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Status Updates posted by Parker_Izing

  1. Tara Strong favved a comment of mine in Tweeter EEEEEK! :-)

  2. Tara Strong favved a comment of mine in Tweeter EEEEEK! :-)

  3. That time of life where your freakish expertise on some obscure thing, comes to shine...

  4. The epic epic of epicness

  5. The Terminator was more adorkable than Johnny 5, I cried at the end of Terminator 2, but never wept when the chrome grasshopper got gored

  6. They say I have to find a hobby ... Why I want a f***ng dwarf of Middle Earth?

  7. Thinks chrome sucks, gets it after knowing it's just Netscape (loved it since 1998)

  8. This is intended as a container of sorts of mind's gems of genius but I'd prefer kittens, or Pony kittens...

    1. tacobob


      prefers HORSE DOGS.

    2. Parker_Izing


      those are all bark and no bit...

  9. Thousand bedroom stare

    1. weesh


      is that related to a thousand yard stare?

    2. Parker_Izing


      Yep, but with half lid eyes...

  10. Took Karate lessons for 18 years and all I got was this lousy black belt

  11. Tried to introduce the Konami code in Sonic 3... Sonic popped out the screen and slapped me

  12. What you got for shipping the Princess of the Night with a CMC? ScootaLulu

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      So why did you post the implication in the first place?

    3. Parker_Izing


      ScootaLulu sounds funny, ScootaLuna is just shipping... Oh, now I see how my before post sounds, sorry...

    4. MyLittlePonyTales
  13. When you down... And troubled, and you need some helping hand, and nothin, nothing seems to be going right

  14. When you need to forgive yourself...

  15. Yahoo should go bellyup, can't get why it even survived the 2001 dotcom crash...

    1. TheFinestSorcerer


      YAAAH HOOOOOOO-Ooo-OOO~ *echo*

    2. Parker_Izing


      yarrrr ye scurrrby dogs...

  16. Yesterday had to visit the hospital (nothing severe, just the weird sideeffect of a lack of vitamin B) I carryed with me my laptop case just in case it was severe enough to be hospitalized, well after being discharged I was on waiting room, waiting to go home, I decide to whip out my IBM T42, to try to pirate myself on hospital's wifi, a lot of smiles appear around me, then I remember of the Rarity decal I have on screen lid... Sorta of win, nothing exagerated, but not a snide remark either.

  17. Be extraordinary.

  18. finally I for one welcome our Furry village people overlords

  19. found the intrinsic advantages of writing fanfiction, my knowledge of written English increased by tenfold, my agility to quickly reply also increased, and my character (Bilious) just mellowed to nothing, so I am even more sociable than ever...

  20. last thursday lost my girlfriend in Barcelona Daesh attacks, her mother phoned me. :'( At least she's in a better place now. I hold no grudge to Muslims, they did a mistake and paid with their lives. holding a grudge would be overkill.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tacobob


      Not sure what to say. Sorry for your loss...

    3. Rosewind
    4. Blueblood


      I'm real sorry man.

  21. *hugs*

    1. Crescent



    2. tacobob
    3. Parker_Izing


      Let's hug a mug before it falls of the table!

  22. arm paralysis recovery on it's way, after just two days I am 100% positive... Dunno, I could try to draw something...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tacobob


      How did this happen? (Arm Paralysis?)

    3. Parker_Izing


      Dunno, but affected both arms in 2007 in under a week, recovered some right arm mobility in a year, but now I am in the good way. Same thing happened to Howard Hughes on it's childhood, even today is a mystery *feels tempted to build the biggest spruce wood-made aircraft*

    4. tacobob


      I WAS nearly paralyzed from the neck down...But thanks to some rather unfun surgery I was able to avoid such a fate.

  23. Squeeing like mad, the Titanic gotta get rebuilded ^^

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