GoldenDaze Posted August 16, 2019 Report Posted August 16, 2019 It was quite a beautiful bright morning as the sun shone warmly on the soccer field down in Canterlot. There was no wind, no rain, just the sun and a couple clouds sprinkled across the sky. You'd think the mornings would be colder, especially at this early in the morning, but it was warm. The field was clean, no hay or trash was covered on it. The bleachers looked spotless themselves. It was a perfect day to have the annual kids camp that happened once a year. The turf was warm, and it smelled like home. Well, to Long Shot. She basically lived and breathed on this field. She was on it everyday. The yellow mare was ecstatic to share her field and wisdom with the young ones. It really was her favorite time of year, so of course she was already there at like, 5:00am trying to get everything in tip top shape. A few hours past since then, and she was just shooting around normally like she would do to warm up. The mare always had a large grin on her face. Shot was always so happy, and excited, and well, any positive emotion possible. She was one happy-go-lucky girl. The earth pony had her Canterlot uniform on. Her white jersey with her famous number '13' was on the front, as her bright blue shorts supported her on the back. It was kinda mandatory to wear her uniform to get other ponies interested in the team. It was better to start young, which is what the camp was for. Shot always had to run it too, because she was, or probably, is the most famous soccer player out there, taking on her dad's legacy. Her dad's name was actually the name of the field. Shot sure looked up to her dad. Anyways, the anticipation was killing Shot at this point, and she opened the field to let the younglings in. She was like, 15 minutes early, but maybe a couple fillies or colts were early birds like her. So, Shot left the gate open and went inside the locker room really quick to grab her list of kids who signed up. It would probably be smart to look over the kid's names, so she could get an idea of who was coming over. The list read: 1. Sweetie Belle 2. Echo 3. Rosemarey 4. Wind Walker A couple of those names sounded familiar to the famous athlete, which made her even more excited. She had a nice idea of who was coming out, the only thing that got her a little down was the significantly less participants from last year. But she shrugged it off, and smiled again. She knew there would be more one-on-one time, which was totally fine in her book. Shot thought for a second though, knowing somepony else was supposed to be helping her out with the kids. A large grin appeared on her face, as she remembered. The mare then heard somepony walk through the gate... Spoiler Got this up earlier than I thought I could haha, here's the RP order (kind of hinted in my post) Me, RainbowFoxxy, Szahli, Flooberiod, Tacobob 2
RainbowFoxxy Posted August 18, 2019 Report Posted August 18, 2019 Thunderlane trotted through the field gate and glanced about expectantly. It was so fun to be able to do something other than training with the Wonderbolts on his time off. Not that he didn't like training with the 'Bolts. It was fun and all but this was different and he was always down to experience new and different activities. The stallion had some experience with soccer but not as much as he had with Buck Ball and certainly not as much as he had with bowling. The dark colored stallion trotted out onto the green field. It smelled good! Good enough to eat! But, he'd restrain himself. It probably wouldn't be fitting for an assistant coach to be snacking on the field before practice. Well... he glanced around. Maybe one quick nip? He was about to take a mouthful when from behind him he heard the gate open. He snapped his head up an turned to see a little white and pastel colored filly making her way towards him. "Hey there Sweetie Belle!" He waved a hoof and moved towards the filly. "Oh!" Sweetie's muzzle turned into a grin as she trotted towards the stallion. She knew Thunderlane, he was the big brother of a friend of her's. She wondered if Rumble would be coming out to play today too. "Hi Thunderlane!" She waved back and trotted closer to him. "Nopony else is here yet?" She looked about. "Well, Long Shot's probably here somewhere..." He nodded towards the locker room. "My guess is she's in there." "I didn't know you coached soccer." She smiled up at him. "I haven't coached soccer actually." He blushed and rubbed his front legs together. "But," His look became more confident. "I have coached before. Mostly at the bowling alley in Ponyville." "Oh yeah! You coach the Sure Strikes!" SB remembered the young filly and colt bowling league. "So, who else is coming today?" She looked around, wondering who else would show up for some fun!" 3
