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Status Replies posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. Had to bury the cute little cat that liked to 'guard' my house while I worked...tonight. Poor thing died doing what she loved. :|

  2. Worst spring break ever.

  3. Worst spring break ever.

  4. Worst spring break ever.

  5. I'm thinking of leaving the forum

  6. How one goes around to remove their account if necessary?

  7. How one goes around to remove their account if necessary?

  8. Damn it, rejecting hurts

  9. Damn it, rejecting hurts

  10. How one goes around to remove their account if necessary?

  11. Debating if I should join more rp's...

  12. I'm getting a puppy! So fun!!!

  13. I'll be doing a mass posting soon! If I'm in your RPs please remind me so I don't accidentally skip it.

  14. Starting up your own side business is scary - especially at 19 ... But I had my first customer today and it was a roaring success!!


    As soon as polyblank sees people online who are part of a roleplay with them they think

    "Why art though NOT REPLYING!? GAHAHHHHHH :x"

    Ho hum.


    As soon as polyblank sees people online who are part of a roleplay with them they think

    "Why art though NOT REPLYING!? GAHAHHHHHH :x"

    Ho hum.

  17. Booooooooooorrrreeeeed!

  18. My health took a bad turn--sorry for the brief absence. I'll do my best to replay to everything I'm involved in today. 

  19. Shalom, Buenos Dias.

  20. Shalom, Buenos Dias.

  21. 7 Rp's to reply to...I CAN DO IT!!!  

    If only I'd stop "Carpe(t) d(r)e(a)m" -ing

  22. Slow on rp's...slow on posts...gimme a second to catch up on life~

  23. I don't believe I've poped by your introduction thread yet...so...


    *pokes the unofficially-official welcoming committee* 

  24. hi im new here

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