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Posts posted by GoldenDaze

  1. 32y5sp.gif


    Daze listened to the little dragon, rolling her eyes while chuckling occasionally at Thrilly's actions towards her. It was fairly entertaining, watching the two random creatures interact with each other. Honestly, Daze would never in a million years think a fuzzy cat and a grumpy dragon would have a conversation. And be hugging. Well, one was hugging the other and the other was huffing and puffing about being touched. The idea still made Daze laugh, a big goofy laugh that showed off all her pearly whites. 


    After Thrilly blew her kisses and 'Knife' answered the Pegasus about the 'no fun bit', the mare huffed. "It was really more stressful than anything," she responded, kind of glaring but kind of smiling. Just a little bit. "The idea of flying through poop water in the sewer isn't too amazing." She then stuck out her tongue in disgust. "I mean, I totally love the smell of fancy pant-sy butt water all over my coat." Time to kick on the sarcasm. "It really makes me feel absolutely positively gorgeous, don't you think?" 


    After her little moment, she looked back at Thrilly and sighed. "Heading back to the hotel is a great idea- kinda tired feeling like I'm in a cartoon with green smelly steam coming off of me." She then flew into the air, looking at the dragon. "We'll give you a bath too- you probably smell more than us." 


    The mare started to fly towards the hotel, getting weird looks from everypony. "I know a good restaurant just down the block. I'm like 50% sure they serve gems- we could give 'em to the little one." She looked back at the dragon, smirking. 

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  2. 32i9xm.gif


    Daze smirked. "Ah, the dragon is a baby after all. Poor thing," Daze cooed, making a pouty face. The Pegasus knew a little about dragons, that they don't earn their wings until they have a molt. It was funny to her, because ponies were born with their wings. Little fuzzy baby Daze, with cute little wings. She was a really cute foal, actually. Every time her mom took her out to the store, everypony would stop and stare at the precious baby. Those were the good days.


    She then trotted next to the two, listening to them talk about the dragon's name. "Sure, you're name's Knife. You're totally not fibbing," Daze said sarcastically, sticking out her tongue playfully and lifting up her eyebrows to give a playful look, that really just looked kind of cute. Like hot cute. A silly type of hot-cute.



    Finally the dragon talked about her real name, making Daze nod her head as she talked. "So your parents left your little self alone? I would say that's cool they trust you, but also not 'cause you need some attention too." The mare shrugged, understanding where she was coming from...


    Until she started talking about taking the key and stealing Thrilly's necklace.


    "That still doesn't mean you need to take things that aren't yours, dude. Do you know how much trouble it was to get to you? It wasn't fun. Me and Thrill went through barrels to find her necklace. We quite literally stink. And you don't feel the least bit guilty about it? That's not cool, man. At all." Daze tried to be serious on the matter, even though she wanted to mess around with the dragon a little more. Thinking about the matter though, Daze was right to get a little heated. Right?


    Thrilly seemed to be head over heals for the dragon, making Daze let off a little steam. "We won't tell your parents, kid- but promise not to do that again- ever." She then patted the dragon's head, looking around. "If you're hungry, we can go get you some gems, yeah?" 



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  3. 32hyam.gif


    Daze was kind of shocked. Not only because the thief didn't really put up a fight, but because the thief wasn't a pony. It was a little, scaly, dark, feisty looking little dragon. "Wha-" the Pegasus began to speak, tilting her head in utter confusion. Her mind was racing again, not out of fear, but curiosity. "I'm either incredibly stu-pid, or I just over looked the fact that you're not a pony, and what I saw underneath the cloak was cute little baby scales and a long tail." Daze smirked at her comment, kind of wanting to make the dragon fuss. Time to tease the crook. 


    She deserved the treatment after all. 


    Daze was laughing at the dragon's attempt to say she's not cute. "You're totally cute, dude! Look at you! Big 'ol cheeks 'n all!" Daze then flapped her wings hard, giving the biggest genuine smile ever. "Good thing this little punk wasn't a big scary fiend, or we'd be in trouble, Thrill." 


    Of course the baby dragon went limp in the cat's arms when Thrilly picked her up, and Daze just cackled more. "Oh my Celestia, man- I'm getting tears in my eyes- haha!" The mare wiped her eye, dying over the dragon's reaction to everything. "Thrill, she probably has a home and stuff. She's no pet," Daze said, still chuckling. "Unless that's been her secret dream all her life- to become an anthropomorphic cat's pet-" Daze winked at the dragon, still enjoying this moment.


    To be on a serious topic though, Daze quit the chatter and went straight to business. "So, sneaky Mc. Sneaky, how's you get into the hotel anyway? There is no way someone could get up there. And what makes you think it's okay to steal someone's stuff? Did your parents teach you to do that?" 

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  4. ~Basics~

    Roleplay Type: WoE

    Name: Street Art
    Nicknames: Arty, Art

    Sex: Female (her/she)
    Age: Younger Mare
    Species: Unicorn
    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


    ~Physical Attributes~



    Eye Color: Pinkish-Orange

    Character Color: A light purple with white freckles on her face.

    Mane/Tail: Her mane and tail are short, and a darker purple. It's more ratted and round, being held back from a pink beanie.

    Physique: She's an average mare, but she has three legs, which makes her appear shorter.

    Extra: She has freckles on her face, a beanie on her head at all times, and paint splatters on her hoof and chest. She only has three hooves. 

    Cutie Mark: 


    Description: A dark pink splattered heart with other shades of pink splatters, meaning her love for spray paint. 


    Story: When Arty was little, she couldn't wait for the day when her mom would take her to work and show her all the different forms of art and how to create it. Of course Arty would do little sketches in her notebook, but she wanted something more. Something more colorful and beautiful to look at. 

