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The S.S Raridash crew and the chest of Rosie wind



(This is a joke)

Once upon a time, there was a band of pirates! A crazy group made from a bunch of users here. There was QuickLime, BrambleRose, Bellosh, Steeleagle, and Dio! There used to be Rosewind, but I think they locked her in a treasure chest with a bunch of really bad cupcakes that imagination made, also he was there too. Finally they all sailed aboard the S.S. Raridash, a ship with a lot of promise and with a lot of evidence to prove that it was a great thing!

However the crew members had some very odd quirks. The leader of the crew, Dio, wanted to live forever. Bellosh had an odd fascination with evil, albeit fashionable, hats. QuickLime enjoyed taking these hats from Bellosh and hiding them all over the ship, for him to find three months later. Bramblerose loved to eat Imagination's cupcakes, even though everyone else thought they tasted like worms. Imagination had a back room on the ship that no one else went into. I mean I assume that's where he kept his wood working stuff because at random times in the night you could hear a chainsaw in there, then some screaming, and then silence. Steeleagle believed in spontaneous combustion because unlike those so called "scientists" Steel knew the truth.

Anywho the band learned of an ancient relic known as the chest of Rosie wind, a chest full of glorious items so unique and mind blowing, your face would implode upon setting your eyes on it. So obviously the pirates went after it. They ventured all over the land looking for any sign of it, and meeting some interesting fellows. Like a robot-man who only wanted to love, a naughty Gazelle who was queen of a city for a bit, some random guy who told really weird stories, a lady with witch powers, and of course, The duke of cinnia-bon.

After searching for so long, they came across a town of talking muffins, who gave them the chest, which they took back to the S.S. Raridash crew. They opened the box and what do they find? Nothing, because the destination wasn't the treasure but the journey, the people the met and helped, that was the trea- just kidding they found Rosewind in the box. They stood around, slightly confused for a second and opened the other treasure chest, and what did they find? Rosewind. So for a matter of three seconds there were two Rosewinds in the world. Then a tsunami came and the Rariddash ship sank. That was the end of the S.S. Raridash, oh and then it exploded and came back as the U.S.S Rarity. Then everyone exploded.

The End.


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