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Everything posted by Fawkes

  1. *finishes my climb over LOSER CLIFF back into the thread, my mane and tail filthy* I... LIIIIIIIIIIVE!! *thunder crashes in the background and lightning flares*
  2. THANKS MUCH! I'm quite the monstrous li'l pony ;3 Wait till ya see my RP App. I think the mods are gonna hate me... xD Oh and I love your avatar, btw~ Pleasure to meetcha, Armony. Oh my! That's some heavy reading for one li'l coffee break. The confusion means I did my job, though >:3 PLEASURE TA MEETCHA, XIEE! Like that? LIKE THAT? No. I wouldn't like that. I'd LOVE THAT! And hey, one sentence can be just as good as the book I wrote. I just happen to be an over-achiever~ :3 Fantastic ta meetcha, Zephya! OHHHHH, no you DIDN'T, pony >:3 NOPONY can get the upper-derp on my girl, Derpy~ AND GARDEN STATE FOR THE WIN! I've seen alot of ponies on Canterlot from NJ. Its a curious thing. Well... NJ's state animal IS the horse afterall. *cuddles* Thanks for the welcome and a pleasure ta meetcha, Mista Scratch~ :3
  3. *slinks through thread background silently* >:3
  4. Oh, okay! Fantastico than :3 Glad to be a ray of sunlight in a bleak, puller-less world >;
  5. Oooh, I like the avatar~ And dancing pony is BEST pony >:3 Pleasure ta meetcha, Starlight! (I love your name, too!) Welcome to the royal city!~
  6. I don't know if that's supposed to be "...made my day" or "...made me mad." It looks closer to "made me mad...." I'M SORRY D: I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU MAD. Please forgive me... >:
  7. I giggled. I cried. I stormed around in a frenzied rage. I feel asleep in a corner from too much storming and raging. I cried some more. I called my father and told him I loved him. CELESTIA CURSE THE BLASTED ENDLESS MARCH OF TECHNOLOGY.
  8. ... *bashes Bronies across the back of the head, HARD* Doctor. I believe you may proceed.
  9. *Doctor Smartypants droops forward slightly on the stool he's placed on*
  10. The hacksaw and adrenaline have been placed in the operating room. Doctor Smartypants is monitoring vitals.
  11. As performed by our lovely in-house surgeons, Pinkamena annnnnnd Cheshire Sparkle!
  12. New friend numba one, right here! Pleasure ta meetcha, exec! Imma Fawkes~ I love your name. Sounds so... PROFESSIONAL >:3 Ooooh, and that avatar! That has GOT to be the cutest Luna pic i've ever seen~ There just seems to be one, teensy, tiny lil mistake in your intro though... The part that says, "THE END?" Yeah, that should say, "THE BEGINNING!" Cuz yur just gettin' started here >:3 WELCOME TO THE ROYAL CITY, EXEC!~
  13. Derpy derped at the Mayor while they were derping eachother to the death. Your argument is irrelevant.
  14. Oh my, you seem like a Fluttershy to me :3 Pleasure ta meetcha, Zephyr of the Blue variety! Imma Fawkes! Welcome to the royal city! We'll have you forcing small frightened critters to love you and giving large bears kung fu massages in NO TIME!~
  15. If you gotted something in return for your sacrifice then it wouldn't be a sacrifice anymore, silly :3 No. I'll support your sacrifice by saluting what you've done and going on to claim victory. Victory is only attained thanks to the sacrifices of those brave mares and stallions who are willing to give themselves up for the greater cause~
  16. Omg, so that WASN'T my imagination?! D: I thought Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom sounded... mostly correct. But Scootaloo... the moment I heard her I was like, "...wut?"
  17. When Pinkie Pie nuzzled Twi's neck when they were defending her from Celestia was ADORABLE. I want a Pinkie nuzzle~ ;3;
  18. Oh boy.... everyone remembers the horrifying things that cropped up after Pinkie's meltdown. Twilight's meltdown was TOTALLY 10x worse that hers xD Get ready to see Twilight ripping the skin offa ponies to use as parchment to write her lessons on.
  19. I've definitely gotta agree. Discord was an AMAZING villain, but as an overall episode this one was WAY better. The only thing it was missing was an awesome song~ When I saw Big Mac standin' there I was totally like, "OMIGOSH, BIG MAC INTERACTIN' WITH TWILIGHT AGAIN!" And then Derpy and the mayor face to face and Derpy pulls out and DERP EYES! I squee'd xDD Oh and I totally claim cheshire grin Twilight as my new avatar >:3
  20. Oh my... was that... a rainboom or a... rainbow nuclear mushroom cloud?
  21. OMG! Did you see that train in the new intro? That thing was so awesome! It was all like, "Chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo!"
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