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Why Artists are worth being Paid for their work



Alright  I just want to  make my stance on the whole "Artists" Debackle, this is not going to single anyone out, and is just more of a response to a growing attitude problem I see on Tumblr, and sometimes even here, and it kinda really needs to stop, and this is for ALLLL forms of Artists, Graphic Artists, web designers, digital artists, if your job is to  make something look beautiful, that requires time, effort and  a lot of practice and talent? It's about that.

Point blank, when you pay an artist for a request, you are not just buying  a drawing or doodle they threw together,  you are buying their TIME, their effort, and reimbursing them for the wear and tear on their tools. (Even digital art).  It's not just "a silly drawing" It's not something they should just "Do for fun" and they deserve to get paid for.

Many wonderful artists have given me artwork without charge, and I thank each and every one of them for their  time and effort, however I would NEVER offer to "Show off their work" as "Payment"  because that's stupid, it's like ordering a burger and saying "Oh It's just a burger, I'm not going to pay for it, but I'll tell EVERYONE how GOOD your burger is, if you give me one for free!"

Point blank, if you beg for free stuff, and then offer to pay in "exposure" especially to someone who makes their daily income OFF COMMISSIONS, then you're a jerk, If you  hire a free-lance web designer and try to pay them  in "exposure" for making your web site, you're a JERK. If you are a business that only offers to give the artist CREDIT for designing your new logo, and no monetary compensation? You're a  /jerk/.

Artists are doing WORK for you, you PAY people for doing work, don't tell them things like "If you really loved art, you'd do it for the creative process/ self expression/ passion!" Or whatever dumb excuse you want to use that basically boils down to "I want something from you,but I shouldn't have to pay you to do it!"

If you go "Oh but ANYONE could draw that!"  You're a jerk, you aren't drawing it, and you need someone to be WILLING to draw that for you.

So the next time you want some art, actually look at the artists prices, (never tell them they are too expensive or not good enough for cash, that makes you a JERK) and  respect them.

They are hard working, creative people, that deserve monetary recognition for their  effort.

Respect the artists, LOVE the artists.



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Artist aren't the only one's who're getting shafted like that. Software Engineers and Programmers have the same problem too.

You're a student in need of an internship? Up starting companies will bring you on board, not pay you... but have you design -their- product from the ground up. Which will be sold commercially with not a single bit of compensation on your end. But that's ok, because it gets you -experience-.

Worse when the application in mention has specifications and technical restraints that your average "script kiddie" would not be able to comprehend, along with the company themselves.


If you are compensated... most companies undervalue you.

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I've never done any commissions, so I can't say I've been a victim of any of that, but as someone who makes a lot of art as gifts for people, the only payment I really get is the reaction.


It's a great reward I think-- except when someone is just like. "Hey, cool. Thanks."


I just spent over an hour on that for you for absolutely no charge whatsoever. Is that all you have to say?-- I don't care if you've gotten better pictures from other people, I put in my own free time with my very best efforts just like the other artist did, all just for you.


k den



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On 15/06/2016 at 0:18 AM, moonshineTheleocat said:

Artist aren't the only one's who're getting shafted like that. Software Engineers and Programmers have the same problem too.

You're a student in need of an internship? Up starting companies will bring you on board, not pay you... but have you design -their- product from the ground up. Which will be sold commercially with not a single bit of compensation on your end. But that's ok, because it gets you -experience-.

Worse when the application in mention has specifications and technical restraints that your average "script kiddie" would not be able to comprehend, along with the company themselves.


If you are compensated... most companies undervalue you.

Holy ****, THIS!!!!!


Also, the mugen fandom is one of the most disgusting fandoms I've ever been in. Entitled pricks will expect you to drop 300+ hours and make 1200+ pics and 1000+ lines of code for no payment at all. And if you do allthat for yourself, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO, you'll never be as famous or beloved as the "Cool kids club" of 10-20 people that share the work between them over the course of 6 months to make 1 decent character they'd never be able to make on their own. And because so many kids are making Devil Akumas and Symbiote Sonics, these pricks get massive "I can code better than you and we the crowd are always right" egos.

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