    So on that faithful day, her mom took her to see her own graffiti that was plastered on the side of a building. It was so gorgeous, and bright, and it made Street Art's life become even brighter than before. Sure, she had a wild imagination, but she wanted to see truly amazing art that could make anypony smile. So, Arty took some inspiration. 

    Asking her mom, she grabbed a whole rainbow of spray paint and got to work on the wall beside her mom's graffiti. She really busted her butt trying to make it as eye catching as her mom's. She used a wide range of wonderful colors, so beautiful it brightened her heart up even more. She got the paint everywhere, and when she was done she was covered in colors. But, she was so proud of herself she couldn't stop smiling, and her mom was smiling too. Too bad she was colored in paint, because she didn't even see her flank flash into a cutie mark.  




    Graffiti by: http://hdwpro.com/graffiti-wallpaper.html 


    ~Outside Information~

    Family: Dad (Earth Pony): Crisp Pen, Mom (Unicorn): Graffiti, Brother (Earth Pony): Sketch Book, Brother (Earth Pony): Marked Pages, Brother (Unicorn): Paper Folds


    Occupation: Street Artist

    Residence: In an apartment in Las Pegasus.



    Character Personality: Flirtatious, confident, and creative, Street Art is one fine pony. She's the kind of pony to never let her limitations and disabilities stop her from creating beautiful street art across Las Pegasus. She's very flirty, towards anypony really, and uses her looks to create new opportunities for friendships (or more). Everything seems to roll off her tongue perfectly, and she never has any slip ups in her language. Arty is very smooth. She craves attention most of the time, and can hold her own (from growing up with her triplet brother). She is very kind, and wants to fit everypony's needs if possible. Arty looks at the world as bright and full of potential. She can be a little too ecstatic at times, coming off as annoying and too 'touchy'. She doesn't really understand boundaries, as she's all over everypony 24/7, probably because she's so flirty. She generally likes going against the impossible, especially if she wants to impress others around her. This mare is quite the looker. 


    Unique Traits: Arty was born with three legs, keeping her walking skills a little odd. She has a limp, but that doesn't really stop her much from doing her job. She has freckles on her face like her father, and is really good at persuading ponies. She has a sharp tongue. Arty is incredibly gifted in art and color theory, which is from her artsy family.


    History: Being born as the first child in a really big family in Las Pegasus, Street Art was destined to follow after her mother. What shocked her parents was being born with only three hooves, something that kind of threw her parents in a loop. Both her mom and dad didn't really know what to do, having to teach Arty how to walk in a whole different fashion. Arty never let her missing leg hurt her learning, as she was strong willed to begin with. 

    When Arty was a filly, her baby brothers were born. Arty was the definition of happy. She already fell for her knuckleheads right when she saw them in the hospital. She basically vowed to never ever let anything happen to them. She was a tough, protective sister, and loved them with all her heart. She basically cries every time her brothers cry.

    Later on in life, as her whole family is art oriented, they all create art on their own bases. Whether it's writing, graffiti, or paper sketches. Their family is pretty well known in Las Pegasus for their creative outlook on life, as they're all really talented. 

    Arty was really close with her mom growing up as well, as she had to learn magic from her. Arty was always put into art contests and such, becoming known at a young age as a 'little version of Graffiti'. Of course, Arty liked the attention, as she did well in school. Now she roams the streets, getting paid to spray color on the dull streets of the city. 


    A little growing up photo for reference: 



    Character Summary: Street Art is a quick witted, flirty, and creative pony with a heart of gold and a sharp tongue. Though she is left with a disability, she never let that stop her move to become a great artist.  

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  5. 32f92g.gif


    Daze poked her head out of the freezing snow, sneezing out the last of the iced over chunks on her face. Her snout was wet, and frozen, and she hated the feeling. Her mane was now damp on the tips, and her fluffy shoes were damp as well. That was an amazing feeling. She wasn't cold at all. Nope. "It's hotter than a summer afternoon," she muttered to herself sarcastically, annoyed from the horrible weather and sudden action to jump off the train. 


    Oh yeah, her companions and herself jumped off their cabin. 


    Oh Celestia. 


    The Pegasus twisted herself around, gliding her golden eyes around the white blanket of snow to find some sort of color. Once she spotted some movement, she yelled, "Everyone okay?!" Hopefully no one was hurt, because how could they get back to the train? Or the empire? Thinking about this, Daze was really going into freak out mode. What if they couldn't find a way out of this freezing mess? "Stay calm, Daze. Stay calm." She poked her head out of the snow even more, trying to see the others. She then heard Fiver's voice, calming her down. "I'm over here, Fiv- I'm okay." 


    Daze needed to get out of the snow and head over to the other Pegasus, but how could she? She'd have to either crawl out or fly out. The wind was incredibly strong, but she was a strong flier. She could do it... maybe. So, Daze crawled out of the ice hole and opened her wings to fly, then lifting herself off the ground. She was airborne for a few seconds, until the wind pulled her out of control and flung her over to Fiver. "That worked better than I thought. I don't recommend flying, though. The wind it stronger than I thought, ha-" she said to Fiver, giving her a weak smile and a nervous look. "Have you seen the others?" The clothed Pegasus looked around again, seeing Zelda and Loose near them. "Hey! You gu-ys okay?"

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  6. 32as8v.gif


    Daze wrinkled her nose up, grossed out from even thinking about being stuck in an elephants pin.. with a shovel.. "Oh my Celestia, I don't even wanna think about that!" She made fake puking faces, being really dramatic about the situation, but it was funny. 


    Dramatically funny. 