szalhi Posted August 19, 2019 Report Posted August 19, 2019 Soccer wasn't her favourite sport at the current moment, that was taken by Buckball, but soccer was probably a close second. They were both ball sports, and at the end of the day, that was really what mattered to her. Soccer was a simple sport to understand in general, not to say that it was easier. Echo made her way through the front gate. The field was surprisingly good considering the terrain of Canterlot. But fields were meant to be practical not natural anyway so it was not that big of a surprise in the end. There was no clear prior indication of who was going to show up for this. It could be anywhere between... well, she couldn't be completely sure. But she could already see two ponies there; one foal. Sweetie Belle was there, she was a crusader, they made their presence basically well known that they would almost be celebrities in a sort of way. There was also another pony. She couldn't remember his name, she swore he looked familiar to a wonderbolt, every pegasus knew about the wonderbolts in one form or another but she didn't know him enough. The star of the attraction was not present as far as she could tell at this moment. Where could she be hiding right now? Long Shot was her name, at least that's what it said in the advertisement. There's no way they could have mixed it up with another player, Long Shot was too famous for that. Even if the mare was present right now, Echo wouldn't have rushed up to her. Years of being self-conscious about her voice have basically taught her to be calmer in some situations, and if she went all hyper now, well, she would probably be completely unintelligible, and that would be kind of embarrassing. Well, it seemed like she was the third arrival. How did Sweetie Belle get here before she did? Was Sweetie really that interested? Well, she would have to find out. She walked up to the filly. "Hey Sweetie Belle, did not think you would be here today," She asked. "Anyone else here that I missed?" She hoped she didn't miss anyone. That wouldn't be good for her perception, she couldn't go blind as well. 2
Flooberoid Posted August 20, 2019 Report Posted August 20, 2019 Ordinarily, Rosemarey's family would walk her to a place like this in the morning. It's not like she was some baby foal who needed the attention, but they would insist anyway. However, it turns out this was too early in the morning for any of them. Ginger Snap was sound asleep, and Hawthorn had been up all night doing... something in the forest. Whatever the case, she's coming alone and is honestly relieved for the opportunity to make friends without the adults getting in the way. It isn't even like Rosemarey likes soccer, but since the Fillies' Canasta Club got cancelled for some reason, this is now her only option for fun team activities. Besides, she's heard this soccer camp was being run by some famous pony this year. Maybe her friends would be jealous, Rosemarey thinks with a grin. Upon reaching the field, the first thing she notices is the grass. How did they trim it down so neatly? Were there employees whose job it was just to graze the field? Seems like a pretty laid-back job to say the least... Her train of thought immediately derails upon seeing other ponies. It looks to be an adult and two fillies. Could the adult be this Long Shot she read about in the ads? No, she shakes her head. Long Shot was supposed to be a mare, not a stallion. So why did he look familiar then? Shaking off her wandering thoughts, Rosemarey approaches the group. With a big smile she always tries to put on for new friends, Rosemarey speaks up. "Heya, everypony! You all here for the soccer camp too?" She's not sure what else they could be here for... but hey, doesn't hurt to ask. 3
tacobob Posted August 21, 2019 Report Posted August 21, 2019 Well this is a thing now. Wind Walker glanced down at her uniform. It was not the regal and professional suit of an officer she would soon wear, but instead it involved shorts. Blue shorts and a white shirt which was marked with her number which was forty nine. The filly sighed as she walked towards the field. She never considered herself an soccer fan, but here she was. Her silly mother caught sight of an FOAL SOCCER advert that had been placed on a bulletin board. And after telling her youngest that she needed to spend more time with other kids...Running around....So a quick stop at the sport shop later, she was now doing soccer. Hopefully she would find time between fencing lessons, combat camp and young survivalist club. Thankfully her pup Mr Gumby was at her side and ready to lead an helping. "RAPH!" The little dog also got his very own uniform. The number was zero zero and matched the required colors. Not sure if he was allowed to play, but she was sure he would spend most of his time barking at random things or sleeping. Considering she was in Canterlot, she was rather surprised to see a few Ponyville ponies on the field. Shame they couldn't have had this in her happy little village. Would have saved the bits on a train ticket. "Heya Sweetie Belle." Hopefully with the unicorn nearby, hopefully her friends would be around. She could see both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo being very good soccer players. Echo was also there...The filly was as tough as she was itty bitty. After making sure the Pegasus pony could see her, Wind mouthed, 'Hey Echo' and waved her front left hoof at her. Mr Gumby barked a friendly. "RAPH" as well. She did not know the others. "The name's Wind Walker...", she made sure everyone knew her name. She hated being called the 'Blue Kid'. So who was going to be their coach? There were only two types of coaches. Harsh taskmasters who would make ol' General Pummel look like her sweet Grandma, or over enthusiastic, wack-a-doodles with too much energy. Who would they get? 2
