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Everything posted by Tenkan

  1. Woot! New member! Who also became a brony the same why I did. Memes. Welcome to Canterlot, Azrelle. Looks like you'll fit in nicely here.
  2. Just had an AWESOME recording session with Conor Colton and Brained. Hilarity.

    1. StarStorm


      Wow, SUPER group there!!

  3. It's getting that time of year where you can wear gloves and it's socially acceptable! :D

  4. Sitting in BrainedbySaucepans livestream! Come join. :Dhttp://derpy.me/X6EY5

  5. Sitting in BrainedbySaucepans livestream! Come join. :Dhttp://www.livestream.com/misterdunn

  6. Alright, everypony, I believe everyone's already in the group 'Friends of Canterlot', right? How about we organize a time in one day where we all play TF2 together?
  7. This was a poem my brother wrote a year ago dedicated to the Syrian revolution. "Freedom!" the hearts of souls call, true men of my country rise and fall through pure revolution, uniting us all, making vermin of giants who once stood tall. Yet "they" still hesitate to make a decision governments of men, who claim a religion united by blood yet separate in vision, united by language yet like an incision; a separation, a cut, a blatant division of opinion, mission, even definition of what happens to my brethren and our religion. Blatant disregard, an offense, an attack to human rights, religions and their temples; ransacked, that is why we must continue to act, boycott, protest and accept only the fact: 'we can't stop now, there's no going back!" and proudly represent the green white and black.
  8. Just watched the new Bond movie. Spoiler alert! His first name is James.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tenkan


      It was indeed a pretty good film. ;)

    3. weesh


      I'll wait for the second run theater, but only because the heavy commercialization of the first run theater has gotten out of hand.

    4. Tenkan


      You said it, brother.

      We almost spent an hour watching James Bond commercials and all sorts of sponsorships.

  9. The fire needs feeding and I gotta stay warm somehow.
  10. For a first time fanimation project, this is very, very good (concerning animation). Perhaps they built up the hype too much to get such a negative response, but I wasn't really aware this thing was in the making anyway and maybe that's why my judgement of it is a little different compared to many that have thumbed down the video. Doing such a big project takes guts, and they deserve respect for that at least. On the other hand, I think this team should have brought the proper manager to sort out voice acting and sound effects.
  11. Woot! New member! Welcome to Canterlot, Spirit Light.
  12. Welcome to Canterlot, Rainbowstorm. I'd love to see a rainbow storm one day, though. A real one, you know! :!:
  13. Welcome to Canterlot, Jay! Hmmm...that's a very good question. I'd build a big, big tower.
  14. *Holds applause* I'll save it for another post, then.
  15. Tenkan

    I'm back

    Vloggity vlogs are goooooood. Go for it.
  16. Tenkan


    This topic is too controversial for me to share an opinion on.
  17. Everyone's got neat looking desktop computers. I appreciate the kind gesture >.> Fail! Where's the pasta and tuna?
  18. This is all I need. Artax, you've got one awesomely sick set-up, I gotta say! *Steals TV remote* Plus, I completely forgot Win 8 is out! I should give it a try on the holidays. It looks pretty neat. lol, oops.
  19. Sometimes, you'll just never know when something'll succeed or fail until you try it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tenkan


      Most of my successes seemed unlikely. :D

      But all of my failures were completely predictable and very likely. { : I }

    3. StarStorm


      ..For some reason this reminds me of dating.. Like, you never know if it's gonna work out until you try it and see.

    4. Tenkan


      Same can be applied for cooking grilled cheese sandwiches. :)

      That's the beauty of trying hard.

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