    Fast forward, they were right behind the thief. Only a few feet away, and the pesky dude didn't even see them yet. He was probably minding his own business, or couldn't hear them at all. They weren't being all too quiet, actually. He just looked crouched over, fiddling with something shiny. Daze could guess it was the necklace that was so dear to Thrilly, which was the only thing familiar that the Pegasus could think of. She could only hope it was that, and not something else that the dude found in the middle of the street. 


    Daze felt a strong gust of wind fly past her as the fuzzy kitty went straight for the thief. No plans, just a simple attack. "Okay, not what I was expecting, but whatever floats your boat," she snickered to the side, seeing her friend crash right into the criminal. Daze could hear growling, and yelling, probably 99% on Thrilly's side. Daze couldn't help but watch in shock, but also entertainment. She just hoped her friend wouldn't get hurt. That would suck. She already had a bad knee from earlier in the day. 


    Soon the big fight cloud vanished comically, and the kitty seemed to be victorious. "Man, Thrill- that was simp-ly amazing," Daze said, flying in the air and heading over to her friend, giving her a hoof bump. "Now who's the crook?" 


    She watched as Thrilly took the mask off, and seeing his face made her head tilt. "Who're you, punk?"

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  7. 31vx4o.gif


    Daze nodded her head from Thrilly's suggestion, not even thinking about the easiest solution. How dumb could she be? "Of course, I guess that idea just flew over my head!" she smiled, waiting for a laugh from her silly pun, snickering herself on how cheesy the line was. She had to do it, she couldn't leave that opportunity hanging. So, she lifted herself into the air and grabbed the kitty from her arms, picking her up off the ground.


    A sort of stench hit Daze in the nose, and she couldn't help herself from gagging. "What the-?" she dropped the cat, shaking her head. "Is that you, or me? Or both?" she looked down at herself and took a whiff, gagging once again. "It's me, man. It's definitely me." She shook her head again, trying to clear out her head from the nasty stench the two carried. After calming her senses, she held her breath, picked up Thrilly, and started to lift her over the pile and onto the other side. 


    A piece of cake, Daze thought. A piece of very stinky cake. 


    The Pegasus gently put the cat down, looking for the thief, who was actually sitting right there, putting something in a bag behind a trash can. "I think that's our guy," Daze whispered, staring at him and wondering what he was doing. "Okay, we gotta plan our attack." She sat there, rubbing her hooves together with a dangerous smirk on her face.



    "We can attack from behind! Or we can throw a trash lid at him! Or- Or we can come onto him on both sides and grab 'em! Or slowly creep onto him and pounce on him like a cat!" She then looked at Thrilly sheepishly, letting out a short laugh. "Is that offensive?"

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  8. 31k82n.gif


    Daze looked at Thrilly, scrunching up her little snout in disgust, "They better be mostly from sinks and stuff. It would literally make me throw up if that was toilet water." Daze gagged at the thought, being dramatic, sure, but the idea was kind of really gross. The two of them could easily get sick, or worse. What if it got into Daze's mouth? Oh how nasty that would be. Daze would puke up her guts on the spot.


    Absolutely nasty. 


    The Pegasus watched as Thrilly closed the hole, then she noticed some ponies looking at her confused. She stuck her tongue out at them, trying to gain a reaction from the high class ponies of Cantorlot. Some of them looked shocked, while others looked disgusted with the mare. Daze just laughed at their reaction, making fun of their faces. "You all just need a good laugh sometimes. Grumpy butts," she snickered to herself, looking back at her furry friend. 


    Thrilly caught her attention, as Daze looked down another alley way to see hoof prints. Daze raised her eyebrows with a smirk on her face. "Nice catch, Thrill. You're literally a natural at this detective stuff. Are you sure you're not a secret detective?" she asked, flying into the air and heading towards the dark alley. When she got there, she landed back on the ground and started looking around again. "You tell me if you see anything, sharp eyes." 


    Daze began looking around, searching for some clues as to where the thief went. Suddenly, she heard a big bang! and Daze quickly looked over. She saw a shadow turning the corner, but after they bumped into a big pile of garbage and track cans. The opening to the next corner was now completely blocked, and now the two couldn't get through. "Hey!" the mare screeched, running over to the pile of garbage. 

  9. 31ecui.gif


    The wind was getting stronger in the cabin, forcing Daze to really flap her wings to stay in the air without getting murdered by the strength of the wind. The mare's wings were pretty strong from flying all the time anyway, but this wind was a whole other level. Another thing on a whole other level, Daze's brain was pounding with thoughts. The mare was overthinking everything, trying not to freak out over this big fat problem. This was a big big fat problem. The bandaged mare was having trouble breathing. "Ok-ay guys- we'll be okay- we'll be- okay-" 


    Hopefully they were going to be okay.


    Everyone seemed to be panicking, and it made Daze's mind break down more. Then a sudden shift of weight changed Daze's perception on this whole situation. Their cabin jerked harshly, causing the four to fall with it. The Pegasus fixed her landing and looked out the window, seeing their cabin flying backwards down a really steep hill. "Guys- guys!" the mare yelled, flying around the cabin in a panic. The wheels of the cabin were rolling so fast down the tracks, any dents in the track sent the cabin flying into the air. Daze felt herself getting dizzy.


    As the cabin was falling back, Daze looked out the front door, seeing the front of the train disappearing drastically. With a sudden burst of energy, the gold pony flew out the train and held her own for a few seconds, looking at where they were about to crash. She then flew back in with a panic look in her yellow eyes. "We don't have much time. We gotta jump, like Fiver said." 


    Daze quickly grabbed her suitcases, flying into the air and opening the side door. All she could see was the rushing snow wisp past her eyes. A thick blanket of white was on the ground. That's all the Pegasus could see. Finally, she took the guts to jump out the cabin, her wings opening so she could land safely on the snow. As she landed, snow covered her entire body, making her kick up at it to get free. She looked around, hoping every creature got out of the cabin safely.. 

