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Everything posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. Back for a little bit! Feel free to pm me any rps that need my replies (lest I forgot one or two).

  2. Still on-and-off the site. I'm sorry guys...especially to those I have rp's with.

  3. You know what-I'm going to yield my spot of being the Luna Lore Discussion Thread creator. I am going to be on and off the site for the next three-four weeks, and-unless you guys all want to wait-the thread will not be up for the while. Whomever decides to take the thread can feel free to contact me for ideas .
  4. Where is the thread where I declare an absense? I will be on and off the site (usually off) for the next three weeks.

    1. Lyipheoryia


      All rp's I am in are advised to continue without me. If the rp is between only me and another player, the other can either call the ro "Dead", or wait three-four weeks. Thank you.

  5. Sorry for delays in replies, life is getting both stressful and busy.

    1. AlextheAngel


      Take your time! I can understand how stressful life can get.

  6. Happy Hallow's Eve, friends!

  7. Sorry for taking so long. I'm still willing to make the thread, just taking a looong time trying to work Photobucket on a computer that somehow makes it load very, very slowly. I will get the thread up, hopefully before next week. I'll try, but no guarantees on the time. I am currently working on getting the way-too-large images re-sized right with some help.
  8. Slow on posts...sorry guys. Going on a trip this weekend, and won't be active to much.

  9. Welcome to all the new members!

  10. How do I change the whole "offline, PRIVATE" back to public?

  11. What would be the best drawing tablet for a first-timer? I heard the Wacom Bamboo is good, but there are a lot under that section.

  12. Trying to use photobucket...Thanks for the help!
  13. Apologies in the delay in creating this thread. I am currently exploring how to upload pictures onto here.
  14. Ponies with Elite Canterlot-Canterlite-OC's...would ya'll like a group rp?

    1. Blueblood


      I've got one, what did you have in mind?

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Not much yet, but we could have a social if there are enough members.

  15. Now that I know how to upload pics onto the site, how do I resize them? I do beliee the images I would like to upload are ginormous...

    1. Halide


      You're probably better off resizing them on your computer. Bandwidth costs the site money, if you use too much of it!

    2. Smartbrony


      I've been having to resize the pictures myself, then upload them somewhere. It's tedious, but it definitely looks good.

    3. Lyipheoryia


      Smartbrony-mind pm-ing me some more info and help? Kindof hard tying to make a Luna lore thread without proper Luna pictures.

  16. It is strange that I'm supporting everyone's discussion lore thread?

  17. *Trying to get some Luna hype up before I post my lore thread*. C'mon, Luna fans!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dragonlover101


      Go luna, everybody's favorite woona

    3. Smartbrony


      Well, looks like your plan has pulled out every other Discussion Thread owner there is. Good work :3

    4. Smartbrony


      *almost every other

  18. You have pretty neat abilities! I most indefinitely don't have anything as powerful or even slightly similar to that, but I do have a really strong conscience bordering on really strong sixth strength. You should really dabble in writing, you're as creative as a rainbow! (Wait...is that even an actual metaphor?)
  19. What exactly is the "12 good" on my profile?

    1. Smartbrony


      You get 1 point for every post that someone likes. You have 12.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Ahh...thanks! That makes a lot more sense now :)

    3. starswirlthebearded


      That is your reputation count. If you make a post that someone likes and they hit the "like this" button, it adds to that number.

  20. Is it possible for me to upload images from Deviantart onto a post? Found some good Luna pics from there.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Blueblood


      If you right-click on each picture on DA, the pop-up menu will allow you to copy the image URL. No need to use a third hosting site.

    3. Lyipheoryia


      It says I'm not allowed to use the image within the community.

    4. SunsetSombra


      Its about the image type, not the image itself...sometimes you have to use a different file type, such as .jpg or .gif, but there are other reasons it can happen too.

  21. Hmm...maybe I should give this a shot! I would like to take Princess Woona, everybody favourite Lulu. My plan is to update daily onto the thread with a quote that can relate to Luna, and to write a small commentary off of the quote (in 1st person, Luna's view). The commentary would be similar to what one would put in a diary, just that it would relate more towards the quote then one's daily activities. I would end of each commentary with a question to anyone who wants to answer-relating to Lulu and the quote as a form of public participation.
  22. When you have ideas for 10+ OC's and only get to making four. *Sigh*

  23. Life............................occasionally sucks.

  24. *Calm head nod* As I've said before, I admire your bravery in this situation-to just acknowledge the pessimism, and move on. I am, of course, always willing to help in terms of editing. I feel pity would not be a good action to display here, so I shall leave you with a willing editor.
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