GoldenDaze Posted August 22, 2019 Author Report Posted August 22, 2019 When she heard the commotion outside the locker room, the yellow mare couldn't help but jump about in excitement. Finally the kids showed up! Now she had somepony to talk to, and share her thoughts to, and teach the little fillies how to play some good soccer! Long Shot couldn't wait to start, she already had everything planned accordingly. The rules she was going to share, the drills, the playing time! The brightly colored pony couldn't contain her energy, she couldn't reel in her calm, justified, game-time part of her. No, Shot could only fish in her hyper-active personality. The soccer star opened the locker room door with her papers in her mouth. She looked around, spotting the group of fillies, and one stallion, who stood at the opening of the field. Her eyes widened, as a large smile appeared on her face. She immediately dropped the papers, trotting, or more like running, over to them like a little filly entering a candy shop. Oh, and weren't the kids the sweetest she's seen. Shot made it over, grinning like a mad man and opening her mouth to speak. "Hello everypony! Welcome to the camp! I'm so happy you all have made it!" Her voice was enthusiastic, eager to get the ponies in a positive outlook. "I'm Long Shot, the main coach here. I'm so very excited to meet all of you silly fillies!" She then looked at Thunderlane, and she turned rapidly towards him. "Ah! I'm so glad you made it, bud!" She ran over to him, giving him a little rub on the head with her hoof. "I'm sure you all know Thunderlane! He's actually a Wonderbolt, but he'll be helping coach the camp with me." She trotted back to the group of kids, setting herself aside and letting them go onto the field. "C'mon everypony! Try your likes on the field, and I'll show you all the guidelines and such so we can get started. No time to waste!" Shot let everypony walk in front of her, as she closed the gate and grabbed her sheets of paper. Soon she was on the field with the others, grabbing the ball bag and tossing the balls at them. "First, I need everypony to grab a ball, then make a circle!" The mare grabbed a ball herself, rolling it in front of her. "We're gonna start off simple! Let's get to know each other just in case there's some strangers-" she paused, preforming a large smile. "So, say your name and.. your most favorite thing to do! Like as a hobby! I'll go first! My name is Long Shot, and my favorite thing to do is play soccer!" 4
RainbowFoxxy Posted August 24, 2019 Report Posted August 24, 2019 Sweetie couldn't help but grin big as many little fillies she knew began to show up. "Hi there Echo!" She returned the greeting enthusiastically and then cocked her head slightly. "Why would I not be here today? I like to learn new things...especially stuff I'm probably not that good at!" She smiled, thinking of all the little ponies she'd help to find their calling in life. "You never know where you might have a hidden talent!" After that a little filly she hadn't met came onto the field. She seemed really nice and Sweetie trotted right up! "Hi! Yep, we've here for some soccer!" She smiled at the filly who would hopefully end up a as a new friend of hers. "I'm Sweetie Belle. What's your name?" Then the little blue filly Wind Walker appeared with Gumby! "Hi you guys!" Sweetie called to her friend. "Glad you could make it Wind Walker! I'm super excited! This is gonna be a lot of fun!" Thunderlane watched as Sweetie made her rounds and then called to all the fillies. "Alright everypony! Let's get gather up! I see the head coach coming this way!" When Long Shot greeted him with a quick head rub he grinned and bumped lightly into her shoulder. Ever since he'd met the soccer star he felt like he'd gained a sibling. She was so easy to get along with and so much fun! He hoped Rumble would show up soon. His little bro had to meet their new 'sister'! "Wouldn't miss it!" He smiled big at his new friend and listened as she gave directions for a circle. Once everypony was circled up Long Shot took her turn and Thunder found himself standing right next to her. "Hi there everypony! I'm Thunderlane and yep, I'm a Wonderbolt! I also love helping out with little fillies and colts plus Long Shot is a good new friend of mine so that's why I'm here! One of my favorite things is helping others get the most they can out of life!" Sweetie was standing next to Thunderlane. "Hi everypony! My name is Sweetie Belle and my favorite things to do are helping others find out what they love to do and also to explore new things!" 2
