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Status Replies posted by Tenkan

  1. why does no one wanna join my Xcom game Thread?... you get to name some one and decide thier stats for gosh sake

  2. Ironically, this is my one year anniversary at Canterlot x3

  3. David Tennant on the Clone Wars? LIFE COMPLETE!

  4. Finally confident enough in my own artwork to have it as my avatar.

  5. I'm going to vote in a couple of hours, but I resent feeling pressured to do so.

  6. I'm compiling a spreadsheet in my spare time. The last of my sanity has clearly dwindled to nothing.

  7. I keep telling myself, "Pfff. I'm not THAT big of a Brony." Now I'm jumping up with excitement for Season 3. I CAN'T WAAAAAAIT!!!1

  8. It's getting that time of year where you can wear gloves and it's socially acceptable! :D

  9. It's getting that time of year where you can wear gloves and it's socially acceptable! :D

  10. It's getting that time of year where you can wear gloves and it's socially acceptable! :D

  11. Getting my dose of cancer, then Livestream!

  12. new profile im feeling good

  13. Just watched the new Bond movie. Spoiler alert! His first name is James.

  14. I was asked to step out of the band I was in. It was the right decision, but I am still sad. I hope to develop one of the other creative outlets that I have lined up.

  15. I don't believe anybody has ever friend requested me... Huh.

  16. Just watched the new Bond movie. Spoiler alert! His first name is James.

  17. Sometimes, you'll just never know when something'll succeed or fail until you try it.

  18. I am the sentient waffle that fills your mirrors. FEAR ME.

  19. This song is just... AMAZING!

  20. Sometimes, you'll just never know when something'll succeed or fail until you try it.

  21. *Throws a kitten at you while you're reading*

  22. Everyone is saying Skyfall was really good. Even my brothers. That's very weird...

  23. Woo! I'm back! Had a great weekend hanging out with Greed (plus a load of non-Canterlot friends, but who cares about them).

  24. i want to kiss and or make out with someone now......but no one is here with me to do it D:

  25. It's Eid and I'm very far from family and friends to celebrate. Cookie eating time? :'/

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