  10. 31eahp.gif


    "A nice warm bath actually sounds really nice right about now. This sewer is chillin' to the bone." She thought of the idea, relaxing in a nice bathtub with jets massaging her back. She would probably also be splashing Thrilly at the same time, being playful and trying to create a big water fuss. Of course it could be for fun, as Daze really wanted a small break. All this thief chasing was making the Pegasus tired and stressed, especially with these new environments her and the cat has to go through. 


    Daze laughed at what Thrilly said with her brother. Daze liked when Thrilly opened up about her family. It was really interesting, knowing more about her friend who was not only a completely different species, but from a different part of the world too. As so, as the mare pet the cat's head, she heard a small vibration coming from the kitty's throat. A purr? That's actually quite adorable. Who knew a anthropomorphic cat like her could purr. Daze held herself back from aww-ing at the sweet sound, her friend becoming a million times more cute than Daze ever thought possible. 


    The water was gushing through the already wet sewer, making the duo fly above the big wave. There was barely enough room to fly just enough to not touch the gross water. "Celestia, this is actually really disgusting thinking about where this water came from," Daze muttered, trying not to barf. She slowed down a big deal too after what Thrilly said, noticing the ceiling had gotten lower. "Nice catch, Thrill." The mare continued moving straight, seeing brightness from above the water down the alley. 


    Speaking of the thief, Daze began to wonder if he got caught in the sudden avalanche of water. "Hey, you don't think this guy got trapped in the water, do you?" she asked, getting closer to the bright circle of light. Once she got closer, she noticed the sewer's opening was already off. "The thief must have gotten out of here before the water struck." Daze pulled Thrilly out of the sewer and set her down on the street. 

  11. 312vds.gif


    "Just keep a positive outlook on this situation, Thrill. We can't afford a freak out here," Daze said, looking around the surrounding darkness. Her heart was racing. "Maybe I'm mainly talking to myself." She probably was, Daze was getting really scared from the darkness. What if a big monster comes up out of no where and eats them? What if they got stuck down there forever? What if they get hungry and couldn't find any food and die from starvation? They lived in Equestria, anything could happen. Or the golden Pegasus was overthinking things. 


    After striking her ever so elegant pose, Daze laughed at Thrilly's response. "Oh yeah, I'm gonna get down and dirty, mate." The mare grinned, showing off her bright white teeth. She then started taking the lead on this odd adventure, as the light from her helmet brightened up a great deal of area. There wasn't much to look at down there, but it didn't freak the little Pegasus out too much. As long as she was stuck with her kitty friend, everything would be alright. 




    Getting deeper into the sewer, the wetter it got. Daze was trying her hardest to not get her band-aids wet. If they got soaked, her injuries underneath would probably get coated with nasty poopy sewer water, and the thought of that made the pony want to hurl. "I know, bud. I'm trying not to get anyth-" she paused as Thrilly found something. A red cloth. "Good catch, Thrill!" She looked at the pipe as it was dented. "Or pipe."


    The mare trotted over to her furry friend, excited to finally know where this thief went. "I'm following you this time, Thrill. You got the brains and I got the speed." Daze flew up and patted the cat's head gently, smiling at her. Daze's ears twitched as she heard a very loud bang from ahead of them, making Daze land immediately on the ground. She shined her light towards the noise, not seeing anything, until she heard something fast coming towards them. It was making splashing noises, like it was picking up things as it came through. "Uh- Thrilly?" As the water came by, Daze's only reaction was to fly into the air and grab Thrilly up with her so they wouldn't get caught in the current.


    But where did this water come from?..

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  12. 30ojfm.gif


    The Pegasus shook her head, looking back at Thrilly with a friendly smile. "Trust me, Thrill. We're gettin' this thing back. I'm not stopping until we get this back." Daze was too stubborn for her own good. Even if they never found the necklace, or got it back, she'd never forgive herself. She probably, secretly, wouldn't stop looking for it either on the off chance. She'd feel way too guilty if Thrilly never got her precious necklace back. It was worth too much for her. 


     "I don't hear anything." She listened again, stepping onto the wet ground with her hooves. "I still think he thinks you're rich," the mare laughed, looking up at the cat, then back down the sewer's long hallway. Or what seemed like a hallway. It seemed long, and dark, and the only thing the Pegasus could hear was drips of whatever liquid was falling down. The cat said she could see it, making Daze respond by turning her head and squeezing her eyes to see more farther down. "Dude, I seriously can't see a thing down here." The Pegasus squinted harder. 


    Daze looked at Thrilly, as the only light coming in was the sewer's top. Then something else caught the mare's golden eyes. "Oh- Thanks, bud." She took the helmet and put it on, looking around to see down the sketchy sewer. "I can definitely see now. How do I look?" she faced Thrilly and gave her a big smile, showing off her new helmet. "Looks good on me, huh?" Daze laughed at her own stupidity, or dorky-ness, and started walking down the long hall.


    Soon they were forced to make a choice of picking the right paths. "I don't know, use your super kitty powers and listen to it." She laughed at her own joke, poking fun at this actually nerve-racking situation. The bandaged Pegasus was getting the chills. She really didn't know where they were going. "Maybe we could flip a coin?" She went towards the left path, using her light to shine down it. Then she trotted over to the right path, shining the light down there. "You see anything that I don't see?" 

  13. 30c4ja.gif


    Daze helped up Thrilly, immediately going behind the cat to look at her behind. Daze didn't realize how weird the idea was, she was too keen on making sure her furry friend was okay. "Your butt okay, then?" she asked caringly, looking around for something soft for Thrilly to sit on. They were in an alleyway though, of course there was nothing. Just dusty old trash cans and feral cats. Ha, feral cats. How weird for Daze to think about now, because she's friends with an anthropomorphic one. That's a really funny thought. 