szalhi Posted August 26, 2019 Report Posted August 26, 2019 To be truthful, she didn't actually know Sweetie Belle that well outside of the crusader image. She actually had more knowledge of Rarity than Sweetie Belle and she was definitely more so thinking about Sweetie in line with her sister than as herself. As a crusader, Sweetie probably had to have at least some knowledge of basically everything. "Oh right, of course you do." It was an admirable quality. The foal to arrive after her was an earth filly who looked familiar. Well, not literally. She looked like a pony that everypony would know, because it would be their goal to make themselves known. But she didn't know her, but Echo knew that wouldn't last very long. "Sure am. Soccer might be my second favourite sport." Wind Walker... made her feel unready. Soccer uniform already? Was that the filly's idea or somepony else's. Maybe Echo should have brought hers as well, though that wasn't soccer uniform. There was a dog too. Apparently, she had a dog the whole time? And he was also wearing his own uniform. "Hey Wind Walker. Been a while..." She eyed the uniform closely. "Forty-Nine huh..." Okay, his name is Thunderlane, and he is a wonderbolt. Good to know. Though she'd probably forget soon enough because she was too busy paying attention to the other. Ah there she was. Long Shot. The only soccer star she probably remembered. Buckball stars take up too much room on the list. She remembered when she went to that one soccer game, her father got tickets to the wrong game, oops, but she did remember Long Shot. She smiled at this opportunity, it felt so awesome! She grabbed one of the balls as the group formed into the circle. Good thing it wasn't a line or she might not understand the one on the end. "My name is Echo, and I love BuckBall and other ball sports." She was also deaf, but when was the right time to bring that up? 1
Flooberoid Posted August 27, 2019 Report Posted August 27, 2019 Rosemarey is about to respond to Sweetie Belle's question when she is interrupted by the sudden appearance of Long Shot. "Nice to meet you, Sweetie Belle. Looks like I'll introduce myself in a minute." Recognizing that there isn't much point in introducing herself twice, she follows Shot's instructions. After bringing the ball closest to her to a stop, she clumsily navigates it over to join the circle next to Echo. Listening to the other fillies' introductions, it doesn't seem like any of them are very familiar with soccer. That's a relief. When it is finally her turn, Rosemarey enthusiastically announces her name. "Hi everypony! My name is Rosemarey! I've never played soccer before, but I do love going outside and having fun!" Now the hard part. She has so many fun hobbies and only has the floor for a moment, so she has to choose one. "My favorite thing to do is, umm... planting flowers all over Ponyville!" 1
tacobob Posted August 29, 2019 Report Posted August 29, 2019 Did she just call Mr Gumby a FILLY? He would admit that he was a silly dog at times. But he was a Corgi and they were all very silly dogs. Nopony hired a gang of Corgis to guard their riches. But his kind were needed to supply pure happiness to all those deserving of. Which was every living creature on this planet. And while still a very happy dog, he gave off an slightly bothered. "Borf!", he huffed. It was Wind Walker's turn to be surprised. The stallion nearby was an Wonderbolt? Really? Couldn't they have gotten Soarin? He was as her sister would probably never call him, a 'Hottie'. But one would have to keep what was given. And this was soccer. Equestria's seventh favorite ball-based sport! She could at least have fun with her she would just need to be careful. Last time she played soccer, she kicked the ball to her good friend Sweet Cents. An unicorn. She tried her best to 'head' the ball, and ended up impaling the ball on her horn. Game over. Why they didn't have a second ball was a mystery. Thankfully the kids were all cool, like her. She smiled back at the other fillies...Even if she wasn't a fan of soccer, this could still be a ton of fun. Her little corgi quickly made his way over to Echo and gave her a friendly little boop on the snout with her paw along with an equally friendly "RAPH!" It was then time for their little activity. Get to know her team! The little Pegasus snatched up the ball. "I'm Wind Walker and I really like to fly really fast!" Not very exciting or world changing like most, but she really liked to fly. 1
