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Skycoaster last won the day on September 5

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About Skycoaster

  • Birthday 01/15/1988

RP Characters

  • Character 4
    Princess Luna
  • Character 3
    Midnight Oil
  • Character 2
    Candy Corn
  • Main Character
    Blizzard Blitz

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Parasprite (5/9)



  1. Tarot found herself out of the manor picking up some things in town. She wore the cloak that Moonlight Glitter had given her as she made it back to grand old home near Sweet Apple Acres. As she reached the porch, she’d first take note of the smell of alcohol before catching site of Solar. Groaning, she’d walk up to him. “Looks like your luck ran out,” she’d say looking him over. “And no good luck charm on you? My oh my,” she’d say glaring at him. “This is what happens when somepony dose not follow directions to a T.” Opening the door, she’d point her hoof inside. “Well, are you just going to feel sorry for yourself or do you want to try to fix what’s wrong?” Sighing she would mumble. “So…I wonder who the bad luck attached itself too…”
  2. Tarot would wink at the young mare. "And very important lunch date it is. I will keep a close watch on you and your little nerd." Her voice, though meant to be joking came across a bit more sinister then intended. Sighing, she'd guide the young mare towards the front door. "It's a shame that I can't show you the rest of the house this visit, but maybe by then, your cousin and I shall have more of the restorations completed, including that big second floor ballroom. Perhaps you may even want to have your wedding up there." As Moonlight stepped onto the porch, Tarot would answer her last question. "Oh, it's been so long since I've had a fitting for anything fancy. Perhaps next time you stop by, you can take some measurements and we can look over some of your sketches. I do like red and maroon," she'd smirk. "Something inspired by the Prench Quarter perhaps? I will let you get going. I must prepare for tomorrow. I have the strangest feeling that the ballet is coming to town soon."
  3. Candy would watch as the colt put on a display as to what his costume was. “I see,” Candy would say with a smirk. “A fit little gymnast. Well then, I shall have to give you extra candy corn to fatten you up for my stew. Nightmare Moon isn’t the only one who like to gobble up little ponies on Nightmare Night after all.” Candy would cackle. “Do you dare step inside to begin the trail of treats? I hope so. I put a lot of effort into tonight.” Candy would open the door and extend a hoof pointing into her shop. The lightning was dimmed as Jack-o-lanterns sat on the counter. A tray of green and red candy apples sat next to a door pointing into the alley behind the shop. A sign sat on the tray. ‘The witch’s newest creation. Eat only if you dare.’ The old player piano was playing spooky music to add to the ambience. The alley would would lead to the once abandoned storefront next to hers. What would they find inside? The headquarters for Las Pegasus’s trick or treating, complete with a map of all precipitating businesses. There would be other treats as well. A local DJ would play Nightmare Night classics with small dance floor. Candy would look to her newest arrivals. One of them was an Apple….one of the Princess of Friendship’s friends of she remembered correctly. The stallion she was with thought… she had no idea whom he was, though he was dressed as a spy. Come to think of it, it must have been a couples costume. Non the less, Candy would have fun with her new persona tonight. “Welcome. I’m afraid I haven’t heard of this Gold Withers, nor would I be in league with them. What I can offer you is some candy…as well as a few other surprised tonight" as she levitated some candy corn to them. “Ether of you haven’t see a farm pony running around with ruby horseshoes, have you?”
  4. The room would go black for a moment as Moonlight shook Tarot's hoof before all the candles would relight by themselves. The candy bar would glow green for a few moments before she would levitate it to Moonlight. "You must be careful that only Remington eats this bar, is that understood..." Tarot would smirk. "Also...don't profess your love till after he eats this. Things will go much easier if he thinks you've always had a filly crush on him." Rising, Tarot would motion for Moonlight to follow her up the stairs. Reaching the top, the hidden door would open as Tarot would let Moonlight exit first. "So...do you still want the tour or do you have a lunch date?" she'd wink.
  5. Nightmare Night! Give us something sweet to bite Please sign up in Out of Character Thread To say the Kandy Kaleidoscope had a busy season was crazy. She seem to be always busy anymore. Between the regular orders, limited time items, and all the special orders, Nightmare Night had to be it. If it had not been for Salty and Beans she'd still be working up till the first trick or treater hit the streets. This year she had sent Saltwater Taffy and Coco Bean to Canterlot with Princess Luna's order as a reward for their hard work. She would hold down the shop this year, thanks to the help of a few sales floor staff. This year she planned to use her shop on the Las Pegasus strip, in all its vintage glory, as a trick or treat destination...if there was anypony really into Nightmare Night that was. It seemed most anypony who was anypony went to wherever Princess Luna was for the main event as it were. Candy couldn't help by think back to her youth in the Bittsburgh and its countryside for sweets. Closing the store at five in the evening on a day of a candy based holiday might have seemed a little strange, however she needed time to set up, and it allowed the few sales floor ponies the opportunity to get ready to enjoy the holiday as well. One of the first items was to get ready. When opening the Kandy Kaleidoscope she had found lots of old things in the building's basement, including a large cast iron cauldron. She'd place it beside the entrance to her shop as she continued to decorate. As the time got closer, she'd put on her costume. A true classic, and vintage to match her shop. The Wicked Witch. Candy would quickly work on a fake cackle before filling the cauldron with her namesake treats. It wouldn't take long for the sun to set and for her first guest for the evening to arrive. "Greeting my pretty," she'd say in character. "And just what might you be?" she'd say to the colt with a grin. "Come to take some of my candy have you?"