    Anyways, the bandaged pony flew back into the air, looking around once again to get a good look at everything. "I'm gonna feel bad, Thrill. I just wanna get your necklace," she responded, sounding a little desperate. "And thanks, your landing was pretty incredible. You'd be dead without all your circus moves." The gold mare was then met with a big furry hug, to which Daze responded with a hug back. The hug was really nice, sort of a brain break to just try and think and relax for a second. Just admiring each other's company, in the most platonic way.


    Daze then let go of Thrilly. "I mean, that would make the most sense. The dude most likely fell for all the glitz and glam, and thought, 'Yo yo yo, Imma steal from this cat 'cause she seems super rich,'" the Pegasus mocked, her voice incredibly deepened to try and match the thief's voice. "I know this thing means a lot to you, that's why I care so much in getting it back." 


    Daze watched as Thrilly did some searching, and when the cat found something, Daze was over in two seconds. "Huh, what a smart dude." She lifted the lid of the hole and pulled it back, revealing the opening of whatever was below. "We gotta give this a shot. He could very well be down there." The mare started to crawl down very slowly, finding a ladder just on the side of it. "I don't know how deep this is, but hopefully there's some sort of light. I can't see anything." Daze was nervous to go down the hole, actually. She's never done this before in her life. If they got hurt, she would have no idea what to do. Her mind was going wild with the different scenarios.  

  14. 308eq6.gif


    The train was shaking violently, as the clinking started getting more loud and kinda annoying, to Daze at least. Everyone was suffering the attacks of the shaking, like they were all in the middle of an earthquake or something. Daze wasn't feeling it, like actually. She was kind of getting sick from the sudden jolts the train made. Good thing she had wings, or she'd be left on the ground like the others, who seemed to be suffering more. Especially when luggage piled on top of them like a Jenga game. "Okay, now I think the outside is much safer."


    She flew over to the pile of creatures and helped get the heavy suitcases off the ground. "Everyone alright? No one's dead? Bleeding?" Daze was going a little excessive with the questions, but she felt it was necessary to add a little humor to the commotion inside the train. Everything seemed tense to the gold mare, especially from the shaking, which was still going on. It was really hard to keep her balance. 


    As everyone struggled with the shaking, Daze finally went to the door which led to the outside. "We gotta check this stuff out, because I honestly don't think any of this drama is normal." She then blinked. "Well, I know none of this is normal- You know what I'm saying." She then slowly opened the cabin door, wind rushing into the room immediately. The wind was so strong, it sent Daze back a little. The one thing the bandaged mare noticed though, was that the clinking got even louder. "You all here that?" Daze's ears twitched as she looked down at the two hooks that connected the two cabins together. The hook that was connected to their cabin, was barely hanging on. "Um, guys?" 


    The mare turned around, with a confused but scared look on her face. Daze's anxiety was off the roof. "Is this type of thing normal? Like the hook things. Ours is barely hangin' on." She looked back outside, then two the other three. She then looked at Loose, pointing her head towards the open door. "You know a lot about trains, you go see if that thing is normal." 

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  15. 308cwg.gif


    "If you leap onto him, you could fall. You can't get hurt again, you have a busted leg," Daze said to the cat as they zoomed down the street to chase the culprit. Ponies everywhere were staring at the commotion, but not in fear, just in 'why are these little town folk being so dramatic'. This stuff probably happened all the time, was nothing new to these city ponies. No one was even screaming for help, just the two trying to get this crook. 


    Daze was at her top speed, well, with a cat on her back who was actually really light. The thief was still ahead though, knocking over objects to try and slow down Daze. She dodged all the ones she could, some of them though knocked her back a little. Daze found herself in a tight street in an alleyway. It was dark and covered in trash cans and homeless cats, the stereotypical stuff. The Pegasus finally caught up close to the thief though. "Okay, Thrill, I think you can safely get him now! Hurry!" As if that sentence was on que, the thief knocked over a single trash can that went flying into the air. The can hit Daze on the side, knocking her and Thrilly onto the ground. 


    Everything went black for a second, as the trash dumped on the two like a kids cartoon. Daze slowly got up, rubbing her head then shaking it violently. After she recognized her surroundings, the mare slowly got up and looked around. "Thrill.." She looked down to see the cat laying there. "Woah! Hey, Thrill?! You okay?" She brought the cat up using her hooves. "I think he got away- He got away!" The mare then flew into the air, zipping around the alleyway to find the crook. "Oh, Celestia." 


    Daze seemed defeated, landing on the ground and lowering her head. "I'm sorry, Thrill. I don't know where this guy went off to." She sighed. "I don't know what motivates these stupid ponies who think it's perfectly fine to break into pony's houses. Like it's not cool. How would they feel if I did the same to them?" Daze had a big grouchy face on, furious that she lost the thief. "We need to find this punk, fast. I feel so bad." 

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    Daze was astonished, her heart racing, her breath taken away as Thrilly explained what happens before the circus. The Pegasus couldn't help but fly by Thrilly's side as the cat would get excited and show physically how certain things went. This was all too exciting. Daze also added, "Wow!" and "That sounds so epic!" as the kitty talked more about the amazing things they did. Daze was so fascinated by everything Thrilly was talking about, until the cat hurt herself accidently.