GoldenDaze Posted September 2, 2019 Author Report Posted September 2, 2019 There was something about Thunderlane that rubbed Shot the right way. Of course the yellow mare could always find a way to enjoy the company of anypony, but she did tend to favor some more than others. When they first met not too long ago, Shot already liked being around him. He was like family, and they got a long very well. They were both famous athletes, loved to help others out, and just in general had a lot in common. That's what Shot loved about ponies, the similarities and differences were always fun to find out. "I'm glad you didn't miss it, Thun!" Her little nickname for him ran off her tongue easily. "It's always nice to have a helping hoof out here." A little time after, the group of ponies were on the field, in a circle, introducing themselves. Of course Shot's intro was obvious, but what else would she say? Eating pizza was her favorite hobby? Definitely not. She didn't even like tomatoes, or tomato sauce. Not even ketchup. Nothing with tomatoes. The athlete was a great listener though, sometimes, like times like these when it was important to get to know each other. She pretty much commented on everypony who talked. "Thanks, Thun! I like helping others too!" She turned towards Sweetie, who was about to go. "Me too, girl! Once again, I love helping others!" Next it was Echo's turn, which made Shot smile largely. "Gosh, I love ball sports too! Obviously." Too bad she didn't know Echo was deaf. The mare's green eyes focused on Rosemarey's next. "Planting flowers? That sounds so nice." Last but not least there was Wind Walker. "I wish I could fly, but I don't at the same time. I kind of like sticking to the ground." After all the introductions, Shot kicked the ball away from the crowd and towards the goal. "Okay, you guys! Here's the plan! We're going to start simple at first, then progress into more challenging things. So, we're going to start with passing! So everypony, grab a partner!" Shot looked at Thunderlane directly, smiling at him. "We're going to show them the right way, then we'll critique them as we go. Sound good?" 2
RainbowFoxxy Posted September 13, 2019 Report Posted September 13, 2019 Thunderlane had to grin when Shot called him by 'Thun'. It was nice to have met a pony he could quickly become friends with. It was true they enjoyed the same kinds of activities and it seemed as natural as brother and sister when they were around each other. As the little circle finished he looked to the leader to see where she'd take this next! Shot explained that they would be the example for the little ponies and Thunder counted himself lucky that he'd had extra time to work on his basic soccer skills. He innately had sports talent which was obvious since he flew with the Wonderbolts. However, kicking a soccer ball and flying in formation were two different beasts! He'd be fine of course. Nothing the grey stallion couldn't handle. "Sounds good Shot!" He rolled a ball backwards and his front hoof, getting it to scoot partway up his front leg. From there he gave it a little kick, sending the ball down the field towards where they would be doing their first drill. "Hey there Rosemarey!" Sweetie Belle called out as she trotted towards the little filly. "You uh want to be partners?" She decided it would be fun to get to know some little ponies she didn't already know. She may not have been that great at soccer but today was going to be lots of fun! 2
szalhi Posted September 14, 2019 Report Posted September 14, 2019 Was Rosemarey the reason for the uptick and flower's around Ponyville? Or was she just seeing wrong and they were always there? Once again she hoped it was the first one other wise she'll have to get her eyes checked. Or her brain, might just be that, they're both bad though... Echo watched as the dog made his way up to her and proceeded to boop her nose. She could have easily avoided it, but she chose not to. Let the dog do what they want and they will befriend you forever. That may or may not be a good thing. "That's short way to put it," she commented to Wind Walker as she introduced herself. She thought Wind Walker was a more complicated pony than simply flying fast, probably some other ambitions too, though this wasn't a one-uppance contest. Alright, time to pick a partner. But which one would she choose? Actually that was a dumb question because Sweetie Belle took the initiative first and claimed Rosemarey. Ah well maybe she could do something with her later. Right now it was easy mode as she was effectively given WindWalker. "Hey, Wind, guess I'm with you," She called out as she made her way closer to the other pegasus. When she got there she realised something. They all grabbed a ball, but for the activity they would only need half as many, unless they were doing some sort of juggling, which she doubted they were. She placed her ball to the side. She wanted to kick it into the goal, but then she would have to retrieve. 1