  6. Trick or treat through Las Pegasus on the spookiest night of them all, Nightmare Night. The Kandy Kaleidoscope is the first stop on your sweet journey for all kinds of sweets. Please sign up below with your character and their costume. First post should be up on Friday, September 13 2024 Roster Candy Corn-Wicked Witch Eden- Gymnast Applejack-Secret Agent Striker Dash-Secret Agent Thread
  7. "So San Flanknado then," she'd say with a grin. "Easy enough. And look what a cute filly you where. I love the Apple Bloom style bow you have on...with rhinestones non the less," she'd chuckle as the crystal ball now showed glimpses of a young Moonlight Glitter's trips to Manehatten. Once, maybe twice a year. Her appearances where subtle, sometimes only referencing that she was there as the memories of Valen remained as they where core to Remington's early foalhood. Tarot would give a sinister chuckle before continuing. The crystal ball would go back to the wedding, everything going as planned. Moonlight's father walking her to the alter like normal. Tarot would lean back in her chair as she would levitate a candy bar....Remington's favorite to the table. "If you'll excuse me," as she plucked a hair out of Moonlight's mane. As her eyes glowed once more, the mane hair and candy bar would become one. "This is only for Remington to eat, understand?" As her horn continued to glow, the memories of a young Moonlight Glitter would be funneled into the bar. It would fall to the table and glow for a moment. "Now then....I do expect to be invited to this soiree. Close family friend of the Apples and apparently now the Oranges." Tarot would grin as she thought about all the high society that would be in attendance. All the free food she could eat and one other thing. "Perhaps in the meantime you'll have time to make my dress to addend your magical wedding...unless you want to pass it off to Rarity. Tell her that her old friend Solitaire is back in Ponyville. Now then, do we have a deal?" as she extended her hoof to Moonlight.
  8. Tarot smirked at Moonlight's little act. "What stallion...or mare couldn't resist such a display. Remington shall be yours to love and cherish till you are both old and gray. You and Remmy-" as she almost gagged, "Remington are distended to be together." Her reaction the wedding vision on the other hoof left Tarot more confused then anything. "Please be more careful with my table," she'd say glaring at the young unicorn. "It's made of Zap Apple wood and I'm sure your kin would be less then thrilled to have one cut down to replace it." She had to admit to herself Moonlight's antics where entertaining...at least to her. "So, we have a few options... First, Just tell him the truth. Next, would be to disown your own parents, make them sit in the back after everything they have done for you." Waving a hoof, the ball would change to show Rarity waling Moonlight down the aisle before panning over to the back. The pain and sadness in there eyes could be felt just by looking at them. " Tarot's smirk grew as she came to the third option. Eyes glowing green, candles glowing as well. "Lastly, my personal favorite. We make it as if Valen never existed...at least to little Remmy." Now a few strains of her bangs of Tarot's mane where standing up, looking like small horns. "Memory alteration. Perhaps...." she'd wave her hoof and the seen went back to the original wedding scene. "You get to keep your happily ever after, kin isn't hurt and your little nerd colt toy is non the wiser. I can see it now..." The candlelight had begun to fade as Tarot's eyes were now the brightest thing in the room. "The easy way is I just suck the memory of Valen right out of him...Poof. Gone. Your free to come up with whatever story you want to tell him on how your related to the Apples and Oranges....Or we can fabricate a memory of little cousin Moonlight playing with Valen and Remington in one or two of his memories." The ball would now show how cute Moonlight would have looks if she always was a filly. Bow in the back of her mane playing with the two colts. "Let's say she's visiting from... Canterlot. Related on your mother's side." Tarot would try to hide her laugh as she thought to her. "What do you say?"
  9. Tarot would let out a sign as she listened to Moonlight. "I see... If you don't want me to interfere with your friend's dreams so be it...," she said with irritation in her voice. "I knew you where a goodie four hooves, but at least I know that you have boundaries. Just know, as you grow older, they will be tested even further," she'd laugh. "Now then...lets check our other options. Love potion perhaps? No, too old fashioned. Perhaps simple is the best. Why don't you take the first step if the colt is too shy," as she gave an evil giggle. "Put him on the spot in front of all of your friends perhaps. Let the pear pressure make him crack...as you give him the best kiss of his life?" "As for Valen...He will come up at some point, I can guarantee it." Tarot would wave her hoof over her crystal ball as her eyes glowed green. An evil smirk would grace her muzzle as the cloudy ball would clear to show a wedding chapel. A rather nervous young stallion stood at the alter with Prince BlueBlood officiating. The scene would pan to show Remington's family and friends on one side of the room. As it panned to the other, in the front row would sit the Apple family. In the seat for the mother of the bride, Valen's mother. Tarot would chuckle. "And here comes the bride now." The ball would show Moonlight Glitter in her dream wedding dress making her way down the isle. Her father...Valen's...giving her away. She'd look up to Moonlight with a smirk. "Well...that's one way to find out, isn't it?"
