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Status Replies posted by Tenkan

  1. so im new here what to do rp anypony ?

  2. I'm so... Ronery~... So ronery~... So ronery and sadry arone~...

  3. Possible plot twist for the end of the season. Pinkie isn't the real Pinkie!

  4. Got more hacks than a 30-year smoker.

  5. I am having a great time on here, This is the best place Evah!

  6. Aunty won't be coming over this Saturday. :c

  7. Aunty won't be coming over this Saturday. :c

  8. Palestine gets bombed again?

  9. Palestine gets bombed again?

  10. HAHA! I have gone through all 228 Notifications! Now for the 13 pages of posts. D:

  11. Oh psychology homwork. How you affect my calm.

  12. So a Chaos Space Marine walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Why the long face?" His death was slow and painful.

  13. Where'd your new avi come from?

  14. My friend who is gone every summer is back in town, and I am about to leave to have lunch with him and his wife!

  15. So my dog is asleep, and he appears to be dreaming. How can I tell? He sleep barks.

  16. Canterlot Voice Episode 16 - Recorded....

  17. just found out that broNY con 2013 is going to be hosted in my home towm of baltimore, at the baltimore convention center

  18. That awkward moment when you're singing in the kitchen about saving the Crystal Ponies, and a girl walks in.

  19. That awkward moment when you're singing in the kitchen about saving the Crystal Ponies, and a girl walks in.

  20. I think I might be depressed. Have a depressing song. I don't know, NSFW, just so no one can get angry at me for any reason.

  21. Sometimes I almost wish I were more popular on this site lol, it must be awesome having other ponies just want to talk to you because you are that awesome.

  22. Signs you need to go to bed, #674: falling asleep on your keyboard in the chat.

  23. Listening to epic orchestral scores whilst writing fanfics XD

  24. Tomorrow is the day!! (the season 3 premere cuz SOME ponies dont know :P)

  25. Grilled cheese sandwiches on a frying pan. Chef Ramsay who?

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