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Everything posted by Solana

  1. I'm thinking of making more characters myself. BUT I think I need to actually start using this one before I do. And I'm waiting to see if my classes will allow me to do so before I start/join any RP's. Cerali
  2. I suppose you're right. Once it feeds on me being right about something, it will grow exponentially. It needs to be pruned from time to time. Cerali
  3. Either this game has gotten easier, or i've gotten better at it. I'm going to go with the latter. Cerali!
  4. That, or maybe I just like the idea of blowing up Lyi's notifications again. Don't judge me! You're just as involved as I am! Cerali!
  5. *Sigh* Why, oh why did I click on that notification? Cerali
  6. I was once told I was irresponsible. I resent that. I'm a VERY responsible person. Whenever anything bad happens, I'm USUALLY the one responsible.

  7. BAH! What? i... lost... You made Fluttershy sad... And who is "Noe"? [Edit] oh, *Facepalm*. Noedig...[/Edit] Okay, clam down Solana... we can just try again... QUEEN CERALI! COME FORTH!
  8. *Poof* Wait, what the... Did you just summon me here... from HERE! How does that even work?!? okay, TWO can play this game... QUEEN CERALI! I CHOOSE YOU!
  9. NOOO!!! You vile creature! How DARE you interrupt my summons like that?!? NOEDIG! COME FORTH! (I just realized we're trying to 'Summon' someone who isn't online... )
  10. You sneaky little changling... Another Noed combo, shall we?
  11. @ jnorm My "guess" was a trick. The air you are breathing now contains approximately 80% nitrogen. (Actually, i think it's more like 78%, but meh...) @the kween. Depends on your definition of "Expansive". I'm no expert, but I do know a fair amount. Someone who has an OC wearing an eye patch.
  12. Alternate Universe, in reference to the season finale. In the MLP discussion thread (I think is the name) there's a topic discussing the finale. I have accidentally turned into a discussion about that specific Alternate Universe. Someone who can survive breathing air made up of 80% nitrogen.
  13. I didn't know you practiced Necromancy! Someone who has discussed the Nightmare Moon AU with me?
  14. Meh, aside from "Age", it depends on the situation if i'm adult or not. so... you're 1/3 right? Da Kween!
  15. Nah, not enough people mad at me for that. Someone who can imagine something witty posted here, as i'm drawing a blank.
  16. NOPE, but she does wear a mask on occasion. Jnorm, you still in on this? DIBS! [EDIT] I swear, these ninjas... Anypony got a can of ninja-be-gone or something?
  17. Seriously? here ya go. Watch it. NAO! http://yp1.yayponies.no/ Jnorm. I'll get you eventually.
  18. Ouch. Didn't think of that. >.< Jnorm? [EDIT] GAH! NINJA'S EVERYWHERE! it's official. Ninjas beat pirates...
  19. Nope, jusr regular krabs. Gonna try for the Ice Cream Lady again. [EDIT] whoa. double ninja'd again. >.<
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