  10. Tarot would laugh. "Don't worry. Nopony gets hurt. We just give the young lad some nightmares...er um...dreams of possible situations where you are not in his life...then one where you are his..." Tarot would gulp as she said the next part, "...special somepony...Shock the young lad into realizing what he has." Tarot would sigh. Though she longed for a more powerful demonstration of her abilities, she knew that the nightmare option was the best option, especially with the Royal Sisters retired. She'd chuckle under her breath. Perhaps she could add dream walker to her list of abilities next. "I do have one question for you though Moonlight, and you must be honest... what was the official fate of his colthood best friend, Valen Orange? Death? Moving away? Abducted by changelings? I sincerely hope that his best friend didn't ghost him. Oh the trauma that would have caused." She'd scoff. "I bet he'd plan to take over the School of Friendship if that where true," she'd say sarcastically.
  11. Tarot would sit back in her chair and chuckle. "You know, your right. The past can be learned in a history book. Ponies come to me to learn of their future." Tarot would pull another card from the deck, shaking her head. "It appears that your dork is a bit too old fashioned. Your relationship has stalled. He sees you as a friend. A close friend." Smirking, she'd flip the final card. "He needs a nudge. A bit of encouragement...." "You know, the cards can be influenced," as her glowing green eyes looked directly into Moonlight's from across the table. "Relationships...luck...all can be altered with the turn of a card. It's rare that I would even consider doing this, but I like you." She'd chuckle rather sinisterly. "I learned quite a few things in the bayous of Neigh Orleans," as she's smirk, the shadows of the room would seem different now then when they entered as the flames on the candles now burnt the same color green as Tarot's glowing eyes. "It's been a while since I've not had to hold back. What do you say?"
  12. Tarot would chuckle as Apple Bloom’s name came up. “You cousin seems to be doing a better job of advertising for me then I ever could. Now then,” as she shuffled the deck with her aura, “Shall we begin.” She would pull four cards from the top of the deck and place them face down in front of Moonlight. The first card she would flip would be the lovers. Tarot would laugh. “Spin the bottle is a game of chance. It has no connection to any mystic energy or power.” “So, you have a little colt friend,” she’d wink. “I see a Pegasus with glasses. A classmate perhaps?” Flipping the next card, she’d sigh. “I see that your relationship seems to have stalled. He sees you as a friend but you want more.” A smirk would form on her muzzle as the third card was flipped. “There is a secret between you two…isn’t there Valen?” Her eyes would narrow on Moonlight, glowing green.
  13. As they descended, Tarot's glowing horn would light the candles as the portrait closed behind them. "There's no turning back now," she'd chuckle. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, a large round table sat in the center of the room. An antique crystal ball sat in the center on a burgundy table cloth. She'd point a hoof towards a chair. "Take a seat young Apple. The show is about to begin....but before we do. I must thank you for your consideration. It has been so long since I've received a gift from anypony. Now you'll only become a frog if you wish to be," she'd chuckle in an evil tone before opening it. "A new cloak," she'd look over and smile at Moonlight. "And a very stylish and well made one at that. Hmmm." She'd say looking it over. "The care in every stitch. The attention to detail. Are you sure your not Rarity's cousin?" Putting it on, she would flip up the cloak. "So then, shall we begin? What fortune would you like to see?" Her eyes would glow green as would her horn as a deck of tarot cards would levitate to her.
  14. From the tray, Tarot would levitate a rather large mug of coffee to Moonlight. "Made the way we did down in Neigh Orleans," she'd say with a chuckle. She'd levitate herself a cup a tea and begin sipping it in a demure manner. "You know, when I was just a filly, I could never figure out why nopony would come and visit. Even in school, most ponies avoided me for some reason, except your cousin that is, and that was even in moderation. It's where I got my nickname, Solitare." "I guess every so often, this house calls out to an Apple or three to return. First Apple Bloom, then Applejack, and now you." She'd swirl the little bit of remaining tea in her cup before refilling it. "Oh by the way, Je suis plus une sorcière que tu sais," she'd say with a ominous laugh. "Ca va être amusant." As she finished her tea, setting the cup on the tray, she'd rise. "If you'll follow me, let's get you a tarot reading. It's been so long since I've be able to use the full extent of my power." Standing by a large painting of her grandmother, Tarot's eyes and horn would glow green as it swung open to reveal a hidden stairway going down. "Mind your step."
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