Flooberoid Posted September 14, 2019 Report Posted September 14, 2019 Rosemarey places one hoof on her ball and rocks it back and forth, a bit nervous. She shakes the nerves off quickly enough, though. After all, none of the other fillies here mentioned having experience in soccer, so it was probably a pretty level playing field. Wind Walker seems to be the most athletic of the other fillies, so her partner for this activity should probably be- Well, she doesn't have to give it much thought after all as Sweetie Belle approaches her as soon as the circle disperses. Classic Ponyville geniality- that's why it's the best town in Equestria! "Sure, Sweetie Belle! I can hardly walk straight with this thing, but as long as that's fine with you!" She points to the ball and giggles. Then a thought occurs to her. Having both balls for a passing activity didn't really seem necessary, unless this task was about to get a lot more difficult than she was ready for. Assuming it won't be needed, she gives her ball a gentle kick to the side where it rolls for just a second before coming to a stop just off the pitch. She then happily trots over to watch the demonstration by Shot and Thunderlane. 2
tacobob Posted September 14, 2019 Report Posted September 14, 2019 The little blue Pegasus pony gasped. Her soccer teacher both didn't and wanted to fly! Since that cancled each other out, it meant she didn't want to fly! Why would anypony not want to fly? It would be a terrible nightmare if the filly were to be grounded and never to experience a good part of the world. There were cities one could only get to by flight. She would never be able to experience the delicious ice cream at the 'Cloud Nine' Ice Cream Shoppe in Cloudsdale if she didn't have wings. She would have to endure her entire life being forced to settle with only -good- ice cream. Like the 'Hokey Pokey Ice Cream Parlor' in Canterlot or the 'Scoop-er Stars' in Fillydelphia. The horror! Echo was a very wise filly as she picked clearly the best athlete in the entire park. "Good choice!", she made sure the pony saw her mouth. "I'm thinking...If we're running with the ball and I'm in your blind-spot, I could lightly flex a wing, so you'll feel a little breeze coming your way. That means I'm kicking the ball to you, so you'll be ready.." While she would not be able to hear her calls, she could feel the stomping of her hooves on the ground and the wind would help get them properly coordinated. While her partner was hearing impaired, Echo was a pretty tough little filly. "Hey Mr Gumby!", she called out to her faithful dog. "You bring back any balls that leave the field...Okay?" The dog responded back with an "RAPH!" Once everything was settled, Wind Walker glanced over at their teacher, "I've got my partner, Miss Long Shot!" 2
GoldenDaze Posted September 15, 2019 Author Report Posted September 15, 2019 Shot was still itching with excitement. She didn't really know what she was the most excited about, watching the fillies pass, or helping the fillies pass. Everything seemed so entertaining to her. Maybe because this all was soccer related and she loved the sport all too much. Either way, she was pumped up. The yellow earth pony grabbed her ball and kicked it towards Thunder's ball. They were probably gonna end up passing there, so she just followed along with her Wonderbolt friend. She sprinted towards the couple of balls, letting all the fillies get their partners and balls. "I know passing is generally a one ball type deal, but we're going to do some juggling and shooting next so make sure everypony has one!" she yelled as her quick hooves chased after her ball. The mare was faster on hoof than most pegasi were in the air. She got her ball, letting the kids regroup and come closer. Thunderlane was standing in front of her, as Shot grabbed her ball and tossed it in the air. As it floated for a quick second, she began to talk. "Passing is one of- or let's say- the most important thing to learn in soccer." The ball landed on her nose, then she flicked it up into the air again. "Passing helps the ball get around the defenders and up the field. You want the ball to do all the work, not you." The white ball landed onto her front hoof, and so she began to juggle it with her front legs and her back legs, which kinda looked really cool. "With enough practice, you can do things like this!" Shot stopped juggling and placed the ball down in front of her. "The main rules are simple, no wings, no magic, and you cannot pick up the ball with you hooves whatsoever. Keep the ball on the ground. These are very important to know throughout the game." She then simply passed the ball to Thunderlane with her front hoof, a perfect pass. The ball went back and forth a few times with ease, and Shot finally stopped it. "Any questions? If not, you guys can start!" 1
RainbowFoxxy Posted October 5, 2019 Report Posted October 5, 2019 (sorry this is so short!) Thunderlane was ready for the pass and was able to catch it easily on his front hoof. He swiveled it around not without style but nothing like what Shot had just preformed. Wow! She was really talented! He probably wasn't even as good in Wonderbolts flight as she was at soccer! The stallion found himself happy to know he had Shot for a friend! "You guys have fun with this!" He called out after sh'e given them the signal to start. Sweetie Belle grinned and was happy to try to oblige! "Ok Rosemary!" She totted in place. "I'm ready when you are!"
