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Applying for Tier 3 Cast Characters - A Great Opportunity!



Hello everypony!

I don't post very often on this blog, but I'd like to address a subject that very near and dear to my heart as a roleplayer on Canterlot.com: Background/Tier 3 Cast Characters!

I know that as a roleplayer, naturally folks want to apply for the more popular FiM Cast Characters such as the Mane 6, the Princesses, etc, but to me, there's no greater joy or challenge than to roleplay with a background cast character. Why? Because (1) their history and personality are, for the most part, a blank slate! This allows those who would apply for them much leeway in their design. In this way, a user can take an ordinary 'humdrum' background character and give it a whole new life!

For example, I applied for and receive the character known as Pigpen (a.k.a. the 'Too Smelly' pony in 'The Perfect Stallion' song from the Hearts and Hooves Day episode) and gave him a job (sanitation engineer) a personality (very nice and generous) and even a business to own (his own junkyard/antique shoppe). To me, he's as much fun to roleplay with as Granny Smith (another one of my cast characters).

Tier 3 Cast Characters can be a lot of fun! First of all, there's PLENTY of them that are available, as opposed to the higher level Tier 2 or Tier 1 characters that don't often become available to apply for. Second, since most folks might not apply for the SAME Tier 3 Character, chances are if you have a strong application, you're more likely to win them unopposed!

So why not give a Tier 3 Cast Character a try! I love all of mine: Sheriff Silverstar, Flim, Flam, Mr. Waddle, Uncle Apple Strudel, Pigpen, Dr. Stable and Ms. Harshwhinney! There are many, many others who are available and waiting to be 'brought to life' by someone, that someone could be YOU!

To learn more about Tier 3 (and other) Cast Characters, click here!

Please consider applying for background characters. They all have their own 'stories' that are begging to be told!


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Even if I did get over a dozen cast checks because I could never find a good place for him, Steven Magnet was a lot of fun to play.



Aww man, now I miss him! Swim freely, O fabulous one~

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Even if I did get over a dozen cast checks because I could never find a good place for him, Steven Magnet was a lot of fun to play.



Aww man, now I miss him! Swim freely, O fabulous one~

You were good with a character that is nearly impossible to play. Much respect.

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