    Daze rush over to her, opening her small mouth, "Careful there, Thrill. Don't get too carried away." The cat went on about Daze staying there. "Well I'm one pony you know in Cantorlot now! I'll be your room buddy. You won't be alone." Daze sat down on the bed next to Thrilly, starting to frown. "I'm sorry he was a little drama queen. It happens. Every creature will get over it, yeah? I sure think so." She looked away, staring at the shiny floor and the two's reflections. Daze was really staring at Thrilly from the freshly swept tile, as the cat kept talking. She said something about being lucky she ran into Daze, and that made Daze smile warmly. The mare looked at Thrilly, now grinning. "I'm glad I ran into you too."


    Now the thief, who quite frankly ruined Daze's emotionally happy mood, was trying to steal something of Thrilly's. Then, the pony heard screaming. The mare whipped her entire body around to see Thrilly waving around in the air, trapped and unable to be free. "Wo-ah! Thrill!" The mare had to think fast, there wasn't much she could do. Either race to get the thief, or set free Thrilly from the ceiling. If Thrilly tried to get out herself, she would land straight on her head, and she was already hurt. The thief was getting away quick though, and Daze wouldn't decide which the better option was.


    As Daze's mind was racing, she took a big deep breath. She was basically choosing her loyalty, or her stubbornness. Her loyalty being getting Thrilly down with no harm, and her stubborn nature being getting that precious necklace. Daze made her decision though, and flew right up next to Thrilly's paw and untied it, grabbing her and setting her down softly. "I'm sorry, I would've felt bad for leaving you." The mare sighed, hopefully not upsetting the cat. "What time we missed trying to untie you, I can make it up in speed." The mare then smirked, flying back into the air, grabbing the cat by the arms with her hooves, and zooming out and into the hallway where the thief had vanished off to. The thief's cloak was seen vanishing from the corner of the wall, making Daze's grip get tighter on the cat as she raced after him.


    The trio of the chase made it outside, as the thief was running faster and down the Cantorlot streets. Daze set Thrilly down, looking ahead to watch where the thief goes. "C'mon, Thrill, we got a thief to catch!"

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    "Well, good thing I don't really have a sweet tooth! Otherwise I'd probably be throwing up right now from the thought of eating nasty little red bugs. Blagh!" The bandaged mare responded, her nose scrunched up from disgust. She heard something about creatures finding new or better ways to create such bright colors for things like candy, but she never really looked into it. Not her type of stuff to be searching up.


    The kitty went on about touring around Equestria, and Daze's eyes brightened up as her wings stretched out in excitement. "I'd really love to go see 'ya! I got a few partners I could bring." Daze's smirk was plastered on her face as they continued the conversation, bringing many different scenarios to her head. Imagining sitting up there in the stands, popcorn and cotton candy in her hooves, the bright array of colors shooting around the very talented group of circus performers... it was really dazzling to think about, speaking from wanting to go since she was a little filly. "Just let me know when that's happenin', and I'll be there for sure." 


    Fast forward at the hotel room, Thrilly told Daze she could stay there if she wanted. "Wait, really, Thrill? You're being serious?" She couldn't possibly be serious. The idea of staying at this hotel for a couple days made her smile. She was gonna have to stay here for a week anyway, for the next meet. She could imagine telling all her competitors that she was staying in this hotel. Their faces would make Daze crack up. It was an honor to be there. The cat then went on about her brother not being there, and that she didn't wanna sleep alone. "Hey, I'll definitely take up on your offer then. After the amazing to-ur I'm gonna show 'ya, I'll grab my stuff." The Pegasus nodded her head at her words. "If you don't mind me asking, I'm kinda curious, what happened to your bro?" She then thought for a second. "You totally don't have to tell me." 


    Once they were in the amazingly gorgeous room, and after Daze shot around, she took off her jacket and let her mane down from her ponytail. Her mane was messy, and covered over her eye just slightly, but it fit her style. "I don't really have anything fancy, so I'll probably walk around like this."




    The mare fluttered into the air again, breathing in the fancy hotel air. Suddenly she noticed Thrilly starting to be more frantic, making Daze fly quickly over to her. "Silver thing with a bell.. got it." The mare searched the ground very slowly, trying to find something shiny. The floor was way too clean thought to miss something like that. 


    Suddenly Daze heard a clink from behind her, making her whip around and spot a black cloak the shape of a very large pony standing there with something silver. It took a moment to realize what was happening, questions floating around her head. Her heart was pounding now, this was kinda scary. How did this pony get in here? "Yo, Thr-ill?" she slowly said as her raspy voice cracked. She needed to get the cat's attention. The shifty pony took in their place, and sprinted across the room and out the door in a second. "Hey! Get back here!"

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    "Yuck, bugs? I've never heard anypony eat bugs," Daze responded, thinking about what a crunchy one would taste like. "But a Chimera, huh? I've heard a little 'bout those creatures. They're kinda cool, actually. I'm guessing they can't taste the food the other one is eating, but what if the food they eat hurts their stomach? Would one have to change their diet?" Daze was overthinking this whole Chimera thing. The knew literally nothing about them, but they made her more curious. "I definitely wanna meet them someday."


    Daze found herself standing in a very fancy hotel, stuck in an elevator and waiting to make it to the hotel room. The walls were decorated in that Cantorlot flare, something Daze really enjoyed looking at. Not that she was a quote on quote 'fancy' pony by any means whatsoever, she just liked the design of them. They were pretty to stare at. Which made sense, because really famous ponies stay here. The golden Pegasus wasn't popular enough to be used to this kind of decoration. She was barely in Cantorlot at all since she moved to the outskirts of Ponyville and Cloudsdale. She knew her way around the city though fairly well. 


    The Pegasus's ears twitched when she heard Thrilly speak again. "Well, aren't you a lucky duck. I'd die to get stuck here. But nah, I got stuck at that hotel across the street." She motioned her head across the street, even though they were in an elevator. "I can't really afford somethin' too fancy, but it get's the job done." After Daze said that, the elevator's doors opened and left the tall pony standing there in awe. "Celestia.." The pair moved out of the elevator, causing Daze to flutter into the air and stare at everything around them. 