szalhi Posted November 21, 2019 Report Posted November 21, 2019 Spoiler (Sorry if the quality is a little weird, but I felt that I had to get this out today or I may never get around to it ever again.) "Right, thanks. Any form to let me know, but really, I notice better than you probably think." Sometimes she didn't like to admit that she had blind spots at all, but soccer was a bigger sport with a lot more player variables than buckball, there was only so much she could remember. It wouldn't really be that big of a problem if she had eyes on the back of her head, but If she really did, than things might get a bit scary. It seemed her foresight worked this time. They were actually going to be doing juggling in this session. Hoof juggling was bit different from wing juggling, but that shouldn't be much of a problem for her, besides, they didn't really expect her to do true juggling right? That would be too chaotic for their first day, implying this wasn't already chaotic. She was glad she didn't shoot earlier because than she would have to retrieve that ball, in a manner that could never be considered discreet. The rules were simple and had not changed within the last couple of years, although if they had she would have known. No grabs were obvious, soccer balls were spherical and literally meant to roll and not be held. She thought about starting off with a quick juggle, but than another idea came up. Without much warning she grinned towards Wind Walker and kicked the ball. Not very cooperative, but she wanted to see her reaction. This was not a true test and there were no big faults to be had here. Except maybe some injuries. That would be kind of interesting though... 1
Flooberoid Posted December 24, 2019 Report Posted December 24, 2019 ((SO SORRY IF YOU ASSUMED I WAS GONE FOREVER!!)) "Oh! Um..." Rosemarey awkwardly trotted over to the side of the pitch and retrieved her ball, smiling to cover up her embarrassment. When she was across from Sweetie Belle, she rolled the ball back and forth between her front hooves, getting used to how it moved. Then she wondered how best to pass the ball. Her hot shot (no pun intended) coach seemed keen on passing it any which way with just about every part of her body, and she never really had explained the best way to do it for beginners. Rosemarey thought back to watching those apple ponies buck their trees. They always used their rear legs for power, so... like this? She turned around and peered behind her. "Alright, here I go!" she called out to her partner to signal that she was ready. She then bucked the ball as hard as she could, and... ...The ball was sent flying, rolling about 30 degrees to the left of her intended target and bouncing off the ground to fly up into the air. Rosemarey could feel that her pass had gone wrong but didn't want to turn around to see just how wrong. "Sorry! Heh..." she yelled sheepishly. 2
tacobob Posted December 29, 2019 Report Posted December 29, 2019 Wind Walker patiently listened to the older mare as she spoke of the sport she was soon to be part of. No wings. No magic. And no picking up the ball. This was something hooves were not really good at doing. Lifting. A unicorn used magic. A Pegasus used their wings. And an Earth Pony had to be creative. As they started, her friend was already kicking the ball. "Good kick!", the filly made sure to mouth those words so she could 'hear' her words. Echo was able to give the ball a good, strong kicking that surprised the Pegasus filly. The ball went right to her front right leg. She would need to relax and let the ball come to her. She could not kick it back too hard as the strength of Echo's kick, combined with her own would probably send it into some bramble bushes. Or something that would get all sticky on her and the ball. Let's see. She was relaxed, she had her eyes on the ball. Her left, front hoof moved besides the ball, and with a quick, but not too powerful kick with her right, front hoof, which found a spot in the middle of her kicking hoof. This sent the ball back at her partner. And while it did find a little bit of air, it did land just in time for it to arrive near the filly. Would she be able to get the ball? Probably. 1
GoldenDaze Posted March 1, 2020 Author Report Posted March 1, 2020 Shot nodded at Thunderlane, a clue indicating that they could sit back and watch the fillies pass the ball. It was a good time to do some coaching. Correcting form, power, how to kick the ball. Teaching the game came naturally to the bubbly mare. She was so good with kids, she didn't even have to think twice about what she was talking about. Everypony seemed to be doing fine too. The pair she watched the most was Wind Walker and Echo. Sports seemed to fly naturally to them. On the other hoof, there was Sweetie Belle and Rosemarey. Though they duo had the right idea, the impact on the ball seemed to be a little off. Shot practically skipped her way over to their direction, her braids bouncing with every hop. On her way over, she watched the ball fly to the complete left of them, and with her instincts, the yellow mare jumped into the air and used her back hoof to trap the ball down. The ball landed perfectly underneath her leg, and she kicked it back at them. Giving out a reassuring smile, she trotted right behind the ball, as it traveled to the pair. "You two have the right idea! No need to hang your head low on that one." Her voice was very sweet, making sure Rosemarey didn't feel embarrassed. "So watch closely. The ball is here, right in front of you. When you pass, you want to connect your hoof to the bottom corner. The more power you want, the harder you hit. But! make sure your body is positioned to where you want it to go. If your back half is sideways, it's gonna fly the other direction. Does that make sense?" The mare waited for their response, and watched them pass some more. She also paid attention to the other group, yelling, "You guys are doing great!"
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