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Everything posted by PIJIN

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'M DYING OVER HERE, JUST..OH CELEST! :D Seriously, we have several threads for that though...what the purpose?
  2. Sounds stressful even though its MLP. You all have a tough job.
  3. It's rather clean here. I live out in the suburbs and it's really clean out here. I sometimes travel to the city, but its still moderately clean, just need to watch where you step. 9 times out of 10, you'll stop in/on a pack of McDonald's Honey Mustard before anything else.
  4. Maybe I should make a tumblr...

  5. At the moment I'm using a pair of grey laces, but I'll eventually swap them out for something else. Maybe something obvious, like purple for Twilight's shoe and Yellow for Folarin's shoe. Or I might get shoe laces based on their eye color. Sure, let's go with that.
  6. Thanks everyone for the great compliments! I appreciate it. As for Weesh... Um I honestly don't know! It just seemed kind of bland with just him on the shoe. Okay, here's a solid reason...I wanted a color that contrasted with the black. White was just what popped into my head. It might not make any difference, but hey... Edit: Don't take that reason seriously, sometimes artist just..do stuff. This was a moment for me.
  7. From the album: LM's Original Characters (And Then Some)

    Most likely the only pair of sneakers you'll see featuring bed-room eyes Twilight. xD Okay! So they are officially finished. Quick update: Added white outline to Folarin's image, painted Twi, cutie mark ad all! Her design was hard to do, I'm not really a painter so all the colors in her mane and tail were difficult to get right. Lots of waiting for things to dry and mixing colors... Hope you guys and gals enjoy. (I know I will...while I'm strutting down the sidewalk and people look at me funny. ) Edit: Okay, I can't post the thread here since there's no place to post thread where you would actually have to pay for the art. So, I'll probably post a link in my signature or profile with a link to another site.

    © Folarin Hooves is property of Lovin'Moonlight. Twilight belongs to Hasbro

  8. Ah, okay. Thats what I needed to know. I'll start right away. Sorry I didn't start earlier, was out around town all night.
  9. Anyway XD! Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Lovin'(Laveen) Moonlight, its a pleasure! It's really cool that you write, I'm not much of a writer though, I'd love to see some of your works.
  10. HAHAHA! School for the kiddies today! (Looks left, looks right) Time to spaz on Xbox LIVE!

  11. I'm not helpstaff or anything...just so you know. I should probably do this on the characters application, but oh well, I won't be long. You could say: that she has a long curly white and yellow mane adorned with a beautiful purple bow. (Maybe have something about thats her favorite bow, I'm sure she has others.) Her long and luxurious tail, is the only rival to her mane, sporting similar streaks of white and yellow. (I tried to make her seem as beautiful as possible, also full of youth as if she takes care of herself in a primp and proper way. Hope this helps a bit.) Edit, would you mind dropping a link to your application? I want to move this as not to get off the topic of the OP. (To lazy to look it up, sorry. ) Also, other ponies might find this topic and be willing to help!
  12. Yeah, thats why I think it wouldn't be a profitable endeavor in many places. I'm not sure how many people can afford them, how much I should charge, etc. I guess I'll start a thread (eventually) and see where it goes from there.
  13. Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Lovin'(Laveen) Moonlight, its a pleasure! Which YouTube news show did you see..hopefully it wasn't the Fox one... Anyway I hope you enjoy your stay, I'm usually around the Gallery section. I don't RP much...well...at all , so I can't say much about our RP parts of the forum. Enjoy yourself in Canterlot, if you need any assistance just PM. I'll be happy to help .
  14. New herd members? WHERE?! O.O
  15. Of course? Any specifics you want for the picture, such a style or pose? Of course, I'll move it to the top of my list, pronto. Could you please explain a bit more. I don't quite understand what you mean by a birthday cake on her left wing?
  16. A lot of people wore them when I was down south in Alabama, but I've never seen them painted. I'll have to try it out. THANKS!
  17. Its there, its the greyish looking part near his flank. The drawing was large enough that only the top part of it would fit I wanted the whole thing though. Thanks. I'm glad you like them. Thats if anypony/anyone would want a pair. I love making stuff for people
  18. ONLY A DECENT STORY?! The best ever, believe it . Hello, and welcome to Canterlot! I hope you enjoy it here. Its cool that people all over the world can enjoy MLP. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Sniff...
  19. Do't really like the art, it just seems kind of...iffy. But, its' ponies so heck, I got to get it anyway!
  20. From the album: LM's Original Characters (And Then Some)

    Thought I'd try something new! Custom Chuck Taylors I decided to do featuring my OC Folarin Hooves on the right foot. Twilight Sparkle is on the left. (She's best pony ) It isn't quite finished need to let it dry then add a few more coats of paints then some clear varnish, so...there not quite ready for wearing unfortunately. I'll update the finished pair in a couple days. (Still have request to do. :!: )
  21. Ha, I've been here for a while and haven't role-played in the slightest. Welcome to Canterlot, by the way!
  22. I really like this. I can't be of much help though. I only know a few freeware programs and they were already stated. Inkscape is closest to Photoshop/Illustrator so thats probably your best substitute. I tried Gimp, but I guess I was to accustomed to Adobe and Adobe kock off's that I found it hard to use.
  23. From the album: LM's Original Characters (And Then Some)

    Thought I bust out some more Folarin. He can get cocky sometimes, especially when someone strokes that ego of his. This was orgiinally just a background test for an up coming project I'm going to work on. (Never done background :I) Decided to add Folarin at the end just to make it less boring. Hope you guys enjoy. (Backgrounds are hard)
  24. Darn, of all the luck. I'll have to buy it online then. Hope you have good time around here.
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