    The walls stood there, perfectly crisp and clean from anything remotely dirty. The shine from the light of the chandeliers above highlighted off the glowing walls, creating a gorgeous beam of light to follow all throughout the hallway. Daze could safely say she's never been able to see her reflection from the ground before, as it seemed to just be freshly swept and wiped clean. Beautiful marbled statues were places perfectly down the hallway, creating a nice feeling of fanciness and charm. Pictures were hung high on the walls, making sure the atmosphere itself seemed nice and comfortable. 


    Daze looked at the cat, "Thrill, this place is so gorgeous. I can't keep my eyes off this stuff!" The kitty stopped, making Daze stop in the air as well. The cat turned the key and opened the door, creating a gust of wind to hit the duo in a dramatic, cliché fashion. Once the bright light from the room died down, Daze flew slowly inside, taking in everything brought to her. Then, she saw something dark and quick move in the corner of her eye...



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    Daze was happy the kitty accepted her request. Her little smirk formed on the pony's face as she let out a small chuckle. "Hey, if I'm alright, you're pretty cool yourself." She was excited to hangout with a different creature other than a pony. More diversity of friends could make Daze more open to different possibilities. The more the merrier. Ponies were supposed to be open to more friendships, right? Daze was never one to shoot down anypony, or creature, who was different. Daze was too curious to let down anything new, to an extent. Nothing that freaked her out though. 


    As Thrilly made her cute little happy noises, Daze found that more ponies were forming in her line. Her line was longer than first place's now, making Daze kind of satisfied. At first she didn't think she deserved all this praise, but now she was just getting attention. Attention was good. More fans, more publicity. No harm, no foul. So, Daze started hamming down on some autographs, fulfilling the needs of ponies who wished to get the golden mare's signature. Daze began to feel a little bad though, hoping Thrilly didn't feel left behind. Truthfully, Daze couldn't stop thinking about hanging out with her. 


    As less and less ponies became more satisfied with their autographs, the line finally began to shorten at a quicker pace. The day was still young though, thankfully. Enough time to hangout with her new friend. Were they friends? Sure, why wouldn't they be? They knew each other by name, and were about to hangout like good 'ol pals.


    The Pegasus leaned her eyes towards the cat, who was making her way towards her direction. The cat said something about getting some grub, which made Daze's stomach growl. Right on que. "Fish? That's an odd serving," the mare responded, signing a few more autographs until there was none left. "I've never actually heard of a pony eating fish. Is that a normal Cantorlot thing?" The mare thought for a minute, thinking about this weird food. Do ponies eat fish? What other creature eats fish? "We'll definitely go though. I want 'ya to have the best experience here. I'm sure they'll have some salad for me or something." 


    Thrilly added the part about her hotel, making Daze's eyes open wide. "Wo-ah, holy Celestia. How'd you book a room there?" Her voice cracked as she spoke, her gruff voice in shock. "You must be somethin' special, Thrill. I haven't met any creature worthy of holdin' a room there. That place is fan-cy!"

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    "Yeah, yeah. I just want to make sure I'm good to go," Daze said to Fiver, rolling her eyes. "Flying a lot is better than not flying at all. I'm good at what I do." There was security in her voice, backed up with confidence and a hint of sass. Daze knew what she needed and didn't need, though she could be stubborn at times. Or all the time. "Cloudsdale is a pretty special place. I wasn't born up in the clouds, but I grew up at that flight school up there. I never really walked on 'em unless I had to. I was always floatin' up in the sky." The Pegasus nodded at her words, turning around to look up at the clouds. 


    Daze always had this thought in her head, like she wasn't made to be down to earth. It seemed her head was always up in the clouds, so to speak. The mare was always on about something, could be small or large. Her mind was generally on something else, even in a serious conversation. Sometimes she just needed time to think by herself. 


    Some time went by when every pony was talking, to a point where they were in the middle of a snow storm. Fields and fields of snow were stretched miles upon miles across the ground. Daze couldn't spot a single tree, just hills of snow. She knew it had to be freezing outside, if so much snow was sticking to the ground. More snow was coming down hard. The snowflakes seemed as big as her snout, leaching onto whatever surface they touched first. Daze got a little chill down her back, just thinking about being outside and freezing to death. There definitely couldn't be any life living out there. No food could be seen from where the golden Pegasus was at. 


    All that could explain the bumpy tracks. Probably because these tracks barely got rolled over. That's when Daze got flung into the air and caught herself. "Haha, very funny. I'll have you know, I don't like surprise leaps into the air without my control," she said to the earth pony, crossing her forearms as she floated in the air. She then looked at the griffon. "There's a lot of competitors goin' there. I'm not too special. Probably not gonna place too well anyway." 


    The clinking sound was getting worse by the minute, growing Daze's curiosity. "I'm glad I'm not the only one hearing that. It's kinda buggin' me." She flew to a window, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. It was definitely outside. "I'm totally up for some investigation, but I'm scared to go outside." Her head pointed towards the window on the outside, as the noise was coming from ahead. "Maybe a latch is messed up or something. I seriously don't know much about trains." The mare scratched the back of her head, shrugging. 

