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Status Replies posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. I don't believe I've poped by your introduction thread yet...so...


    *pokes the unofficially-official welcoming committee* 

  2. I'm guessing most of you are disappointed with the season 6 promo right?

  3. Apologies if I'm not getting to certain rp threads~  My notifications are still a little...behind.

  4. Apologies if I'm not getting to certain rp threads~  My notifications are still a little...behind.

  5. lul, I'm beginning to think that time is just irrelevant to existence. Yet we rely so heavily upon it. What a broken world we live in~

  6. Grrrr, it's annoying when you can't edit your own status update replies.

  7. It's Spring!  



    Expect an rp spree tomorrow or so.

  8. Up to art requests and all that sort of junk.

  9. So many good artists around. And meanwhile: I, the humble potato...

  10. So many good artists around. And meanwhile: I, the humble potato...

  11. Out of pure curiosity:. What are common thoughts Americans think of when they think of Canadiens? 

  12. I think I might need RP lessons. none of my RPs  are getting any attention.

  13. The Sparkle Princess Pants of the Glitter Kingdom, over the Crystal Glade  <waves to everyone>

  14. Two months smoke free, still going strong. 

  15. School gets pretty borin, who agrees with me?

  16. Anyone know any good MLP rap songs?  Preferably clean, but minimal swearing is okay.

  17. Out of pure curiosity:. What are common thoughts Americans think of when they think of Canadiens? 

  18. Anyone know any good MLP rap songs?  Preferably clean, but minimal swearing is okay.

  19. Out of pure curiosity:. What are common thoughts Americans think of when they think of Canadiens? 

  20. Anyone know any good MLP rap songs?  Preferably clean, but minimal swearing is okay.

  21. Anyone know any good MLP rap songs?  Preferably clean, but minimal swearing is okay.

  22. "I have quite a few interests, but definitely not as many as my friend Toothie!"

    I'm sure you have just as many interests as me. I just list more of them off cuz I've got nothing better to do~ :,D

    Also, I never noticed that bit until now. Does that make me a terrible person? ;~;

  23. NEVER forgetting my flu shot again. Sorry if I've been out of commission for a couple days. I blame my own stupidity!

    I'll be jumping on what replies are needed of me as soon as I can!

  24. "I have quite a few interests, but definitely not as many as my friend Toothie!"

    I'm sure you have just as many interests as me. I just list more of them off cuz I've got nothing better to do~ :,D

    Also, I never noticed that bit until now. Does that make me a terrible person? ;~;

  25. "I have quite a few interests, but definitely not as many as my friend Toothie!"

    I'm sure you have just as many interests as me. I just list more of them off cuz I've got nothing better to do~ :,D

    Also, I never noticed that bit until now. Does that make me a terrible person? ;~;

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