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Everything posted by BlackFang

  1. Don't have the slightest idea why it just decided not to work....
  2. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hwy9IOrUzO0 ok, why isnt the media tag working?
  3. continuin on the Nascar vs REAL motorsports() debate, GT5 posted a seasonal event of driving nascar cars on circuits (instead of circles) aaanndd.... GODDAMMIT THOSE CARS ARE AWFUL ................... IN FACT THEY ARE SO F***ING AWFUL THEY ARE INCREDIBLY FUN TO DRIVE they really are, the fact that you have to control a truck-weighing thing at over 250 km/h (dont ask me to convert that to miles) with the torque of a superGT or similar is quite a challenge, a good one, point is, NASCRAP has the potential to actually be fun, only if they realize that keeping the steering wheel at the exact same angle for 4+ hours is no big deal.
  4. The Hunger Games saga by Suzanne Collins The Dark Tower saga by Stephen King Heinlein's Starship Troopers Asimov's Foundation ANYTHING by Dostoyevski
  5. ugh, this post made me remember this one comic that pictured Angel managing this same exact stuff in a really awful mafia-ish way....
  6. i buy all my anime stuff from here they sell everything from figures to t-shirts, look on the "anime toy" section at the top for the wallscrolls and similar. 100% reliable.
  7. there's also the already abused example of AJ eating marshmallows... and we all know where THOSE come from.
  8. bug: non-extension image posting when trying to post images from other sites that link it on some different way (ponibooru, tumblr) it throws a "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." example image: http://img.ponibooru...6c358a0c2b833f5 fun thing is, preview shows it just fine.
  9. avatar just decided to work this time -------------------------------------------------- name: duplicated emoticons severity: microscopic annoyance, at posting:
  10. let me get this straight..... gems are retardingly common, therefore, gold is cheap. goddammit, im wasting my talent at my economy classes this semester edit: well.... AJ said 'no wings'
  11. by the time i posted my vote there wasnt Octavia, so yeah, Octavia
  12. still not working, trying to upload a 157kb jpeg. cleared cache and totally restarted the browser. also, why do some emoticons show as regular yellow faces and some others as :grin: ?
  13. when your email wont attach the stuff is supposed to :evil: :evil: and, as of today..... im not really liking the forum opinion will most likely change but not making any promises
  14. same, win7 x64 firefox 9.0a1 nightly x64
  15. damn italians making everything sound sexy D: on a similar note..... ****ing latinamerican dubbers making everything sound awful
  16. 1. SCREW EVERYTHING 2. DO BOTH THINGS 3. ???????? 4. PROFIT! with an "effect" of them being sewn together or smething
  17. Apple Fanboys: its not bad to like something, BUT FOR CURTAINS SAKE, STOP TRYING TO GET ME ON YOUR GODDAMN FAD
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