or a Earth Pony from Manehattan :)

Just let us get to know you, and we'll learn about your OC later

This has been the Queen of Ravens signing out :D


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But bragging and tooting my own horn can be such fun! Of course, it is good to let people know ahead of time that one's ego may, in fact, be the size of a small (or fairly large) planet.

Anyway, I think this is an excellent post for the newbies! It's good to get to know people as people first. :D

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