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    "Celestia, you're way more creative than me. Those names sound so awesome," she mare said as they walked to the stands. "I like the greed for speed one." Now, Daze was always a pony up for some speed. The wind in her mane, the acceleration of her heart as she flew on forward, her wings whipping past the sky like scissors on paper. She was addicted. She'd fly forever if she could, if it was logical. Ever since she was a little 'ol foal, she would fly and fly and fly and.. her dad would get tired of keeping up with her. He knew when pegasi got their first taste of the air, Daze would never stop flying. But Daze's was more extreme. Even when the little thing was tired, she still buzz her wings to keep afloat. She never stopped 'till she hit 5 years old. That's just when her father hit practicing like a flying baseball. Everything was a training session, right after kindergarten. There was little to no breaks. 


    Thrilly started talking about names, raising Daze's attention up by a million. What a strange idea. "I never thought of it like that. I don't really know the absolute true idea why my parents named me Daze, but y'know, whatever floats their boat." The golden Pegasus thought for a second. "Obviously the golden part comes from my eyes, maybe the 'Daze' part is from my speed that leaves ponies confused?" She shook her head. "I don't know." Thrilly added the circus stuff, and Daze smiled. "Dang, yeah. That would be absolutely terrifying. Heck no to that." 


    Anyways, after the autograph, Thrilly said her good-byes. Did she really have to leave so soon? She kinda liked this cat. Daze didn't know how to get her to stay though. Lunch? Icecream? Could cats even have icecream? Weren't like lactose intolerant.. or something? That's what Daze has heard at least. "Hey!" the mare started to say, looking around to think of ideas. "These signings shouldn't take long, I could totally take you on a tour or something." She emphasized the 'totally' to get her point across with her raspy voice. "We could grab some grub too, like a sandwich or whatever."


    The mare signed some autographs in the process of talking, realizing not a lot of ponies were in her line, but in the first place's line. Figures. No pony notices the second place, they notice the pony who wins. Daze wasn't jealous, not at all. Daze doesn't get jealous.. totally not.


    The mare shook her head and rolled her eyes, then looked back at Thrilly. "Thrill, I have some bits if you don't have any for lunch, unless you wanna head to your hotel real quick and get some," she suggested, shrugging. "You totally don't have to though."

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  22. Mares




    Golden Daze//Female//Pegasus//Young Adult


    Text Color: #ffcc33

    Threads: The Ice Breaker (Closed)

    The Unlikely Circumstances (Closed) [Concluded]

    The Pavilion (Open) [Concluded]



    Sea F. Salt//Female//Pegasus//Young Adult


    Text Color: #6666cc

    Threads: The Pavilion (Open) [Concluded]

    Winter Un-Wrapped (Open)

    Learning Lernaean (Open Invite)






    Street Art//Female//Unicorn//Young Adult


    Text Color: #993399

    Threads: The Brave and the Unfortunate (Closed)

    Canterlot: How Amazing it can be (Open)



    Bellissima Stella//Female//Unicorn//Young Adult


    Text Color: #ff66cc

    Threads: 47th Annual Cider Season (Open)

    Ring Your Bell-issima (Closed)

    Secrets of the Black Sands: Libraries in Saddlelon (Closed)




    Earth Ponies:


    Alizarin Fruits//Female//Earth Pony//Young Adult


    Text Color: #ff0000

    Threads: There is No I in Team (Closed)

    The Pavilion (Open) [Concluded]

    Lurking Within the Shadows (Closed)



    Long Shot//Female//Earth Pony//Young Adult


    Text Color: #33cc33

    Threads: Super Soccer Spectacular (Closed)



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    "That actually sounds rather disgusting," she mare replied, listening to the cat as she spoke about the different smells of the circus. "I mean, I could've guess they were nasty, since there's a lot of animals, right? I could be just stereotyping," Daze shrugged, letting her imagination tell their own stories in her little Pegasus mind. Well, little to Thrilly. Daze was actually quite tall for a Pegasus, but her muscular and athletic build didn't make her look awkward. Rather leveled out. She looked pretty natural. 


    Thrilly went on about herself, which intrigued Daze to no end. She was a very curious pony. Even when she was a little kid, she'd get in trouble for getting her nose into bad situations. Curiousness was just in her nature. "Celestia, I wish I had a cool name like that when I race," the mare paused, thinking about something funny. "The Extravagant Golden Daze! The Tall-Tale Miss. Daze!" The Pegasus was laughing now, really enjoying her made up names. If anypony could make Daze laugh, it was herself. "Okay, now I'm just totally jealous of your name, Thrill." Daze smiled warmly. "Thrill- Imma call you that now. Hope you don't mind." 


    Now there was a little more serious topic on hoof (or paw), about their parents pushing them. "I'm sorry, Thrill. My dad would push me too, but I didn't wanna let him down. You should've seen his face when I first got my cutie mark. I'm never gonna let that one down." Daze smirked. "I definitely wouldn't be here without 'em though, wouldn't trade 'em for the world. I wouldn't have my confidence, which is like, way more than half of what a Pegasus needs. Without confidence, I wouldn't be able to get my hooves off the ground." 


    Moving on, at the booth of ponies waiting for autographs, a big line of ponies were already forming. Daze, already sitting down with her long line, called for Thrilly to come up to the front. "Since you missed the races, I'm feeling a little generous." Daze got her ink out and a picture of the stadium. She then signed her name in the corner with her wing and passed it over to the cat. The other ponies in line kind of seemed frazzled by the cat cutting them in line, but Daze ignored them. It was up to her who got to be first anyway, not some fancy pony-folk who grew up with a big rich family. "There you go." 


    Daze looked at the sky for a split second to see some pegasi flying around the stadium and a hotel not too far from where they were at. They were doing harmless tricks, probably seeing who has the best maneuvers. They seemed a little younger than Daze's age. Daze only knew that because of how their wings seemed a little smaller than her own, and they were flapping a little faster. It really just got her thinking about when she was young, flying with some of her old friends back in flight school. Those were the good 'ol days, when nothing seemed to matter and every day was a good day. 

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